Inside The Mind Of An Evil INFJ (Example)

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I play out common examples of INFJ villains and heroes and how they act, talk, and think. Let's get inside the evil INFJ mindset and find out how it is different from good or neutral alignment INFJs in reality and fiction.

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An INFJ knows how to balance and use manipulation (good and bad) when it's deemed needed by the user. I 100% relate to this. However, I am very guilty of using Evil INFJ the most.


You know, sometimes I just feel that INFJ are going to kill me 😂~ INFP


There really isn't a "Good or Evil" person in my experience. Only hurt and healthy people. Evil is a perspective of those who are being attacked and good is the perspective of those who are being helped.


Maybe it’s wrong, but I’ve often found it more practical as an INFJ to sometimes use what society calls as “evil.” I’ve tried for years (as well as watched my brother) to see the good in people. No matter what you do, the things you fear in people often come true. It’s quite rare that a person actually surprises you...especially in a good way.

That’s why sometimes I feel like you have to be a bit more cunning and actually USE your gifts. I’m not saying be cruel or hurt people for the sake of it, but rather to actually act on your intuitions and intentions in the way you know best.

InfJ’s have the power to infect people, I could almost swear by this. Our words are under a cover of dissatisfaction but in truth, truly penetrates the person’s mind.

As an INFJ, you’ve got to figure out when’s the right time and what’s the right level to use this gift. I was going to give you my own conclusions, but that would obviously be folly. Instead, I’d suggest go and find for yourself what feels right.

A tip to remember is NEVER do something if you instinctually feel it in your gut that it’s wrong. We tend to hold on to shame famously. Figure out your limits.


This is really insightful and shows how a type's tendencies can be taken to extremes, and that no type has only good motives. But I think it even goes deeper than this. As I'm just entering my 40's, I can look back and see a definite development since my childhood. I always had good intentions, but also made some selfish choices in my late teens, early 20's. I think that no "alignment" is final. We make choices every day and can totally change in many ways that are not dictated by the tendencies of type. It's a journey. :)


As an infj, I feel that in considering evil, there are two main types. The first type is active evil, where a person purposefully goes out and harms other life for no other reason then personal gratification. Sometimes people view this as the only evil but actually it is just one of the forms. I always ask myself what are the intentions and motivation of a person's heart. That's one of the keys in finding the motives and hidden motives. The words people say, whether it's verbally or written, are a good indicator to me. I believe that an INFJ's intentions are never to cause harm to others. If it does, it would cause affliction to an infj when they realize this. Not even the ones who have abused and done great harm to an infj, do we actually want or have a need to retaliate against them, or want a confrontation, because it's not worth it. There is a need for harmony and a need to understand the other's underlying intentions and motives. The safety and protection of others as well as ourselves is ingrained in us, and it's what we stand for.


I have the impression that the word "Evil" is often used simply to attract the attention instead of to stand for it means.


i can be all 3 it depends on the person and how they come at me, but i spend a lot of time by myself


You have mentioned the "center" of us. There it is.


It's more perplexed you can read sometime like a book but a true infj can feel one's emotions. Using trigger words to invoke emotions like Curiosity, urgency, Confusing and helplessness, women lust and horny, anger, safe and satisfied, happy and alive, inspired, relaxed and peaceful, fear, motivate, etc. Dangerous ammo to give an infy it's preposterous and asine to except someone from narcissist abuse from parents and bullied every day of my life feels invigorating yet you know it's toxic at the same time. I'm the Pinnacle of a paradox. Best thing about pain is when you finally can start to use it. I eased of though only use it on physiatrists. Beat um at there own game why not. I still have overwhelming feelings that will never go away but a learned never be the nice guy ever again. Because you'll never win.


"you can't undo what you've done" this is spot on...😢


I love how you just finished in the evil one for a while


a toxic situation I had with an ex roommate. Who would always mention how he was an infj and how that made him better than everyone else.

Was always trying to push his philosophy onto me which was a nonsensical mixture of Buddhism, Hinduism etc. mentioning free masons and basically cherry picking things from different areas.

Then whenever he couldn’t counter something in which I had more knowledge of(usually science based) he would say “until you know everything I know you will never understand the universe”

When angry he would shout each letter of infj


Would always say something positive about me to my face but say the complete opposite to other people.
Luckily those people were friends who knew me or people whom I don’t care what they think about me.

Tried to sabotage a business dealing in which I have with a person in which I am just doing all the behind the scenes work and scheduling.

He messaged the person and wrote” be careful who you do business with cuz there’s a lot of shady people out there that want to make a name out of themselves through others hard work.

Apparently me not liking the spotlight means I am taking advantage of others. He always seemed to get agitated when I would be doing or mentioning things that do not involve getting recognition.

He got aggressive in two occasions threatening to cause me harm. The first time I didn’t back down and told him to back off. That was the same day he messaged the person. The next day he brought pizza(in hind sight it seems in attemp to manipulation)

Then the next day when he noticed I was in a business call with the person he tried to sabotage(I found out afterwards from the person) he got really agitated. I kicked him out. He Said he would not leave unless I dragged him out and that if I touched him I would regret it. So I called the cops. He left before they arrived but not before throwing out the pizza he bought.

I spent months with this person due to COVID happening around the same time.

He stayed at a neighbors house for a couple days and they kicked him out also because he kept boasting about how he has life all figured out. He talked about how he would try to destroy my life by spreading a rumor that I’d rather not repeat(incredibly vile). Said I caused him depression.

Despite the fact that when the lockdown was over he could have easily gotten a shop at a tattoo shop. But when he was finally left on the street he immediately got a shop at a tattoo shop.
Seemed like he likes using others until he doesn’t have a choice but to do things.

I was going to move out a couple of month after the incident. This is the reason why I allowed him to stay despite him not having a job. I only required he helped with groceries which he was kind of doing. Which he seemed to harass his family members for over the phone.

I’m pretty sure he is not an infj from what I have gathered of this video.


I know Im a good person but sometimes, I can be a bit cunning.


My belief is that only God in heaven is truly good even though we are all created in His image but fallen. Satan is a deceiver and very evil. We are born sinners in need of redemption through Jesus Christ and his free gift to those who will accept his gracious sacrifice. Read the Bible and learn all about good and evil.


Erik you are awesome. Interesting video, very thought provoking. I think most people fall between all types especially the neutral and good, some evil too, but not as much. My problem, I think is that, I fall between good and neutral. I have been taken advantage by manipulative and narcissistic family members; so that is why I think this way, with my life, my words, observations, and actions. Thanks for all your awesome work, Erik. Looking forward to more of your videos. They are very helpful for us, whether INFJs are not.


Better be evil... After watching this good infj just lost their respect in my mind ... naive, non confident, hopeless positive thinking


Funny how I relate to the good and bad side


Is it weird that I am fascinated by or drawn to the 'evil' and 'good' characters, but the 'neutral' (amoral) one seems more unappealing as he has no moral standpoint at all?


You are really very good! Keep on working.
