SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE | 10 Simple Truths That Make Life Easier

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In today's video, I wanted to talk about life. Specifically, 10 simple truths that make life easier. These are things I've learned after more than a decade of minimalism, intentional living, living with less stuff, and most of all, simplifying my life and my routines. If you want to simplify your life, there are so many ways to go about it. One of them, I believe, is mindset. So that's what we're going to talk about today. :)

Lots of love,
🌼 Vera

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My favorite tip that I’ve learned over the past 13 years of minimalism is that you can like something without having to have it. Appreciate it and click off. 99 times out of 100, I’ve forgotten about it 20 minutes later.


Sometimes I watch your videos not for specfic tips, but because your delivery and non-hype attitude is an uplifting way to start the morning, and gives me general motivation for my next step in decluttering.


I love "It's okay to kind of half-ass certain things in life :)" Before Pinterest, YouTube, and Facebook - that was totally the norm. Magazines may have presented beautiful kitchens, storage, bathrooms, etc. but people knew that this magazine ideal was not 'real' and did not emulate it. A spice drawer was a mix of bags, bottles, packets, etc. tossed into someplace accessible and that was 'normal.' Now people are comparing themselves with online images that seem to be from people's 'real' homes, but they are just as groomed for image management as those magazines of old. This is going to be my new motto: I will half-ass all the things that do not matter! Thank you Vera. Love your videos - they make me feel so calm.


I love watching my husband, he is so simple in a good way and happy and joyful. He does not complicate things at all. If something needs to be done he does it. If not he does not. Of course sometimes it is irritating because I am so dutiful and I am sure the world will collapse if I dont do the laundry and he does not see the problem ;)
But I've learned I can learn a lot from my husband (and all men, they somehow have some different attitute towards life) ❤


A part 2 - offering further tips on how to simplify your life, would be much appreciated. Thank you, Vera!! 😊


Thank you....listened for the second time and while doing yoga the portion about perfection REALLY 73.... we're always learning ❤


Thank you Vera - this came at a perfect time. I’ve been so immensely stressed and overwhelmed the last few weeks and your videos always manage to calm my mind and give me new ways to process everything. 💜

Forever grateful for the day I stumbled upon your channel. It’s a real favorite :, )


I didn't realize how much I needed to hear that I'm allowed to change until you said it. Thank you Vera!!


I feel like I change my mind a little every day lol. There's something cozy about having a couple cookbooks. It makes cooking more enjoyable, for me anyway.


One thing I’ve had to change about myself being a vegetarian (I strived to be a vegan even). I know it’s possibly controversial because you are a vegan, but the actual food does not align with my body. Tons of beans and veggies were making me feel absolutely sick and miserable, so I chose to include more meat in my diet. I still believe in the principles of veganism (treating all life with care and helping the planet) so I try to show it in other aspects of my life. And veganism is MUCH more than just a diet


Start with small steps if something is difficult, Rome is also not build in one day after all😊 and like a zen-monk, focus on one thing at the moment. Hope all is well and remember, you all matter and are enough.


I was always forced, as a child to be what was thought to be perfect. Doing thing way beyond my capacity. It is good to a certain point, but in older age, inwardly, hard wiring is still there in ways that are still uncomfortable. I can relate to so much of what you talk about. Lack of major decisions in areas because of fear has destroyed my life because they set me on a course that can not be changed. Procrastination, etc. I am still going forward, yet it’s not enjoyable, just doing it, knowing I was to do something else. Like you said, it is personal and individual and impossible for others to know someone else’s life. It’s good to know other struggle in some of the same areas. Thank you for these videos. You a a delight to listen to.❤️


Vera: today I sent my friend in the Netherlands the link to your channel telling her that ‘this girl is my most fav in Holland, that’s beside you ‘ ☺️😘… and I meant it (we are Iraqis originally) - I wanted to give you a hug while listening to / watching you in this video. You were so raw and emotional during most of its parts, while navigating through ‘the words and thoughts’ in this one. My top favourite video so far!! YES!!!! Please a second part, no pressure, of course. Much Love 💕 from another sensitive girl in Canada 🇨🇦


Vera you are full of wisdom, like a shining light in my life - thank you.


Indecision is my biggest problem. Thank you Vera for all those tips. You're very helpful.


Wedding: You can go to the courthouse and be married, without a "complicated" wedding. That's what we did 31 years ago. That's what our close friends did 35 years ago. I'm so glad we did it!!! Sitting on the floor: I do this every morning, drinking my coffee and petting my dogs. Been doing it every morning for over 10 years.


My simple thing this year has been not saying yes or no. When someone asks me for a favor, I wait a couple of days before I give a final answer, that way I can really think if I want to do it or not. Last year I struggled a lot with giving my word on doing stuff I didn't want to do when the time came, and I felt miserable.


Maybe 'optimal' is simply another name for 'perfect'...and most of the time, good enough, is good enough 😉. Love your videos, they have helped me to understand that I am good enough!


Your discussion about non-optimisation and that it's OK for things to just be OK is something that I need to embrace. Thanks for the reminder everything doesn't have to be perfect.
Edit - YES, PLEASE! I would love a part 2 😊


You are right - not everything has to be optimized: streamlining for personal choice is good enough. I read Project 333 but realized that living in a four-season US state, 33 clothing items isn't practical for my life; 35-40 items would be better for my situation and something I can live with long term.
