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❤️ELIMINATE Your Scraps & Learn How To Make A Crumb Cake Quilt! What Are You Waiting For? GO GET YOUR Scraps & Let's PLAY...I Mean...Let's QUILT!! haha


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Baby quilter here. I am in the home stretch of finishing my first ever quilt. I can't even count how many quilt melt downs I have had. Thank you for not editing this out and normalizing that we all have these moments ❤


I just made a quilt and had to rip out 64 blocks. Got those fixed and then had to rip out the bigger blocks after sewing them together incorrectly. 🙄It took me twice as long to make the quilt!! So I’m feeling you. Your quilt is beautiful. I always enjoy your videos. Love your energy and sense of humor.


Tracy, you speak my language! Thank you for keeping your tutprials so simple.


Your meltdown was so honest. I could feel your frustration. Glad it turned out to be an easy fix!


Love watching you work. Lost 2 of my quilting sisters this week and this video helped tremendously. One was a fantastic potato chip quilter


Scrappy quilts are my absolute favorite. They have always reminded me of old rustic log cabins and granny. In my case it would be a reminder of my mother-in-law who taught me how to make quilt tops and also hand quilting. My happy place. ♥️


Oh, my goodness! I ran out of bobbin thread 5 blocks ago! LOL! Tracey, honey, we've ALL been there! Love crumb piecing!


Hi Tracey, I love a scrappy quilt! I love that it is on point! Thank you for sharing all of your tips, tricks, cutting information and layout!


Man, as soon as I saw your mistake I was like..oh my word, oh my word..right alongside you. When I'm tempted to rush I repeat to myself, slow is fast..over and over to remind myself to slow down. 🎉


Oh I’m so with you on a continuous bobbin thread 😳😳😂 Someone out there MUST be able to make one please 🙏
Great quilt Tracy 👏👏🇬🇧


I love scrappy quilts. Thanks for the pattern


I enjoy looking at scrap quilts but I’ve never made one. The thinking process to make this quilt was fascinating. Thank you.


Fantastic quilt Tracy and such fun to watch. You not only teach, you entertain as well. Lol, I felt your pain when you discovered the error, been there, done that. Thank you for another super video.


Hi Tracey. Good to see you again. Thanks for this. Happy Quilting to all! Big hug from me in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia.


I make crumbs and strings 8 1/2 inch square blocks. No two blocks are ever the same. I try to start my block in the center with tiny patchwork (or a focal fabric) then sew on larger pieces with each round. First I chain piece crumbs and strings into long strips (a lot like you did in this video). Scrappy crumbs and string piecing is my way of relaxing when I'm stressed. It's almost mindless sewing. It's a lot of fun to see what I have made after the final pressing and squaring. Have you noticed the many interesting pieced crumbs you make as you keep working. This is work that feels more like playing. Have you tried building two or more blocks (at a time) by chain piecing? I usually work on two or three blocks while chain piecing. None of the blocks ever finish at the same time; so I add more as I keep working. To keep your seams from flipping, stay stitch 1/8 inch from the edge (on the back of each block). Stay stitching will also help keep the blocks from stretching. Thank you for this video. Your quilt top is beautiful. I love it both ways (wrong and corrected).


Great tip on turning fabric to the wrong side for a pastel look, and...I really like that sail boat fabric too :)!
Thanks for the free pattern, oh and that is a really neat desing wall, lol.


Oooh Tracy!! I feel for you. I have done some pretty messed up things to my quilts too lol but if we don’t tell anybody, they won’t know! But for some reason we do tell


Amazing! Really enjoyed this idea. Going to start putting pieces together until I have enough to make a quilt. I’m a beginner so I don’t have enough scraps unless I cut up some bigger scraps. Which is probably what I’m going to do. My daughter wants a real scrappy quilt and this will work. Thank you!


Love this quilt! I've got baskets of scraps just waiting for a quilt like this. So fun!


Tracy you do so many amazing things!!! I have made 4 scrap quilts this year already and last night pulled out my tote of scraps that keep having babies so I could do something with them I see your video this morning!!! ❤❤😮
