The New Les Paul Studio – deep dive demo

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00:00 Intro
00:15 Demo jam #1
01:23 Overview
02:15 Features
13:00 Demo jam #2

Guitarist Tone Lounge reviewers Richard Barrett and Jamie Dickson take a close look at the newest version of one of the most popular electrics Gibson has ever built - the attainable yet capable Les Paul Studio. With a raft of subtle and not so subtle upgrades, the 2024 Les Paul Studio is the closest yet to being a fully fledged Lester, with fingerboard binding, high-spec pickups and more. Join Richard and Jamie as they explore its pros and cons and weigh up whether it remains the singlecut solidbody to beat in the affordable, US-made market.
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Love these reviews, great to see this guitar back in production....has never been a better time to play


Nice playing guys! The LP sounds great!


Thanks Richard and Jamie! As ever the music is beautiful, really cool. If you 2 with the addition of Nev Marten did an album of Blues/Latin instrumentals it would be PERFECT for the old wine and nibbles party, alongside Donald Fagen and the l8 gr8 Walter Becker et al. Great stuff. Oh yes, this is a guitar review isn't it? 🤣Well on an aesthetic front I do agree with Richard, Wine Red takes the palm for an axe like this. If ur going to have 'red/yeller' then the eye is directed to the yellow bit and it doesn't work unless it meets a class of maple flame worthy of a violin made in Cremona in C17 by a Master luthier, which is the case with many high end LP Standards. Also, I've seen a yellow LP Junior, which was like a Studio only with 1 p/u, I mean it FELT like a Studio, and it and Studios I've seen had dot markers. As far as I can hear the sounds are gr8 and if people want to see this as a versatile guitar to take into the deadroom without actually dying from excessive porterage then praps this is an option.
But I come here for the guitar music and this certainly doesn't disappoint!
Merry Christmas to all at the office!
Nice one guys. 🎄🎶✨🌟👍


I’ve got em all. Epi, Ltd and Gibson guitars. My USA Gibson’s are definitely worth the cost and are a good value. Studios all the way! My Epi, and Ltd are really good, but my Gibsons are great guitars.


I had a night hawk too! Looking for new studio now.


I think this is good value when comparing to a fender professional tele or strat with a poly finish and a bolt on neck


The tap capacitor thing has been a feature since 2014, my studio pro had that. I took the capacitor out. Made it a full slit then.


That guitar and amp together they are peanut butter and jelly.


So body binding costs around £600 (ie a Standard).?


Studios have never been full width body they have always been 1/4” thinner than standards etc… what would be a good comparison would be early 80s Tim Shaw equiped Studio, and these… nice feel and tone in this demo, well done.


That Choptank looks and sounds killer. Is there a video of it?


Make some with a fat neck and i wood love to buy one


I own a 1995 Wine Red w Gold Hardware Les Paul Studio. I played the new ones just the other day. For me the biggest difference is the weight. Mine is 10 pounds and thicker. The new ones are not that. Not close.


I bought a new Studio in September and a new Studio Session last month. They are both absolutely fantastic guitars! Fit and finish is perfect on both, setup spot on, and they play and sound great. I prefer the ebony fretboard and the 57 Classics on the Session model, but they are both keepers for sure. I realize there are plenty of people who remember paying less money for a new Gibson in the past, but like most things, it’s in the past. Given the current economy and pricing of everything, I think the Studio models are still a good value and I encourage everyone to try one before forming an opinion about them. Just because you can’t afford something doesn’t mean it’s overpriced. 😊


Best studios made were the early 90s till about 2000. Long neck tenons and the entire factory really put a lot of pride into them.
Really good information on the internet doing a search for the workers that were at the factory during that time period.


The clown burst is back ! Sounds great though.


imo the sunburst one looks "plastic" doesn't look right without the binding, the other three look good though and they seem to weigh between 7.5 and 8lb


Gibson's, and Epiphone's are just overpriced! I'm glad that I bought mine when they were a reasonable price! I bought my SG for £400, and it's great, but the pricing was right then, but now they're taking the piss!


If this guitar floats your boat and you're going to play it extensively, then great! - Buy it. However, this model is very pricey. 🤔I'm old enough (and lucky) enough to own two 1990's wine red Les Paul Studios (one of which has an ebony fingerboard). I have not yet found the need or justification for replacing them. ☺


What price people will pay for a name on a headstock.
You can get the full monty better built 'Les Paul' for the same money, buy a Tokai.
