The #freegrace Movement is Pure Legalism

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Why is "free grace" so-called so legalistic?
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When you believe the gospel, you by default are not trusting your own works in any way. A saved person can fall back into works trusting and still be saved, as salvation is never lost. But if a person has never trusted in Christ alone as Savior, then they have never believe the gospel
B3cause the good news teaches us that it is solely Christ who has beared our sins on the cross and risen for our justification.

Someone who has always mixed faith plus works for salvation, is not a saved person.


When we are faithless. He remains faithful.


I think you have it inverted, legalism is literally holding the law to be justified. Like the pharisees those who believe in the law will be saying "lord lord haven't i prophesied in thy name, and in thy name have cast out devils, and in thy name have done many wonderful works?" They are boasters of their own righteousness instead of turning to God and his righteousness. The mere fact that he calls free grace "legalism" is hypocrisy. The bible is actually clear that the law and works wont save you, even if you try to pair it with grace and faith. "For if it be of grace then it is no more works otherwise grace is no more grace. If it be of works then it is no more grace otherwise works is no more works" theres no grey area between grace and works you are either full grace or full works. The second you add works into a free grace salvation you immediately are marked for works based salvation. And the bible is clear "for grace(courteous goodwill) though faith(to trust and believe) are ye saved, not of yourselves(nothing you do to get it) it is a gift from God(freely given), not of works(you cant earn it through turning from sins or doing good deeds) lest any man shall boast(you are prideful to say you earned something thats freely given). The second you start preaching anything other than you're going against the gospels and must be marked as a false prophet. "i do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then christ is dead in vain" "Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace" now therefore why ye tempt god, to put a yolk upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? But we believe that through the grace of the lord jesus christ we shall be saved, even as they."


Coming before the throne of grace is a privilege given to those who are God's children who have been saved and bought and redeemed.
In order to be saved it is only By grace Through faith not of ourselves lest we should boast. You're mixing up our privileges as children of God and us being brought from death to life.
