Why Do You Keep Dreaming About This Girl

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I keep dreaming ab a girl that I DONT THINK AB AT ALL. Then after i dream ab her shes all on my mind all over again


It’s crazy. I can’t stop thinking about her. She just appears. Like I do things for her even though it doesn’t even involve her. I can’t explain it. When I see her I feel like I’ve know her my whole life but I’ve only seen her like 5 times


I dreamed about this girl I've never seen... I was walking and I saw her I didn't recognize her at first but then I looked closer and it was her. I wanted to say hi so bad but couldn't I was so scared and she seemed like an angel and I feel like I knew her...


I dreamt that I was in a relationship with her and we both loved each other then I woke so upsetting


I swear i had the deepest dreams in existance with a girl i worked with from 2014-2016. It was a intense time literally dozens of dreams i think it was more than a crush...the dreams were so deep its hard to explain.


I loved how he cuts right to the point!


she used to like me, i think she still does because she always smiles at me, and i do like her too, , its just that i was scared i guess. i cant stop thinking about her and now she was in my dream looking at me and smiling like she was happy. i just get high so i stop giving a fuck


I love a girl and i just can't forget her. I know, that it is hopeless, but tell that to my mind. I guess, that she will be in my mind for a long long time


I keep dreaming about my ex...
And not just sometimes. I'ts frequently, and it has been like this for a while now...
I miss her company so much.
I miss her voice.
I miss her eyes.
I'm hurt.
Sometimes I just can't stop thinking about many things we did together, because I live where we lived together, even if it was a short period of time... And it hurts. Knowing that we both surely made mistakes, but that I feel like I was the one who ruined it all.
Ever since then I haven't been myself. I just hate myself, and go around afraid of everybody(a social anxiety that's getting bigger as days pass). I just feel like I've lost the good things in me.
I just want to disappear.


For the passed 2 years she been visiting me in my dreams.. at night is when I daydream the most.


Is it possible for her to have the same dream


Man I could cry... he right on the money...thank you


I’ve been having dreams about a girl that I love and I haven’t felt a feeling like this ever. I’ve never met this girl. My first dream was me riding in a golf cart with my friends and she was there. She sat next to me and moved close. I was uncomfortable at first. She moved close and we just look each other in the eyes. Then, we start holding hands. Then my next dream the next day, me and my friends from my old middle school were in an airport for some school trip. For some reason, I was boarding the South Carolina University plane and she was boarding a UCLA plane. I was on my plane but I forgot my bags so I ran all the way back to where I was sitting. I saw her and went to pick up my bag. After this point I started Lucid dreaming. I ran to pick up my bag and I kissed her. It was the greatest kiss I’ve ever had. I felt warm inside and I felt what I think is love. I can’t stop thinking about this girl in my dreams. I don’t know what’s happening to me. She has dark brown hair, a beautiful smile, and she has some freckles on her face. She has a cute nose. And she’s about 5’6.


i had a dream where i went to dinner with my crush and she wouldnt stop smileing


I was dreaming about a girl for three times now,
The first time I never really thought about her, but she hugged me in that dream, and I litterly went flying!
I never really see her around, but today i gave her a note saying: (her name) I like you
I don't know how she responded, because I ran away after i gave her the note :)


Kept dreaming about this girl that I screwed things up with and ran away from due to a fear of rejection. Hit her up and fessed up to running (I know it’s a terrible move and I won’t ever hear from her again). Immediately stopped dreaming about her and started dreaming about someone else. Still really sucks that things won’t work out between us, but I guess that’s what I needed to do to move on


I had a dream about this girl just last night for the first time. I’m constantly thinking about her whenever I have a period with her or even at lunch. Her beauty kills me, I can’t focus on anything when in a class with her. I just keep saying uhh she’s so beautiful 😍. Everyday! The dream was about me talking about my height I don’t know why but don’t question it, we were laughing and smiling. But I rarely talk to her maybe like once every two days.


I also heard if you dream about her she was also thinking about you too, especially if you both have talked and felt like there's a connection.


I used to date a girl and she didn’t like me as much as I liked her and we became friends then just stopped seeing each other all together. About 15 years passed and she started popping up in my dreams again CONSTANTLY and that made me think about here A LOT. So much so I actually contacted her about it and at first she was flattered but then reminded me that she didn’t have the same desires as I did to her so I told her I think it’s best for me to just block you on all socials and block your number cuz I don’t want to interfere anymore with your family/relationship. She said she’d do the same and to have a wonderful life with my family and to make that the focus and that she was sorry this was happening to me


Thing is that I've only talked to her through discord, since she lives in a different country. We haven't even done voice chat, only texting. A few months ago, we texted for about an hour or more every day. We also share the same interests, which was the first time that happened to me. Later, we just stopped talking. It became a "Hi, how are you doing" every now and then. Thing is that I'm dreaming and thinking of this girl every week, almost daily sometimes. She just pops into my head from nowhere. Last time I dreamt about her, was today. At the same time, I know that there couldn't become anything between us due to how far away we live. But that doesn't help the thought of us some day being on a date or something.
