The women DESTROYING Star Wars

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Guys, there were SO many clips I left out of this that would have made you insane to watch. These new Star Wars people are unhinged.


Any woman over 21 that says “yasss yasss” or “queen” I can’t take seriously, and Disney SW is full of them.


The best comment I've read "The people who used to bully you for liking Star Wars are now the ones in control of it."


The cognitive dissonance of condemning men for not liking something that was not made for men is astounding.


An old baker sells his store after 40 years of selling bread. The new owner of the store put only meat on the shelfes, but dosnt change the "baker" shop sign & even puts out news adverts with "bread for sale". Old customers keep entering the store asking for bread but is told that "bread has too many carbs in them & is unhealty, you should buy meat instead". And if they dont buy bread or complain they get told they they are all kinda "ists" & "phobes". A trick that may have worked on a new customer, but never on a old one.


They admit it's a male dominant Fandom. So make woke gay girl movies? This is like Nike deciding to only make high heels.


So let me get this straight…they say they want it to be less “men” focused and want to make men uncomfortable and if men don’t like then “don’t watch”…but then they’re upset when men don’t wanna watch their stuff?!


Imagine there's a boy playing in a sandbox. And there's a girl next to it that's jumping rope. The girl turns to the boy and says, "hey can I play with you?" And the boy, excitedly responds, "you want to play in the sandbox with me? Sure!" So the girl gets in the sandbox and immediately starts jumping rope. The rope destroys the castle the boy was working on, flings sand and cat turds everywhere and prevents the boy from trying to make anything new. The boy, with tears in his eyes, asks, "why are you jumping rope in the sandbox?" And the girl responds, "WHY DO YOU HATE WOMEN?"

That's pretty much everything in nerd culture the past few years


The Disney feminists are so damn clueless. Princess Leia was the real hero of the original trilogy. From George Lucas himself, "She is a senator. She graduated from college. She's a very smart person, very much in control. And she's a good shot. And the two guys were - one was naive and didn't know anything, had no knowledge. The other one thought he knew everything, but he didn't know anything, either. She is the one that knew everything. She was the one that was driving the whole story... When you've lined them up, she's the main character, for God's sake.”


How the f*** is Star Wars patriarchal dude literally a Woman led the rebellion


Lucas - it's a story about the perils of selfishness and authoritarianism.
Abrams - we want it to appeal to women too.
Hedland - we want to alienate men and make them uncomfortable.

Star Wars - where did all the fans go?


George: Star Wars is about dictatorships ruining things
Kathleen: So Star Wars needs a dictatorship ruining things?


It’s still funny when I remember an interview with Kathleen Kennedy in 2015 in which she said we don’t have hundreds of books and comics like Marvel to film them. Forgetting that they exist, hundreds of books and comics on Star Wars written over 50 years, but which were canceled as not canon.
Moreover, having canceled old books and comics, they continued to steal ideas from them. Like the Emperor's clones, The Return of Boba Fett, the division of the Mandaroans into 2 nations


Remember when everyone thought Jar Jar Binks from Episode One was the worst thing that ever happened to Star Wars? 😂😭


As a man who would have been considered a black nerd in my youth, I take great offense at the notion that sci-fi fans are all violent racists. My group of nerds were whites, blacks, Native Americans, and Jewsish. Knowledge and love of the genre was the only prerequisite.


Mon Mothma and Princess Leia led the whole freaking rebellion against a male emperor. How TF is that patriarchal?


A female acquaintance of mine conducted a shaming campaign at her workplace to apply peer pressure to some male colleagues so they would allow her to join their after-hours darts club. When they relented and she attended her first meeting she didn't find it very enjoyable and never attended another meeting. All that shaming for what?


The South Park episode pretty much nailed it with their "hire a woman and make her gay" Disney/Kathleen Kennedy episode. 💯


-Padme beat a grown man in an election at 14. Ruled a planet for 2 terms and then had a respected career as a senator.
-Alderaan was ruled by a Queen whose adopted daughter went on to start and lead the rebellion against the Galactic Empire, the splintered remains of said empire and the First Order.
-Mandalore was ruled by a Duchess and then her sister. As well as having clans lead by a Matriarch.
-The Night Sisters. Who were also dominant over the Night Brothers in their society.
-The Queen of Geonosis
-the many female bounty hunters
-all the female Jedi that served as equals to their male counterparts.
-The Head scientist of the Kaminoans was a female

Yes, please tell me more about the blatant and widespread patriarchy in Star Wars.


We need to STOP hiring people based on gender, pronouns, and diversity politics and hire people who are actually talented, knowledgeable and good at their jobs.
