Uh Oh! James Cameron Talks About Rebooting Terminator Franchise!

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John Connor becoming a Terminator himself was the "jump the shark" moment of this franchise, for me. That scene took me entirely out of the movie, and it was at that moment I felt that they had nothing left to offer.


James Cameron: I'm going to make Terminator great again!
Literally everyone: How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?


I remember hanging with some friends, and we decided to watch a movie. We picked terminator because of the posters. Walked out blown away. Those days are gone.


"Well the newest Terminator movie sucked, but at least it's the last one. There's no possible way they can make any more Terminator movies after this."

"Listen and understand! Those Hollywood executives are out there. They can't be bargained with, they can't be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear of negative reviews, and they absolutely will not stop, ever! Until the franchise is dead!"


I want to see a future war movie. Not the version we got in salvation but one that sticks to the aesthetic of the flashbacks from T1 and T2


I think old age really messed up James. He clearly forgotten the meaning of the Terminator that he made.


I think he is trying to set the world record on most number of movie reboots of all time.


Couldn’t agree with you more about the original ending. Perfect ending. Job done. Perfect movie. I love the ending with Sarah as a grandmother and her granddaughter running up to her. Really chokes me up. Sigh… we have our memories I suppose. 😢


The terminator was basically a sci-fi Jason Voorhees and Terminator was basically a Friday the 13th film with a fleshed out plot. It really shows how engaging a simple story can be when all of the other important elements of a film are done well.


I've always thought there should have been three. The first two as they are, with the third one taking place during the war and it ends with the T-800 and Kyle being sent back, so the trilogy is a continuous loop.


My tolerance for new installments in legacy franchises could not be any lower. 9 times out of 10 it goes badly, and that obviously includes Terminator in particular. Best case scenario you have something like the Creed movies or BR 2049, which are fine, but still not worth the hype for them. It's best just to appreciate these classic films for what they were in their time rather than attempt to resurrect them. We should all understand that by now.


It should've ended with the 2nd movie. Dave, you already said it in previous videos if I remember correctly.
Anyway, it's a great pleasure to listen to your commentaries instead of watching the new films as you give new perspectives on previous ones.


The 3rd and final Terminator film (written and directed by Cameron) should have taken place in the post Judgement Day future focusing on John Connor and Kyle Reece. His unit fighting their way into the heart of Skynet, finding the time machine, then Kyle volunteering to be sent back to protect Sarah. It would have been a perfect trilogy with an infinite loop.


I'm with you in hoping they just let the franchise rest. And I say that as a massive Terminator fan. The story concluded in a way that made sense and was satisfying (the T2 ending you mentioned), but also, I just don't think Cameron's "got it" anymore. I think he peaked a long time ago, plus he's been infected with the woke mind virus, which just makes his decline worse. T1 and T2 were phenomenal, it's been diminishing returns ever since, and I don't think that will ever change. So I'd rather they just leave the franchise alone and never touch it again because they're never going to top T2, not even if Cameron himself comes back to write and direct.


Terminator and T2 are classics that will never be beaten with masterful plot and characters. The closest they came to a decent Sequel was The Sarah Connor chronicles that was a TV show.


This is the age of never-ending franchises, whether you want them or not.


There is nothing left in this series. The story has been told, there is nothing left to reveal.


What I love most about the Terminator is that they only made 2 films that were both fantastic and then had the moral fortitude to not make any more sequels.


There is a part of me that wants to see Terminator get a proper conclusion. It's been so long since I saw the theatrical release that I honestly don't remember what the ending was. I feel like the ending we see with Sarah is what was released as an extended cut via DVD/BluRay. I am completely happy with that being the end of the franchise. That being said, as another mentioned. I would enjoy a movie that takes place in the future were Conner and Reece encounter Skynet's last stich effort to circumvent total defeat. However, I have no faith that in today's modern woke Hollywood that a story of that nature could be executed. I would rather see the franchise die with what little remains of it's dignity than see a reboot or another attempt to link a sequel/prequel to this franchise. Like a lame horse or a deer that's been hit by car. End the suffering and put the franchise out of it's misery.


If they did a Terminator Vs Robocop movie, I'd be all for it.
Sure it'd be silly as all hell, but at least you know what you're paying for.
