Defend your Baptism: A Biblical Defense of Infant Baptism

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Do you ever feel attacked for being baptized as an infant? Has anyone encouraged you to get re-baptized? Yikes! Don't do it! This presentation covers the Biblical basis for infant baptism and addresses the arguments commonly raised against it. You'll learn how to defend the beliefs you were confirmed in and more deeply appreciate how you are buried and resurrected in your baptism with Christ!
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To be baptized, a person must have awareness of his sins and his need for a Savior, repenting of his actions (Acts 2:36-38; Rom. 3:23; 6:23). He must hear the word of God (Matt. 28:18-20; Rom. 1:16; 10:14-17) and believe its testimony that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God (John 20:30-31, Mark 16:16) who died on the cross and was raised from the dead to provide redemption for mankind (John 3:16; Rom. 5:6-10). He must confess this belief publicly (Rom. 10:9, Acts 8:26-40).

A baby is incapable of doing these things. A baby taken by his parents to be baptized is not a Christian baby, just a wet baby. An actual baptism has not occurred. Baptizing a baby with the notion of making it a child of God reduces baptism to nothing more than a work. Mere works absent of faith cannot save. Moreover, it is a work performed on an individual by a third party, without his consent, or even his knowledge.
