Electric vs. Gas Maintenance Costs | What to Expect in the First 150,000 Miles

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Studies show that electric vehicles cost less to maintain than their gas-powered counterparts. That passes the “gut check” since there are oil changes or other costs associated with a gasoline-powered car. However, that doesn’t mean they’re as maintenance-free as your refrigerator, and there are some expenses that may surprise you. For example, did you know EVs are harder on their tires than a similarly sized gasoline-powered car? Importantly, when it comes to EV maintenance, there’s one major cost that isn’t shared with a gasoline car: the inevitable replacement of the EV battery. How much does that cost? And when do you need to do it? Desola Balogun has all the answers in this video comparing EV and gasoline vehicle maintenance costs.

Chapter Breaks:
00:00 Intro
00:42 Maintenance Costs: Electric vs Gas
01:46 0-50,000 Miles
03:01 50,000 - 100,000 Miles
03:55 100,000 - 150,000 Miles
04:43 A New Battery?
06:45 The Winner Is...

#evmaintenance #evbatteryreplacement #evbatterydegredation
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340$ for a cabin filter?? ..I replaced mine for 29$ ..seriously.


Imagine how hard its gonna be to resell a car like that when the buyer has to consider that in a few years the battery is going to need to be replaced


With gas vehicles, you can shop around for a mechanic. There are only a few EV shops and even minor work requires a specially-trained software guy with specialized tools. Which do you think costs more?


I think the likelyhood of a battery losing that much range at 150, 000 miles should have been mentioned here. Tesla's batteries have been holding up really well over the years.


A fairer comparison would be Corolla versus bolt. The higher upfront price of the vehicle should be included with the car decision, also if the car was financed, that higher price is increased due to paying for interest of the hire price.


I haven’t read too much about people replacing batteries at 150, 000 miles. Old Tesla batteries seem to be good for 300, 000 from what I’ve read. Plus in ten years, battery costs should be at least half of what they are now.


Rented a Tesla Model 3 in LA for a few days. Incredible car with incredible tech. It really does feel like your driving in the future. The system is impressive and the acceleration pulls you into the seat. And charging the car at a supercharger for $10 is nice on the wallet. I’m a F150 owner and was a little disappointed when I had to return the car. I feel everyone should get behind the wheel of one before making an assumption on EVs - the tech really has come along ways.


Easily understandable comparison. However you missed out 1 more tire change on 50K to 100K mile range. If you replace it on 30K, then the next replacement is 60K and 90K (2 replacements). Next will be 120K and 150k (2 replacements) plus battery replacement (big ouch at current price of say 10K USD or more). EV battery warranties have a number of exclusions (due to flood etc) and you maybe out of luck before it expires. Of course the good thing about EV when it reaches 150, 000 miles mileage is that it has lesser carbon footprint than an ICE car.


I did many hours of research on Prius this week: very important to clean the battery fan air filter regularly to extend battery life! The other good news is that hybrid battery prices have come down and there’s a new niche of mechanics installing rebuilt batteries at reasonable cost.


There are a good amount of Teslas on original batteries at over 300k miles. And many close to that with nearly 90% of the original capacity. And batteries will continue to drop in price. Put a new battery in when it dies and keep going. The drivetrain is good for 1M miles.


To make a more appropriate comparison you needed to include total cost of fuel in this. The battery replacement might not look so bad once you have factored that in.


Sodium ion batteries are coming soon with really high energy (mileage) and higher number of charge cycles and safety with a significantly lower price tag. Future is clearly for EV. Given the electrical power infrastructure is established enough to keep up. Also EVs keep going down in cost. Thanks for the great video team!❤


Insurance costs installing at home charger $2000:00, waiting time while charging turning an 8 hr journey into a 12 hr journey add another $400.00 each way per trip. Depreciation @ 40% p/a


You gotta do one of these for hybrid as well. Great video btw!


I had a 96 Pontiac Grand Am I parked it over 300, 000 miles I don’t remember changing any belts. Brakes on the other hand about every 30, 000 miles.

With the structural battery packs on the model Y I believe it is not replaceable at all the car becomes scrap. Please correct me if I’m wrong?


Tire rotation shouldn’t be a cost. Those are free services in places like Discount Tire.


I'm 49 years old, and I do my own maintenance most of the time. I just prefer gas power still. Cost can be kept down with DIY, and understanding the older systems just feels better. An Eav would need a whole new set of tools, Know how, and I'm just too old


Less than 1% of evs have needed a high voltage battery replacement. I expect over time that number will go up . But they either fail very early, or they last a really long time .


So including the battery costs for electric and major repairs for gas, which is more expensive?


What about the cost to insure for both?
