IT’S NEVER TOO LATE (Motivation)

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👉 SNAPCHAT - foreverIkenna



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"Time disguising itself as talent"


Okay, I'm crying right now.
I'm going to be nineteen next month, and for year I've felt like I'm late, like I'm missing out: people out there have already achieved great milestones and there I am, nothing.
But thanks to yours words I feel better: I have a whole life in front of my, and I can make everything I want: in 2019 I want to improve my English (it's not my first language), to learn German, to visit at least another country, to work on my body, to start memorize some Mandarin character, to read more books of the last few years, to be more positive and happy about myself. Thank you so much for your inspiration.


That sentence at the end just paralyzed me"I got time... and one day people will call it talent"


All I can say is thank you. I'm 34 now and have been watching anime since I was around 17 and have always wanted to learn Japanese and as i get older, I look back and think if I had taken time to learn it back then I would already know it but after watching some of your videos I know have an understanding if what I need to do to start and finish. So I've just started and my goal is to be able to leave you a comment in Japanese "with only my memory" in 1 years time. I got my coworker to study with me so we can help each other. Again thank you for putting up these videos.


"No talent until I discovered it" I love this. This was very motivational. Thank you!


"Time is only disguising itself as talent"


I’m 54yr old and still discovering things about myself! This is one of the best motivational videos I have ever seen!


"I got time and one day people will call it talent." straight fire lyric


when I was 12 I got my first drawing pad, and I was drawing and animating everyday and enjoyed it. I was beginning to be very good at it. My parents never saw my talent on how good I was in make animation movies. My parents always says that I should not used the money on the drawing pad, because its was just useless. I would never get anything good at that drawing pad in my life. I had very low motivation, I just sat home drawing / animating. Know I am 22 and I worked on the animation on the a animation series called " glitch techs " a series that are coming this week on Netflix. My parents died last year from a car crash. And if I wish that I could just show them that I actually have became successful with that they didn't belive in.


This is what I keep trying to tell people! Everyone says that I'm "talented" at the piano, everyone says I'm "lucky", but I can't get them to realize that they can do it too. I also really want to learn multiple languages, but I've found it really difficult. This video was a great inspiration for me. I'm glad you shared your story with everyone, and good luck on the piano! It'll take time and dedication, but, if you can put in the effort to learn and work on the languages you've worked on, and you have the right tools, you'll be able to do really well.


People think I'm talented at art. They say I don't try and it turns out amazing... as nice as it the statement is it put me down. They don't see the hours I put into it at home. Everyone connected me to it - my 'talent' instead of who I was. I want to prove it takes hard work some people have a head start but thats it. So im trying to Learn Japanese and reach my goals through hard work. Also, Ikenna, your drawings are great- it can really turn into something to be proud of. I believe in everyone. ^.^


Yaaasss so true. I realized this maybe 5-6 years ago and I’ve learned SO MUCH since then! I had never touched a piano until last year and now I lead worship at church, I learned guitar this year, i learned Spanish and now I’m learning Hebrew! It’s so much fun when you give yourself time. I also taught myself calligraphy! So fun!


Painting is what i actually want to learn and #IHaveTime


This guy is speaking so much sense. I love the idea that we all have abilities in us if we just invest that time. I'm 34 and have long thought of myself as talentless and just drifting through life but this is really inspirational. Recently I started to learn French and whilst I'm still struggling with the basics sometimes I know what lies at the end if I just invest in myself and don't quit. Thanks dude, you're amazing x


#IHaveTime I want to become fluent in spanish, eventually learn Korean and German, I want to go to photography school, to breakdance, draw realistic portraits and learn to play my violin


"No trial, no discovery" this phrase inspired me. Thank's for this, comrade. From Russia with love!


Thank you for this video I am 38 years old and since being unwell and being at home, I have just started learning Mandarin. I have been told by a few people that im old and why start now. However I have manage to remember lots of characters and now getting use to the tones since October. I did a degree in my early 20s, but now I have also discovered that i would be a talented cricket coach. When i get better hopefully by this November I will qualify as a level 2 coach


People say I'm talented. At academics and at Art. What people don't see is all the times when I was a shy child who had no talents, no friends. I was nothing special.

I'm 14 and I want to be able to look back and say "I made the most of my life" I want to do so many things! Learn an instrument, learn German and either
I've already started trying producing Music and I'm going to keep going!
We only live once so let's make the most of it! Let's try everything, learn everything, meet new people and do something that makes us happy!
I don't really have any natural talent. But I have one thing. I'll keep trying no matter what!


Well said. We make a lot of excuses about time and commitment. Video well done. Also I like that you mentioned how comparing ourselves to others can stop us from progressing; that is true.


Thank you so much! I’m trying to learn Yoruba French Spanish and Arabic. I believe I can do this
