Starter Solenoid Test | Clicking Sound When Trying To Start..?

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Ever attempt to start your vehicle and you hear just a clicking noise? You think it's the battery and try to jump start the vehicle. However, that ticking noise is still there. Here's how you can test the starter solenoid.

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I just want to say that you are an excellent teacher. I know a fair amount about car repair and have replaced a number of starters in my day, but never have I heard someone so thoughtfully and thoroughly explain the difference between the 2 housings, their functions, the steps to test continuity, what it means, and how to verify you are placing the test leads in the correct places. I learned something by watching you and I'm sure that people with less experience at this than me will be thrilled that they were able to pick up this very valuable information in the correct way from a qualified, very well versed source. I think we all, at some point in our lives, will hear that dreaded "click" when we turn our key. You have made a fan out of me. Super job!


The clicking could be from low voltage from weak battery and/or bad connections, and the solenoid is a large switch for large current amps, not voltage. Your continuity test is not under load which may show it as ok, but under load the contacts may not pass current from pitted contacts but read ok on multimeter. But it's a place to start.


When the starter stops turning over every time but just some of the time.... the issue is the copper contacts inside the solenoid becomes pitted from sparking. Take the starter off...take the solenoid off and disassemble it. Sand down the large round copper pads smooth. Put it all back together.

This would make a good video to make


It’d be better if you show the actual sound that the car makes, you explain how to fix the problem well but I’m not sure if it’s the same clicking sound my car is making lol. I’ve heard other YouTubers do the clicking sound with their mouth then they show their car sound and it’s completely different than my car :s


Continuity or resistance test may be a good indicator of whether a part or conductor is bad or has failed, but is not necessarily an accurate way to tell if the part or connection is good or functioning properly. Resistance or continuity is checked with a circuit not under a load. For more accurate results even voltage testing should be performed while circuit is activated rather than in a static state. Voltage drop or amperage draws are more reliable and better indicator of whether the system is functioning properly or experiencing adverse conditions.


Well done video. Just one thing mentioned which is not correct. The terminal referred in the video as negative is not really a negative, it is the point of supplying 12 volt to he starter motor when at the moment of cranking via the solenoid contact. There is no negative terminal in starters, the starter body is what supply negative to the starter.


I love you guys who post this stuff on YouTube. That's all. I just love you. Thank you!


He is a real gentleman - smart and humble. Subscribed.


Never heard of a "silly noid" :).


sir I have the same problem though mine will start with 1 click then other time 3 to 4 clicks .... when it's cracking it directly through... not weak but strong . thank u for your video hope you can add some tips.


I need to put my two cents in as a mechanic of 30 years both on cars and airplanes here it goes the information given on this video is very good it's accurate but to let you know I understand people come to YouTube because they're either fixing their own cars or they cannot afford a car repair bill don't let these things scare you all cars make noises for one reason or another and a lot of mechanics will rip you off they'll tell you it's something major when all it is is something very minor and ignore car shield your missions light will come on your sensor routinely checks or problems sensors excuse me if you want to spend $500 on a loose connection go right ahead again this information is very useful for people that fix cars but for the lay person avoid the big mechanics like Firestone they'll work you off find somebody that you can make arrangements with through referral a decent mechanic good luck


that was an awesome video. exactly what i was looking for... but can you explain why the s lead has continuity with the larger solenoid, or why with no continuity the starter us bad


i salute bro, for every video you make... very helpful and details....


Great, professional and useful video. Thanks so much for sharing it.


Can you make a video showing how to hook up and use a remote starter switch correctly to crank a vehicle when a helper is not around to crank the vehicle sir? It will be a great and very helpful video!


Aside from the starter, battery and seized engine what else can cause single click when trying to start it?


Thank you so much for your nice explanation and your help.


da best 8 minutes in my life! ❤️
thanks bro..


solenoid supplies amperage to the starter, voltage is consistent.


Tho straight to the point and clearly explained tho you
