Why Supporting the Trans Community Matters

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What do you think the members of the LGBTQ+ community are trying to do? How do you know that someone is not transgender? What is the difference between sex and gender? Expression of gender is not the same as genitalia. Once you speak to a human in the community, you will realize they want the same things you want. When you start making friends and talking with people, you also start seeing life through their eyes.

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The Atheist Experience is a weekly call-in television show in Austin, Texas geared at a non-atheist audience. The Atheist Experience is produced by the Atheist Community of Austin.

The Atheist Community of Austin is organized as a nonprofit educational corporation to develop and support the atheist community, to provide opportunities for socializing and friendship, to promote secular viewpoints, to encourage positive atheist culture, to defend the first amendment principle of state-church separation, to oppose discrimination against atheists and to work with other organizations in pursuit of common goals.

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i've got to say, fair play to the dude for going out of his way to get a different point of view on a a subject he doesn't know much about


If more people were as calm, respectful and genuinely interested in asking legitimate questions and listening to the responses from those with a different point of view as this caller was, the world would be a much nicer place.


Fair play to the caller for asking respectful questions in an effort to learn and for listening to the reply. Thank you to you and to the hosts for their educational and sensitive reply.


For future reference, it's gender dysphoria not dysmorphia. Body dysmorphia is a completely different thing. And I appreciated this caller's sincere questions on a topic which he didn't have much experience with except the negative aspect from the people around him. I hope he does reach out to those who have a lived experience. That makes a real difference when you talk to those who are actually living it.


I’m proud of Kevin. He disagreed, but he wanted the other opinion, so he was respectful and kind


With everything going on in the world, I was apprehensive about this call. I'm so glad it was a wholesome one of asking sincere questions. It was refreshing.


A few things I want to say as a transgender individual myself.
1. If Kevin is reading this, thank you for being respectful. I always tell people, I dont ask you to fully understand my perspective. Just call me what I would like to be called, and we're a-okay.
2. Sex and Gender can be looked at like, sex is the physical traits of a person, gender is a social construct. Gender is all the stuff like "Men shouldnt cry, play sports, work out and have huge muscles and women care for the kids, cook, and clean the house while men are at work."
And 3. What I believe the goal for trans people is, and what the goal certainly for me is, I just want to be treated equally. I just want to be a normal person. The question I've asked other anti-trans individuals is this.

"Say you're out in public and there's a woman in men's clothing. Is that weird? Is that unacceptable?" They usually say no. Then I ask "What about a man in women's clothes?" 'Oh definitely, that is completely absurd, they need to man up.' Or something along those lines. I feel this is a form of cognitive dissonance. Why is it not weird for a woman to wear men's clothes? I dont know if I'll ever understand.


Shortpiro flat out ADMITTED to a room full of people wanting debate tips that their goal is primarily to make the other side look stupid and incompetent.


there is a very easy way to find out if someone is trans. just ask them. and listen to them


It's refreshing to see such wonderful conversation among the CONSTANT depressing news of ban after ban on the existence of trans people. I thank you, as an Atheist of 5 years and a trans person of 10+ years. It makes me feel less alone in this fight.


I love when I hear just course like this. My heart definitely goes off to the caller for reaching out trying to understand the point that he admits that he doesn't fully understand and trying to see an opposite viewpoint from the one that his side holds. We need more of this. People reaching out seeing these points of views from the other side and coming to common ground.


I love my gay brother and his husband and 2 children to death. Every morning they both drop off the kids to school. Sometimes they hear vitriol anti-gay comments in front of the kids. Byr, they are voth very successful in life. I would do anything for them!!!


They're human beings.

Just like you are.

There, that's the reason to be supportive.

Any other questions?


Kevin (and others like him), thank you for being so mindful and willing to learn more. You even asked some of the most appropriate/important questions that tackle what is being pushed onto the general public. I appreciate you.


LGBTIQ and trans are grouped together but his problem is directly to trans people. We just want equality and rights to exist free from hate discrimination and oppression imposed by others


Kudos to the caller for even thinking about asking! From there the journey is long to actually understanding and then maybe just thinking differently!
Judith Butler as a starter wow hard core read even for the best of us! 😂
From a trans woman to Kevin respect sir may your eyes and heart open enough to see through the fog of the rhetoric of certain people


There is so much hate to the trans community. My family and I support them in their journey. I had a close friend who transitioned in 1980.He was brutally murdered because of his transgender life.


Johnny makes a good point - the trans community is under attack because those doing the attacking have largely moved on from gay people. Trans people are this weeks bogeyman.

And yes, agreed that the caller has some decency in trying to look at this without the blinkers of bias. Somewhere in his head he has said to himself "this level of hate isn't right and I really don't know enough about this". Amazing what the Bud Light fall-out has done - hopefully it causes more people to call out bigotry.


Love the channel, but tbh, I think Johnny is starting to come across as unnecessarily condescending and nonchalant.


Atheist: show me proof of God

Man: im a woman now

