Model, Simulate, and Control Differential Drive Robot in ROS2 Jazzy and Gazebo Harmonic from Scratch

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#ros2 #robotics #ros2jazzy

In this lecture, you will learn how to build a working simulation of a differential drive mobile robot in ROS2 Jazzy Jalisco and Gazebo Harmonic from scratch. You will learn how to create the simulation from scratch by first creating a detailed URDF and Xacro 3D model of the robot. You will learn how to correctly and in a disciplined manner define all the geometrical parameters. Furthermore, you will learn how to properly define moments of inertia and tensors of inertia. Then, you will learn how to create a ROS2 Jazzy Jalisco and Gazebo bridge that will enable you to control the robot from ROS2 by using keyboard keys. You will also learn how to write Python launch files that will launch the simulation and how to create a complete package and workspace that implements the simulation.
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Great, can we perform some kind of false data injection attacks, and test our controller performance here???
