Utter Depravity VS. Total Depravity

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What’s the difference between people being “utterly” depraved and people being “totally” depraved? What would the world look like if mankind was truly “utterly” depraved.

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This was good. Man is unchanged since the garden. Amen!


people are lost sinners with the ability to ask god to free them.


“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”


I can speak on this having had the experience of the Lord touching my head and replaying my entire life, revealing only my motives behind everything I had ever said and done. When I did wrong it was for self gain, whatever limited my exposure to getting caught, or lessened the impact on my reputation, finances, whatever. When I did good things, I did them for self gain, whatever was most favorable for me. I never once in my 23 years, at the time, ever thought about anyone other than myself, even in the good things I did. It was really shocking, I thought I cared so much for my fellow man, when I cared not at all for anyone but myself. That's the state of every unregenerate person.


There has been no denomination that has attracted me more the Calvinism. I could not ever commit to a good portion of what Ive learned they believe. Its against the scriptures entirely. Im not understanding why they attract me so. Spurgeon was, in my opinion, the most faithful, most transparent, most loving and biblically accurate preacher of all time [of all time]. I own more books by him than any author. Not that Im an authority, but since a child Ive always been a truth seeker. Im not anything, but I know how to rightly divide scriptures enough to see this is true. God is not the author of confusion, my inner conflict is confusing.

What is it that Im not seeing? I keep coming back to Calvinist over and over again through the years. Other than the scriptures we all contend with, are there any other ministers more in line with the Word??! None. I dont understand what Im not seeing or seeing, but Im staying on this channel for a long time I can tell.

I have alwaye felt like they have this foundational key I dont have. Thats what it feels like. How can there be such a conflict in scriptures according to what they hold true and yet they ARE the pillars in our world upholding Truth according to the Word.


There are alot of people in churches who not only do not know or understand this distinction, but reject it regardless of the distinction. Many people generally, including within the church, believe that man is basically good. I don't care what denomination one belongs to, and I have none personally, this is one aspect of doctrine that folks must get correct in the church and we must be unified on. I had a guy get up in arms because he believed that man was basically good and not totally depraved; basically downplayed sin and wrote it off while calling himself a Christian. Even claimed his position was biblical even though he had nothing to back it. I simply explained in simple terms, provided scriptures in context, and moved on.


This was good. RC Sproul would call it radical corruption. I think it may have been a play on his initials RC but I'm not sure.


What's the difference between total depravity, and God giving someone up to a reprobate mind.


I like the distinction between total and utter. However, it seems unnatural to me to quote Gen. 6:5 as a description of the present (and perennial) state of man. That verse immediately follows the description of the rise of the Nephilim, and starts by saying: 5) "Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6) And the LORD was sorry that He had made man..." The Scripture's use of "then" would seems to indicate that the situation which was unfolding at the time was a change from the previous situation. If it is true that "every intent of the thoughts of [man's] heart [is] evil only continually", why does Scripture speak as if God was only just noticing that state of things? Why would this be a surprise if this state of man began in Genesis 3 with the Fall? It seems to me that this state of things taken note of by God in Gen. 6:5 was a result of the corruption of natural man via angelic interference.

Having said all this, I do think that your position fits with what I read in Scripture generally, so I may be reading the wrong things into Genesis 6. Am I wrong in assuming Genesis 6:5 was intended to give us a picture of the unique depravity at the time of Noah?


Pastor what about mentally retired people? Are the in the category of Babies who are aborted will go Heaven?


I think this title is a Steve Deace-ism
