Friction Fire 4 Ways... Bamboo Fire Saw, Bow Drill, Hand Drill, Fire Roll (Oct 2019)

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I have many "How To" videos on each of the 4 techniques that I demonstrated today. They are within the 4 Playlists below.
I made this same video 3 years ago. It was very popular; so, I thought I'd see if I could still make it happen... I reused a Bamboo Fire Saw set that has produced well in the past. For Bow Drill, I used a Crepe Myrtle set that I just made last week; and, I used a Fatwood bearing block with it. For the Hand Drill I used a favorite combination, Horseweed on Tulip Poplar. To end it all up, the easiest one of all, the Cotton and Ashes Fire Roll. LOL! I used the Bow Drill Fire Board for a top board on it.
I had a great time with it, again, just like 3 years ago. Come see how it all turned out, follow the LINKS below, and SUBSCRIBE. Thanks!

Bamboo Fire Saw Playlist
Bow Drill Playlist
Hand Drill Playlist
Rudiger Roll, Fire Roll Playlist
Friction Fire 4 Ways... Fire Roll, Hand Drill, Bow Drill, and Bamboo Fire Saw
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I have many "How To" videos on each of the 4 techniques that I demonstrated today. They are within the 4 Playlists below.
I made this same video 3 years ago. It was very popular; so, I thought I'd see if I could still make it happen... I reused a Bamboo Fire Saw set that has produced well in the past. For Bow Drill, I used a Crepe Myrtle set that I just made last week; and, I used a Fatwood bearing block with it. For the Hand Drill I used a favorite combination, Horseweed on Tulip Poplar. To end it all up, the easiest one of all, the Cotton and Ashes Fire Roll. LOL! I used the Bow Drill Fire Board for a top board on it.
I had a great time with it, again, just like 3 years ago. Come see how it all turned out, follow the LINKS below, and SUBSCRIBE. Thanks!

Bamboo Fire Saw Playlist
Bow Drill Playlist
Hand Drill Playlist
Rudiger Roll, Fire Roll Playlist
Friction Fire 4 Ways... Fire Roll, Hand Drill, Bow Drill, and Bamboo Fire Saw


Wow!!!! Daniel Boone meets you so much for these videos.


I love fixed blade hip knives. There is nothing more practical and convenient.


I can't tell you how much confidence you have given me, not to mention the skills.
I find I want to pass it along to the next generation and will tell them all to watch your channel If they truly want to learn. Your the best. :)


I really appreciate your videos. I just made my first attempt at bow drill and failed the first day (after about an hour). I got plenty of smoke but no ember. Fell asleep wondering what I was doing wrong. Woke up at 3am realizing that my spindle was shouldering just as I was about to give it the final push. The next morning I cheated and used a brass pipe cap as my handhold and got a glowing cherry on the first try. Lesson learned. Don’t underestimate the importance of a good, friction-free bearing block.


You got a great voice for radio, buddy.


Four ways of professionalism and creativity, Thank you for sharing those skills.


Nice work, gonna try this weekend. still pretty damp out, but I'm hopeful.


Once again super nice. Hello from Bornholm (Denmark)


Have ever lite a fire with the trough method?


Been thinking about this. You always use a single material for your tinder bundle. Have you ever used more than one? Say, fine tulip poplar for the center and pine needles or newspaper around that?


Get plenty of smoke, gets plenty hot, but no ember. Help?


Where do you get your raw bamboo? Thanks for the great video. I watched the original when it came out (I had a different Google name back then) and I'm glad I "re-found" your channel!


And I can’t make ANY of them work! Operator error, I’m sure!
