Art Reference: You're doing it wrong (FREE CLASS!)

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(yo here's class 1 for free. we got DAILY classes like this from industry pros: Disney, Dreamworks, Netflix, Amazon, etc) Sign up for the story sprint subscription dog. and do the homework you lazy

stuff I've worked on: Invincible, Batman, DOTA, Voltron, Kipo, Pantheon, ARK, too many more

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Ethan "quits" YouTube like Minecraft players "quit" Minecraft.


You give the best art tips on YouTube— stuff that actually makes me go “wait. That’s genius”


before I took your class I didn't know how to draw people at all, I wouldn't even try to do it. After I took your class I learned how to do it somewhat well in under a week! thank you so much man, that was the best art class I have ever taken!


I've been wanting to draw storyboard concepts for a story I'm working on but never got around to it ... for once I'm glad I procrastinated because I got to watch this first!


you've really got me into animation I don't know where I would be without you


thank you for the wisdom scary art man


You can tell teaching was really his calling


I was literally just thumbnailing for this sort of drawing to put in my portfolio. I'm glad I caught this video


dang, this helps so much man. i studied your art back when i was doing art in GCSE (basically the cringe art baby highschool) and your thought process is suddenly so much more coherent now i see this video. thanks!


I've been teaching myself how to write and have been storyboarding a horror comic that I want to complete by next year. I have been struggling with composition in panels but you could not have uploaded at a more opportune time. I followed along with this video and I just want to say how amazing you are, not only as an artist but a teacher. Cant wait for more!!


Hey Ethan!! How's it going! Just wanted to make a quick comment. Just about you in general and your entire channel. I'm a huge fan of you! And thank you for all your hard work in the form of this YouTube videos. You are a great inspiration, and i really enjoy consuming the media you produce.

When i first discovered your channel i was, very exceptic of what it was about. Your way of teaching and all that. At first i couldn't understand it. You know the first impression is the most important one but i was a little younger and just saw without giving much credit.

But the more i binged your videos i, started to realize you in fact. Worked really hard to get where you are now. No matter how much i wanted to deny it. You were thousands of miles ahead of me. And i was floored before your craft and art tips. Trying to logical thing, i tried to follow them and see where it would take me. Later i learned how your entire persona and show worked. I stopped disliking you and. Actually grew fond of getting, scolded! You know! I was liking the fact that someone was telling me I'm doing something wrong right ahead without much filter. And actually giving me a useful tool or idea to better my craft.

Without knowing it you became one of my biggest inspirations in life and i talked to my brother about you. He is 30 and I'm 18, we still live together. And he was also sceptic about you. But then he saw all the background and serious roles you had on the industry and he even endorsed me to follow your teachings.

I'm not a person of high resources. I can't even afford a graphics tablet. But i have been constantly and diligently working to be a good artist. Because, well, in the future i really want to be a professional! Have fun and, be proud of myself. Drawing is of the few things i really enjoy doing.

Now, well... I have been feeling stuck, i don't feel I'm progressing. And i struggle to keep myself motivated. Sometimes i feel like giving up. And i would really, really appreciate that, you could give me a tip about it! Perhaps looking at my works and such. I would really, appreciate any sort of comment. How to keep motivated. How to know if I'm growing. I honestly feel a little lost and, hard to stand out without the tools. Hell, i can't even afford colors so practicing coloring is awkward, lol.

Either way, if you read this, thank you so much Ethan. You have done a lot for so many people. Really, thank you.

Whatever you do, i will be sure to look into it. And i also want to learn how to animate!! So this video comes in handy! Just a little baby after all! LoL

Great wishes.


Really appreciate you teaching us how to observe and think through storytelling, Ethan. These are the sorts of things I feel would take me a very long time to figure out if I was trying to alone. This is gold, and though I'm not geared towards making an animation, all the same principals are still super relevant to my goal of making comics. Cheers!


As someone who designs (and sometimes illustrates) my own book covers, I found the idea of "draw AN EMOTIONAL STORY MOMENT" and "people want to see CHARACTER RELATIONSHIPS" really helpful! I'm going to use this advice going forward when I design!


I have a really hard time trying to describe what I want to draw/paint and I couldn't find a better description than "I want to draw and paint moments but I don't want wild action poses" but never heard someone talking about it with the same words and I thought that maybe I HAD to draw action poses anyway???

so I'm very glad I watched this because you said exactly MOMENTS and not ACTION. Idk why I felt so lost. Thank you <3 I'll take inspiration on my favorite movies <3


I have been doing similar things without noticing. Sometimes I'd question myself whether do I like art or like psychology because I got so fascinated by human interactions and by how many combinations can result in (like multiverse). I am 18, super naive like a baby, my life had no bump and even though I have no stories, I still want to tell them. Whenever I was inspired to make an animation, the inspiration always came from a scene in whatever I was watching. I would think about that scene, imagine how mine and/or my friend's characters would belike in that situations. It just tickled my lil brain and motivated me to do some cool art. I didnt know what I was trying to do exactly so I offten got lost. Now watching not only this video but many others of yours, I've came to realization of what I was trying to pursuit in the process of making art. My goal is to be a good storyboard artist and everything on your chanel just feels right to me. I truely thank you so much for this knowledge, these experiences that you are sharing. They're helping me a lot to get less lost in this field. I'm very thankful for this chanel. Honestly the best.


I'm just starting to watch your video recently, and when i found your last video and said will quit YouTube, i quite sad because i found your videos are very different, entertaining and helpful.

Glad you comeback


So for myself

Genre/mood, relationship (of elements or story), visual context/sub-text, contrast (values, intentions), and always get reference with a purpose.

A lot of themes of intentionality and clarity through visual context

Hw : 11:10 first version of your story frame without looking at reference
Get references depicting your shot in his psd. Fill her up.

Idk if I’m doin’ it cuz of school and inktober and marc brunet’s challenge but I wanna do as much as I can that I find


Oh damn, these are some great tips for developing an amazing storytelling! Specially for dealing with such a spooky era that's being produced by AI, because after analyzing a bunch of AI generations I found out that it's just all pretty visuals with no clear storytelling or whatsoever


I love that i mindlessly started taking notes, that got me motivated. Im def gonna use this for my upcoming illustration class, thank you thank you, you are incredible


I'm a junior in highschool currently, I grew up pretty much dirt poor.
I always had this idea that people like me couldn't make it in the art industry because I never had the money to pay for fancy schools, or hell even the means to get my own job due to the area I live in.
Hearing your story and listening to your down to earth teaching really makes me want to chase that goal I used to think was impossible. I've learned so much from your videos and I'm inspired to work towards my goal!
You're great dude!! Keep up the amazing work.
