Sports Massage :Thoracic Mobilisations for shoulder dysfunction.

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Shoulder pain has many culprits , in this video i demonstrate one of my many starting points in treating shoulder dysfunction.
Clearing the Cervical spine , 1st Rib Height, Scapulohumeral function, Thoracic mobility and even Pelvic restrictions , before hunting down rotator cuff culprits.
This is a simple technique to improve thoracic mobility, taught to me by a fantastic Sports physiotherapist whilst working at the Glasgow Commonwealth games.
Setting your patient up first is the key, have a pillow length ways only on under the side to mobilised . Slow and purposeful movements in PA direction meeting the first point of restriction and oscillate from there.
A duration of 3 minutes working up and down the thoracic spine should suffice.

Finally important is that the movement and force should come from your bodyweight not from your arms, so elbows should be locked out.


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These videos are intended to be used for information purposes only and are not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment or to substitute for medical diagnosis and/or treatment rendered or prescribed by a physician or trained healthcare professional. This information is designed as educational material and should not be taken as a recommendation for the treatment of any particular person or patient. Always consult your physician if you think you need treatment or if you feel unwell.
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