10 MAJOR PROBLEMS With Electric Cars You Must Know Before Buying One

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10 major problems with electric cars you must know before buying one. We explain the biggest problems with owning an electric car that you might not know about. Are electric cars worth it? Are electric cars better than gas cars? Are electric cars the future? Are electric cars more reliable? Are electric cars safe? Are electric cars sustainable or better for the environment? If you are buying a new electric car or electric SUV, make sure to watch this video.


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With over a decade of experience as a professional car buyer and auto consultant, Shari Prymak has helped thousands of consumers with their car buying needs. Car Help Corner provides honest, objective, consumer advice with all aspects of car buying and car ownership. For more professional advice, check out Car Help Canada, become a member, and subscribe!
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Congratulations you are the first person on YouTube who acknowledges that most people cannot afford an EV. All the News Papers, Governments etc. Ignore this. Well done.👍👍✔✔


My biggest complaint is the publicized range, specifically from Tesla. I have 14, 155 miles on my Model 3 SR+. When I bought the SR+ it said the range was 240 miles. Not even close. First, I cannot charge to 240 miles any longer, the max is equal to about 90% or ~215 range miles. Oh, the display says I charged to 100%, but the miles say differently. But wait, it’s worse. For every actual mile I drive, I consume 1.3 to 1.6 range miles with an average 1.5, depending on driving conditions and ambient weather. This mean when I charge to 100% and it shows 215 range miles, on average I can only get ~150 actual miles. A far cry from the 240 Tesla said I am supposed to get. Tesla says to limit charging to 80% for day to day driving. If I charge to 80%, I only get about 125 actual miles. Therein lies the problem, just as ICE vehicles have a city/highway MPG on their MSRP sticker, EV’s should also provide estimated actual driving city/highway ranges and not an overall range, nobody gets 100% of the range as published on the MSRP and website, if they say they do, they are lying. These estimated actual range values should be on every EV so potential buyers can make an intelligent and informed decision before they buy one and find out the real range is a fraction of what the mfg tells you on their website or MSRP sticker. I will likely never buy another EV.

BTW, great video!


Bought my 2020 honda insight with only 8 miles from a dealership. So happy I went hybrid instead of full ev. No problems for almost 4 years now. Not a single problem :)


My fear concerns the resale. If I decide to buy a Hyundai Ioniq ($55, 000 Cdn) as an example and want to sell it 4 or 5 years down the road, I would expect to get maybe $15, 000. However, anyone wanting to purchase it would have to kept in mind that the battery replacement after 8 years or 160, 000 km will cost about $51, 000 with tax. Who in their right mind would buy a used electric vehicle. Even the cheaper Tesla batteries run $13, 000 to $22, 000.


I have had an Ioniq5 for 2 years and am scratching my head with most of your problems. No issues with tyre wear, low servicing costs, no problems with any aspect ofthe car and its performance, exactly the same insurance costs as my petrol car, range displayed on screen is very accurate, no issues with public charging (to be fair i do have a home charger as well). Of course i share the concerns with the life of the battery, purchase price and resale as a consequence but at this stage i am going along, very quietly, for the ride!


Electrician here. Add in the cost of adding the charger to your home. Costs could range from a $300 to $20k depending on area, current load demand, your abilities and location of charger.


You made a lot of valid points. Recently an EV owner needed to get the batteries replaced. The vehicle had a little more than 160 000 km on it. He was quoted $50 000 to replace the batteries. Another EV owner also needed new batteries. He was quoted $20 000, In either case the repair costs are so high that the car owner ends up throwing the car in the garbage.
China makes EV cars too. The major brand in China is BYD. They are expanding into the world market now. They are priced well below most other EV"s.
The most important point you made was that these vehicles are new technology. So it is anybody's guess which model to buy. We do not know how long the batteries will last.
Lastly I did not consider the insurance cost. Tx. for mentioning that. Well for now I will stay with my gasoline powered vehicle.


I work at a mechanic shop, we see electric cars with tires that wear down twice as quickly as those with gas engines because they are heavy.


We live in NE Florida and had to go to NYC for a wedding. Thrifty Car rental only had Chevy "Bolts" ... I loved the pick up and general drive. But we had to charge it before returning the car. Every charging station was a slow charger.. we waited 1 hour for 25 miles! Also, the first 2 stations were not working. At home we would install a charger in the garage, but for anyone in an apartment or condo, the charging is a real issue.


With an ev, you only save fuel cost if you charge at home. Any time you charge at a public charging station, the cost per mile is about the same as using gas.


Range anxiety
Lack of working chargers
Cost of charging
Fire hazards
Insurance problems, charging indoors.
Cold performance
Rebates and subsidies ending


I had the opportunity to drive EV for a week and a half. I drove the Hyndia Kona the only good thing is that it drove smooth and had a few good features, the main problems: trying to find a working charging station/ waiting for the other EV to charge at the charging station/ in the amount of time that it take to charge the EV you could have filled up 6 to 20 vehicles/ you will pass up 30 gas station driving around trying to find a charging station/ and sometimes the kios at the charging stations will not take your payment.


Here in the Northwest, if you get into an accident with a Tesla, you may wait 6 months to get it repaired, even for a minor accident...


My previous car was an ICE SUV.
Wasn't ready for full EV.
Bought a 2023 Tucson Hybrid about a year ago.
Very happy owning a Hybrid.


One thing not mentioned is that in some states if not all it is more expensive to register an EV.


……bought my petrol Datsun ‘Skyline’ sedan in 1979. I’m still driving it. Love it, always. My excellent mechanic, with whom I have it checked out, keeps it running ticketty-boo!


Many insurance companies have issues with EVs. My neighbor bought a new EV Cadillac and had an electrician install a charger in his garage. Agent asked for a picture of charger he sent it and a couple weeks later the company said he had to remove charger from the garage to outside at least 25 feet from any structure. 🤷‍♂️


Yup, general advice is to keep your battery charged under 80%. Failure to do so has little to no consequence, except for increased risk of degradation. Advice also includes charging to 100% for long trips. Real EV drivers do both.


Get smart and buy a hybrid. We have a ‘22 Honda Accord hybrid. Uses on board batteries that are charged when break is applied…e.g. at a red light. It carries gas but we get 42 mpg.


One thing that wasnt mentioned is Safty. Ev batteries can be tempermental. Some have been known to spontaneously catch fire. If this happens the vehicle is consumed in flames very quickly and the fires from an EV is very hard to put out.
