New Warbond & SHIP MODULES! Testing Everything In HUGE Helldivers 2 Content Drop | Update Review

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This video covers everything you need to know about the NEW WARBOND AND SHIP MODULES in todays content drop!

Let's dive into this Helldivers II Video Game with its Helldivers 2 Gameplay and this Helldivers II Guide and Helldivers 2 video game tips tricks and Helldivers II location and RPG bosses and Helldivers 2 location Helldivers II HOW TO Helldivers II warbonds weapon Helldivers II build weapon guide Helldivers 2 best bots weapon guide Helldivers II Weapon Boss Weapon best weapon Helldivers 2 latest patch ! Update DLC Announcement Armour Knights DLC Expansion Action RPG Space Game

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I'm Dom and I make educational, informational and entertaining videos on a plethora of Video Games, such as Marvel's Spiderman 2, Starfield, Payday 3, Lords of the Fallen, Elden Ring, Armored Core 6, Assassin's Creed Mirage and other big new video games! If you've made it this far down the description, you truly are an inquisitive soul, and I honour and salute your curious nature! Please join this channel and let us venture where few dare, as we make fantastically phenomenal and fantabulously flamboyant videos, whilst of course having a great time! Thank you so much for being here and joining in the channel with me, I hope you have an amazing day and let's speak soon.

00:00 Intro
00:28 New Ship Modules
04:10 R-36 Eruptor vs Bots
07:55 BR-14 Adjudicator vs Bots
10:15 G-123 Thermite vs Bots
12:46 R-36 Eruptor vs Bugs
14:19 BR-14 Adjudicator vs Bugs
15:01 G-123 Thermite vs Bugs
16:13 Warbond Page 3
17:45 Armour Sets
20:06 Expert Extraction Pilot
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One thing i notice is bots may have less health then the bugs but the bots bring a whole arsenal with them to use on you, granted bugs are annoying as is swarming


With the eruptor tho... that means... stalwart is back as a primary in a sense??


Thermite can actually destroy the Factory, you have to throw it into the vent but it's a bit finiky, the explosion at the end can blow it up


i don't get the opinion of the heavy armor, WE ALREADY HAVE THAT! There's already a heavy armor with 50% explosive resistance and recoil. IF this was 200 armor rating and 50% resistance, i'd understand, but it's not, so its literally just cosmetic. Also the packaging module doesn't work right now, so DONT get that one! And thermite CAN destroy cargo containers, i've seen it! Also the extraction booster is kinda useless? I mean theres so many boosters that helps the team DURING the combat, I feel it's better to survive the missions, than get a slightly reduced wait time for shuttle.


The Thermite grenade actually CAN destroy bot fabricators. You just have to angle it just right, and get it as deep into the vent as it will go. It’s hard to get used to, but once you get the hang of it, you can destroy those factories.


Shooting the Eruptor at an incoming bot dropship hauling infantry and striders is capable of wiping all of them in a single shot before they drop


Fun fact: CE-27 Ground Breaker is DLC armour from first game. It comes in with several weapons and stratagems such as TOX (toxinthrower) which shoots acid that applies DoT on biological targets and slows them down like hunters and bile spitters do.


The new marksman can 2-3 shot devastators... if it hits their face.


To anyone that only follows this channel I recommend you watch other channels or just go into the game. These day 1 tests are always a little funky, I just saw another channel show that the Thermite can destroy factory bots and some other things so just keep your eyes open guys


The Grenade Pistol actually has two rounds loaded when you spawn in. Will prob be patched at some point.


I have to respectfully disagree with your initial assessment of the barrage area reduction. I think the narrower they are the more useful they are. The 380 was reduced in area to cover a bit more than the pre-first-patch 120 size. With this new buff, the 380 becomes a *slightly* wider area 120 but with *significantly* increased damage potential, this seems a worthy trade-off to me as enemies tend to group up as they move closer to the player. This also allows the 120 to shift towards a new use-case, being far more viable for taking out smaller encampments and patrols! It's less effective at that role but the trade-off is it retains some ability to hit larger encampments for longer, relative to airstrikes and such. I think it's currently completely nonviable against even the largest patrols at higher difficulties so any reduction in area makes the strat way more useful in my opinion. Hard to say this early though! Good video btw


I just want that pistol grenade launcher. I love the grenade launcher but hate having to sacrifice my support weapon slot for something i use mostly for bug holes and bot barracks

Edit: its awesome for its utility and can also provide enough dmg to finish off something you didnt get a perfect shot on with your quasar or rocket.


15:34 it took you 4 thermites to kill that one charger, not 6. Your first throw didn’t stick or you missed. You can literally be seen running by it. And the last thermite you threw, the charger was already dead.


I currently have THREE heavy with that passive and now THREE lights with the same passive. The only difference is slightly adjusted stats in the breaker is the "lightest" at lowest armor rating


I like how we can have all explosives or all flame or all electric or kinda ammoless. Or all the ammo builds. Smoke build.


The 380s AOE is still massive. I think the 15% would just make it better.


The Devastators armor is really good! I tanked a CRAZY amount of damage vs bots on Helldive with a supply pack + HMG.

Direct hit rockets don’t kill you anymore so they will instead ragdoll you. But you can get up and keep moving instead of just dying. And if you are stimming at the proper times you can survive for a very long time out in the open against bots


What I found with targeting:

Use third person view to line up target with reticle. When ready to fire ADS and aquire crit area and fire.

Then reverse back to third person view during reload and reposition.

Rinse and repeat. You have to keep the range to the enemy. That’s where it shines. Use the x200 scope. Keep the distance during reposition.

This guns slays from a distance. Very very effective. Highly recommend.


I've seen a short video of the Crossbow gameplay. That thing is completely broken. The splash damage is massive, and you can destroy outposts by shooting them from the back. You don't even need to get to the vents or doors. The only downside compared to the eradicator, since it's not a projectile, the arrow drops off when shot from a distance (makes sense), so it's great only at mid-range.


i like that the new light armor has those hybrid stats. more war bond armor should come like that. also i wonder if that face plate on the heavy armor actually covers the lower half of your head. less area for head shot maybe?
