ULTIMATE GUIDE To Re-Grow Thinning Hair (Evidence Backed)

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Best Non-Greasy Minoxidil Recommendations

Best Dermapen/Dermaroller Recommendations

Peptide Serum for Hair Growth

Shampoo For Hair Loss

All studies mentioned in the video

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Please note that I'm not a medical doctor or a qualified cosmetic chemist. I do my best to quote credible scientific studies and link to all the studies in the description so you can fact-check me, but I can't 100% guarantee that all my info is error-free. It's important to consult your doctor and do what's best for you individually.
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Disclaimer - I'm not a doctor, and not giving out advice. That being said, I went through a FUE transplant just over a year ago. As stated, it is not for everyone, and for those that look into it, it is ultimately a personal choice. Also, sorry for the long post. It's the last year summed up into a single comment :)
Learning phase (pre procedure) - according to the doctor, male pattern baldness (not counting for stress or dietary issues) is mainly caused by DHT (dihydrotesterone). Yes this is essential for biological sexual differentiation, sebaceous gland activity in the dermis (skin), amongst other adolescent and young adult changes, but it also causes male pattern baldness. For individuals in mid to late 30's +, Finasteride is something that should be considered with your doctor to weigh the side effects (which are actually low in percentage terms).

There's no magic pill or topical treatment that can "regrow" hair. If the follicles are gone, they are gone. That being said, there are treatments that can reverse degradation of intact hair or follicles.

Finasteride (better known as Propecia) (Women and children - do not use...) is a prescribed medication which blocks or significantly reduces the amount of DHT produced in the body.
What this means for male pattern baldness: if you are showing signs of male pattern baldness, Finasteride will help prevent existing hairs from thinning and stopping hair growth.

Minoxidil, as stated in this video, lengthens the anagen phase of hair growth, and shortens the resting phase. This gives hairs the ability to grow thicker, fuller, etc. The magic of minoxidil is that follicles which are not able to breach into full fledged hairs are suddenly given time to fully mature into hairs above the scalp. It doesn't magically "regrow" hairs, it just gives them the time to grow which they didn't have before. But hair follicles that are gone are just gone.

However, hairs on the back of the head and around the sides above the ears are immune to DHT effects. This gives rise to the "male pattern" baldness. Thus, when transplanting those hairs to areas where the baldness is happening, they will not thin out and eventually go away. BUT, existing hairs in the baldness area are still prone to the effects of DHT. Finasteride is proscribed to prevent further hair loss of existing hair follicles in the balding area so that transplanted hair (which is immune to DHT), can have happy neighbors and give the appearance of a full head of hair.

During the procedure (FUE - I'm not sure about FUT), the doctor may want to do a Platelet enriched plasma therapy. This is basically where they draw blood (from your arm, like in a yearly physical), and they spin the blood in a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the red blood cells. The plasma is then injected into the transplanted areas to act as enriched an food source for the transplanted follicles. This is usually an optional treatment but recommended as it helps to boost hair growth after transplant.

After the procedure - Up to one year after transplant.
once daily Finasteride (1mg) tab... Forever... Not to worry, it's super cheap!!
+3 days - cannot wash (e, w, w... eww!)
+ 3 to 8 days - wash super gentle with special shampoo (they proved, it's like baby shampoo), your head will be scabbed and really raw / hard to the touch. Shampoo is Copper Tripeptide
+8 to 10 days - neutral conditioner to break up scabbing, and special shampoo
+10 to 30 days - scabs gone, transplanted hair is gone, - what the hell did I just spend thousands of dollars on??? Switch off of copper tripeptide shampoo and switch to regular shampoo.
+30 to 60 days - hair starts growing... Holy crap, this could be amazing
+60 to 120 days - hair is thin and short, but there is a lot of it
+4 to 8 months - Geez, I have the same hairline I had in my 20's, HELLZ YEAH. Transplanted hair is a bit frizzy. Hair grows about 1cm per month, so time to start thinking about styling,
+8 to 12 months - I've never had hair this long before. It's thick, fully developed but what the hell do I do now?... Time to subscribe to @Trav White !!!!


Great video. I'm in my 50s which poses a fresh set of challenges but the first section of your video is something that I really need to work on - lifestyle and diet. Thank you.


When covering androgenic alopecia, you need to mention that minoxidil and microneedling does not fight androgenic alopecia - it merely improves appearances. The hair will continue to be damaged if they do not take a 5AR inhibitor, making it much harder to get a hair transplant in the future. In any serious discussion about androgenic alopecia, atleast the first part must be emphasized


Wish Trav discussed points on RLT and NIR therapy for hair growth, that would've been cool.


Damn good vid. I had no idea about telogen effluvium and that looks exactly like what I have.

You broke it down very well and gave actionable steps, thank you :)


13:55 that voice crack
Seriously though great video as always man


From my own experience i wish i started Finasteride earlier. It's really slowed down my hairloss but regrowing thick hair at the hairline is so difficult. If i started earlier i probably coulda kept more


dormant hair follicle cannot grow back, the micro needling is only useful on existing thin hair in order for them to get blood flow


I have a question. In 11:21 you say that you should not dermaroll the same day as you apply minoxidil. I have started searching for both products (they often come together in packs) and this remark is never added in product descriptions. They say you should apply minoxidil twice a day (in the morning and in the evening) and use dermaroll up to 3 times a week, with a 1-day break between each dermaroll day. Soo... Should I skip minoxidil on dermaroll day or not? 😅


What do you think about this new purcorganic oil? Legit?


Hey this is a random question I'm not sure if you have a idea on what's going on but when I sleep I sleep on my side and it straightens out my hair and even after I shower it curls but it is very noticeably not as curly as the hair on top of my head I've tried finding stuff related to this online but I cant find anything any advice?


8:00 potassium channel blocker

Lmao. It's opener, not blocker.


I love your videos man. May God Bless ya ! <3


Does being in a caloric deficit increases hairfall/breakage?


ULTIMATE GUIDE: Finesteride, Minoxidil.


11:22 wait, i thought minoxidil was more effective AFTER the use of a dermapen/dermastamp


Hello! I was wondering if you could help me :)
I'm looking for a product that will freeze my fluffy curly hair making it windproof during windy days. I've tried a normal hairspray but I'm always needed to shampoo after 1 use which I find annoying, I'm looking for something that I can maybe just wash away with water. I would appreciate if you could help, thank you!


minoxidil without dht blockers is waste of time


hey I hope you answer because I need help, is it ok to wash my hair 3 days using only water and 2 days using shampoo, my hair is kinda oily and I workout so I sweat alot and because where I live is hot as well


Watch few videos from pfs network and moral medicine. You never even talk about finasteride after hour of watching those.
