God is Creator not Dictator

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If God created laws for us to obey, and then sends those who don't obey them to Hell - He must be a dictator of some sort, right?

Not quite, that's the question I answer here. The laws are for our own good, for our own enjoyment of life, and for our own benefit...

The analogy of a computer really helps.

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Really appreciate your honesty and heart in these videos.


Working In IT/Cyber Security for a living this is an awesome explanation/analogy. Thank you so much for this video.
Amen 🙏 God Bless.


Love your passion Pavel! I see God's laws more like the banks of a river. As long as the river flows within the banks it's beautiful! As soon as the river exceeds the banks it's a flood of destruction. Our life is as the river. It can be beautiful if we flow within the 'banks' of His laws. Of course the analogy isn't perfect. We cannot stay within the banks by our own strength. Only though Faith and Repentance can we flow freely in Him and be beautiful as He designed. You could see one bank as Faith and the other as Repentance. To be clear, Faith in Christ and Repentance from Sin. The river bed is His love. If you rest in His love Faith and Repentance will flow naturally.


Thank you brother...May God continue to use you for His glory


Thank you for the video! I learned a lot from the video. God bless!


Nice thoughts but with the last thing I don't really agree. The God doesn't throws you away but you throw yourself away from the God. He always wants us to make the right choice or lead our way back to the right path... but as you may know, he gave us free will and because of that we can make our own choices (even if they aren't right). So that's why the God isn't a dictator and about the hell... I think the hell isn't a place it's just the sadness what you'll feel because you will be alone without your father (the God).


God created the physical laws in the universe. He created gravity. If you decide to jump off a cliff, gravity will kill you. It’s not God’s fault that you decided to break the law of gravity. God also created moral laws, and if you break them, you get hurt. God is on full-time tech support, so if you need help he will be able to fix you and your problem. He is understanding and forgiving. In this world, you will always need His technical support. If you choose to upgrade to his OS, then you are guaranteed eternal tech support and protection. Your tech support fee has been paid eternally by Jesus Christ.
“....if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
(Romans 10:9-10)
