Why Do We Dream?

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I've always considered dreams as free movies.


*“You can actually see this happening.. if you watch people sleep.. like I usually do.”*


11 years later and dreams are no less mysterious than they were then


Unconcious brain: *organising stuff*
Concious brain: bro wtf


Me: ah... That was a weird dream..
My brain: what dream?


12 years and this still holds up to current standards. Vsauce really was ahead of their time


I'm a musician and I have written my best songs in dreams, half remembering them first thing in the morning, as I'm in and out of consciousness, but by the time I wake up fully, it has slipped away. I am fascinated by dreams! Great video ❤


Our dreams are just ads loading the next day


When I was having a nap my dad was screaming and in my dream a cat was screaming at me


My favourite type of dreams is where I can fly. It’s amazing to be able to fly and I know how to do it in my dreams


I dreamed of a song once. that day when I woke up I wrote the notes in a book, then 3 days later I made it with a flute. never had I composed something so good. never forgot that dream.

Edit: how is this the 12th top comment :v


imagine having sleep paralysis and hearing a slight, “hey, VSacue, Micheal here”


Me: Wait.. its all a dream?

Crush: *_Always has been._*


I was a victim of some pretty sick child abuse and neglect for a nine year period, starting when I was 4, and had many many extremely vivid nightmares during those years, most of which I still remember all too well at the age of 63. They mainly dealt with themes of isolation and helplessness. I also had night terrors as a small child for awhile. They're sort of hallucinations that occur just as one is falling asleep. In the night terrors I was always being chased by white circles. Why white circles? Beats me.

When I was 8 I had a dream that was comprised of snippets of a bunch other dreams all glued together, all unrelated. These little snippets were mostly very mundane, not vivid like some other dreams I was having, and were separated by brief images of swirls of mist. It was pretty weird. About two weeks later I was in a house where I'd never been before (my cousin took me over to a friends house, someone I'd never met before.) He showed us his fish tank and I happened to mention something about one of the fishes' tails. The moment the words left my mouth I had the strongest feeling of deja vu I've ever had. And then I remembered I had said those exact same words about the fish's tail in one of those dream segments from two weeks earlier. I remembered the dream segment clearly. I know this sounds crazy, but I think I had a clairvoyant dream! I wonder if this is what deja vu actually is, partially remembering a dream that's somehow been replicated in real life. Food for thought I guess.

There was a period as a young man when my dreams were affected by my experimentation with hallucinogenics. Had some dreams where I was feeling the hallucinogenic effects in the dream. These were sometimes quite epic and fantastical. Sometimes these dreams had long plots I could remember afterwards that included an especially epic segment, sort of the highlight of the dream, that would repeat in other dreams with different plots, and at other times it was more like an uncontrolled subconscious swirl of emotions, colors, sounds and sights. I also had dreams during this period which were so realistic that I was convinced I was not dreaming, but awake. In one of those dreams my buddies and I were cruising around in a car as we often did back then. I happened to be sitting in the back seat when we hit a semi and my skull got crushed. I sat straight up in bed and experienced hallucinogenic effects for about 10 minutes.

Later when I was in my thirties I had repeated episodes of sleep paralysis accompanied by hallucinations like the strong feeling that someone was standing over me with a knife and a weird unsettling sound, sort of like a scream or squeal that gets progressively louder and induces more panic the louder it gets. I'd have to try to shake myself out of paralysis by *trying* to thrash about, and I'd try to scream for help, for my wife to shake me awake and could only mumble weakly. Eventually i was able to shake myself out of it but it sometimes took a long time and was quite exhausting.

Fortunately it's been at least 20 years since I've had problematic dreams. Nowadays I only remember the occasional dream, rarely have unpleasant dreams, and more often than not wake up with only a very vague impression or echo of a dream but can't remember details.


As someone who experienced lucid dreaming for a long time, my first time lucid dreaming was a bit of a scary experience to me. Not only can I physically move my body but it feels like it's actually happening. I caused this thing where I "become my dream" and it was very hard for me to focus and after a while I have gotten used to lucid dream and the thing about it is that I started doing it at day and night, but then the lucid dreaming got to a point where I started to feel like I am not in a dream but rather another world and then I started doing crazy stuff (I think you would know what I'm talking about) and The people I do it with are people I know in real life and it made me more confident but I changed. Like I said, I started "becoming my dream" and the me from my lucid dreams became me in real life and because of that, people have been avoiding me and my friends would always say I'm weird. That's when I started noticing myself and what I'm doing and what I'm saying. Then I have been getting very scared of just absolutely refuse to go outside and talk to people. I still lucid dream, which I am fine with, but I haven't regularly dreamed in a while. If you are planning on lucid dreaming, please don't make the same mistakes I have made.


Michael can watch me sleep anytime, for science of course


Does anyone else get really creeped out by videos of people sleeping? Like, those weird black and white videos...yeesh.


I am a part-time filmmaker and often dream of the most incredible stories that feel like a "masterpiece".
They are such elaborate exciting stories that I could never invent in my waking life.

And yet I forget almost 95% of them right after I wake up, I can only remember the feeling:
"Wow, this is so good, if I implement this I will be famous".


this video was out there before I could even talk correctly and I found it like 5 years ago, it's become some tradition (?) to watch this every year it always gets in my recommend once a year. Best video I've ever seen


I don't mind dreaming about a tea party with abraham lincoln as long as we are not in any theaters
