Cars & Angels - Dubtown Bitesize ep03

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When do angels jump off your car? And how many doors does a good JW's car have?

Just some of the unwritten dogma followed by most jws is portrayed in these bite size episodes.

chad is awakening to just some of the crazy!


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Directions to Dubtown's teespring store:-

A big thank you to Becky for her designs and help setting up the teespring shop.
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Oh yes this is so true.

If you bought a mini van, or a full size van, that means you were on the 144, 000 waiting list.


So True ! The fanaticism is so over the top. My elder dad chastised me when I bought a used older 2door car, “can’t take a group in the field service”; My reply was, since when is it my responsibility to provide everyone’s transportation! Did they all pay for my car? NO !


LOVE the "Weeping Angels" from Doctor Who's "BLINK" the best Doctor Who episode EVER for me.

PS:... the red car in your Dub Town reminds me about my past as a JW....I had THAT car as a was a new RED Chevrolet Camaro convertible.
Well....I made the mistake of pulling into the KH parking lot one gorgeous sunny Sunday morning wearing my Oakley sunglasses with the top on...AND A HAPPY SMILE ON MY FACE!

I should have known I was heading for trouble with "the FRIENDS' when everyone stopped walking into the Hall to stare at me and the new car.

to take good care of me. hahaha

Briefly....and please, don't take this as bragging, it just WAS what it used to be a VERY TALENTED kid's's would drive 3 hours one way for me to take their child's picture....ESPECIALLY ....if they wanted their child to become a model.

So guess what...I MADE GREAT MONEY....DOING WHAT I LOVED TO DO! make long story short...."the FRIENDS" decided to take that SMILE OFF MY FACE!


Shortly after I got my DREAM car....UNBEKNOWNST TO rumor started amongst "the FRIENDS" that I was taking pictures of children IN THE NUDE!


When 2 detectives arrived at my photography studio and asked to search it (without a warrant)....OMG....I SAID YES of they looked around I asked them "What is this about?'

One of the detectives asked, 'Do you know So & So?" apparently a sister at one of the 3 congregations using the KH...(but not mine)

I said "Noooo....'....they looked at each other bewildered, and said, " She says that every time she drives past your studio....her 3 year old starts to scream & cry! The mother claims you might have taken NUDE pictures of her son here...."

After almost passing out....I told the detectives that I don't even KNOW THEM....and explained the 3 congregations to them....and then they left.

I haven't talked about this for 20 I'll stop the story HERE....because it's ENOUGH for me....
these "FRIENDS' with help from my elders.... TOOK MY WONDERFUL BUSINESS AWAY.

Was it the car?....The success? the HAPPY SMILE I my gut I know it was my happy smile.


I wish I had a nickel for every time I heard, "A spiritual man would have a 4 door car." Good stuff Kevin! Always enjoy your work.


OMG. I had a 2 door car. I was single it was good on gas and I got talked to about how I should drive something that was better for service as there are older ones who need looking after. Then I bought myself a brand new 4 door SUV (still single)... the pioneers wouldn’t talk to me because I was now “materialistic” and if I could afford that I could afford to pioneer but just didn’t want too!! YUP I faded right there and have not looked back.... they were right - I didn’t want to!!! 😂🤣😂🤣
I should “search them out” and say THANK YOU! As always Kevin. Amazing job! A REAL Thank You to you for the time, effort and humorous spin....


I can always count on your videos to make me laugh. Yup i remember talks in the 80s, elders encouraging/Pushing everyone to get 4 door cars, mocking ones who had 2 door. because it was too inconvenient for service. Brings back memories..


Hi Kevin, it's me again. I'm not even an exjw and have never been involved with them. I don't know what it is, except my heart really cries for people who have undergone what you have at the hands of those ruthless wolves. I find comfort in your videos because as a "born again" like myself, I find all so called christian religions so indoctrinating. I can't even bring myself to go to church because I dont know who I can trust. I'm a loner and that's not good, I know, but it just seems safer to me that way.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know how very much you have touched my heart. Your work is so touching, so beautiful in it's funny, sad way. I pray that you have peace and I hope you are surrounded by people who love you. If not just know there are plenty of people out here in cyberspace who care for you and root for you. 💗💗💗
I hope I can hear from you someday. 🤗


I find it so eerie, and fascinating that while we are in different countries we grew up absolutely similar in cult culture.


"Chad is baptized and so qualifies for a drivers license" - There is a T-Shirt in there somehow.


😂🤣😂 I can relate.... I had a merc clk convertible looked upon as spiritually weak so went out and bought a Range Rover sport instead it's big, 4 doors and can carry plenty 😂🤣😂 then was classed as materialistic and bad association as well as true ooh well 🤗🤗


Every time I heard a speaker say the joke: "Remember brothers to always drive under the speed limit. Angles don't fly faster than 55 MPH!", I wanted to throw them with something.


This Lego cartoon's are so AWESOME! ! Good job you guy's. .


In Norway a car with two doors is refere to as an "ego-car" by the faithfull witnesses


Another great video! You're picking apart the JW nonsense one step at a time.
As a young man, I sold my two door to buy a stupid four door, for the privilege of driving around morons who never donated anything towards gas or parking and left their lunch garbage behind (they made sure they had a lunch but the driver had to look after himself)
They also demanded to be dropped off at their door so I was always the last one getting home.
I still can't believe how completely stupid I was!!!


I just listen to hear your wee boy at the end❤Mine are teenagers and I miss the sound of giggles (as much as I love their grunts)😊


Always drop whatever I’m doing whenever there’s a new Dubtown! And always can’t stop laughing. Have to watch more than once to catch all the subtleties Kevin packs in these. Marvelous!


I remember when an elder had his car written off and I lent him mine to help him out. As a result, I turned up at the KH on a pushbike and got dirty looks for it! My local lot are very materialistic - if you haven't got a big car you won't make an elder.


I remember brothers saying that purchasing two-door cars was not loving.


My jw brother lost his license 5 times for speeding (that I know about) but this does not stop him from shunning me.


A jw car has four doors (for field service), worn tires (because they can't afford newer ones) and is an "inexpensive" make of car (so no one thinks more of themselves than they ought).
