When You Dream About Someone Are They Thinking Of You?

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When you dream about someone are they thinking of you? Did you pick up on their energy? In this video, I explain why it is that you dream about someone, how to interpret your dream and how the energy of dreams works.

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I love this lady and things pushed us away from each other, I hope and pray we can be back together!
If anyone reads this, I'd appreciate prayers!
Much love for all of you!


Still can’t stop dreaming of her.. We were perfect together, soulmates. It sucks so bad


After long years of dreaming/obsessive thinking about my person. I have done my part of the shadow work, i do dream about her sometimes even when i don’t consciously think about her.
Instead of having this draining energy from before, its become a light unconditional love i feel towards her. She may have passed away, but her energy remains in me. I can literally feel as if she is here with me.
Fate brought us together to point out my/our karmic patterns. Wish you were here ❤️


I dream of him every night, even on the days I don’t think of him. Highly energetic dreams, it’s been really hard on me and I don’t know how to have them stop


I am manifesting my specific person and I've been having beautiful dreams about him. When I saw this video released today I knew straight away it's a massive sign that my manifestation is coming! I can feel it! Thank you so much! It feels amazing 😁💚🧡


I just had one of the best dreams I've ever had. It was beautiful and I want to cling to all the pieces of it and hold them close. A few parts felt more real than reality.
Thanks for the video. Tuning into the emotion of it all did give me more meaning.


I had several dreams about my ex 3 years ago aBout him having a child.... I told him and asked him about the dream then boom.... 3 years later he tells me that he found out he had a son he didn't know about. I also had. Dreams about him dealing with other people, then boom I find out he was. I believe dreams are definitely messages from the Universe. That's why I always write them down when I wake up and write every detail I remember


I've been having dreams about this particular person from the past. It's been maybe 2 times a week starting about a year ago. Now it's almost every night. The dreams went from bad and horrible to increasingly becoming more positive. As this person matures and so do I. Very intresting.


Two nights ago I had a dream of someone very special to me. It was vivid like they used to be, years ago. The few dreams I’ve had, only a handful, have always been vivid…spiritual. Totally different than the norm. I even wrote a dairy entry for it titled “ A dream, finally”. What special timing this is. Thanks for your wisdom.


I can’t control my dreams ! sometime I dream of people I never met in person only seen them on the screen but it feels real !


Ooh this video is a coincidence. I stopped dreaming about him for a while then I suddenly dreamed about him again in the early morning on 7 July and the dream was different than before. I found later that he had been thinking of me and checking me in secret before and after the day I had that weird dream. Take note, we're no longer on speaking terms for months now since the relationship ended last year. How do I know he had been thinking of me? Well I checked on him secretly and I connected all the dots with the signs I had, the universe practically threw the clear signs to my face. 😂
This is a good video to learn from. Thank you, Aliki. Many blessings and joy to you. 🕊️


(True story) After a couple months of not speaking to each other. I had completely random dream about us being together, i forget what she looks and sounds like but I still had a dream about her. It woke me up at around 8pm (earlier than I usually wake up) and I check my tik tok and it says I have a notification that she viewed my profile and liked a sweet post I reposted… I’m not really a believer in this kinda stuff but this has me a little shaken. I do still love her and hope one day we can both set our differences aside bc we both click with each other like we never have before


I've been in Love with a certain Woman for about 3 years now. We have gotten close and then She pulls away when We get too close. From the very beginning She assured Me that She did not want nor could She handle anything serious after what She has been through and I completely understand. I have been patient, given Her more space than anyone could ask for and have always kept things exactly on Her terms for Her comfort. Yet, We always draw close before She pulls away again. All I want is Her happiness more than anything because She truly deserves it! Yet, no matter how much I try, I simply cannot stop loving Her... Right now We are back to not really talking much as we both take on life. The other night however, I had an extremely vivid dream that We were in a house together. I was busy working on something and I fast paced walked by her across a room. As I went by, she yelled out "I Love You". I then said "I Love You Too". And in this dream, it felt as if we had been saying it daily to each other for a long time! So... Could there be any significance to this dream at all or am I just the king of wishful thinking? Just like that 80s song sang about, lol. I appreciate any responses and lots of love and Positive Energy always... ❤👌🧘‍♂️


Come down, slowly
I am waiting by your side
Come down, carefully
I am waiting by your side
I’ll grab you when you fall
Down to the waking hours
Silent sweeps as golden corn
Down to the waking hours
How I wish that I could
Break into your dreams
Do I have the force I need
To break into your dreams
I hold you in my arms
Dimmed by scarlet morning red
I whisper in you ear
«Do you dream of me?»

Перевод песни

Спускайся, медленно
Я жду рядом с тобой
Спуститесь, осторожно
Я жду рядом с тобой
Я схвачу тебя, когда ты упадешь
До часов бодрствования
Тихая зачистка, как золотая кукуруза
До часов бодрствования
Как я хочу, чтобы я мог
Перерыв во сне
У меня есть сила, в которой я нуждаюсь
Чтобы проникнуть в ваши мечты
Я держу тебя в объятиях
Окрашенные алым утренним красным
Я шепчу тебе в ухо
«Ты мечтаешь обо мне?»


He literally shows up in some of my dreams and I can feel his feelings for me from his energy or see it in his eyes and he knows I know but in reality he hasn't showed it or told me . He just shows and tells the other girl he married his feelings but he doesn't truly love her. So I am like why show me or tell me your feelings in a dream when you are faking it with her and hiding your feelings for me irl. I decided to focus more on me because I am a queen.


We ended twenty years ago and I never had stop loving him. He is in my mind every day and still crying about him but at the same time I wishing him the best. I haven't be able to love again but I had many dreams I see him.


I dreamed of someone I've known for years i woke up happy I saw her i hope that's a good sign


Last night I had a dream about my ex that I haven’t spoken to in months, we left on a civil note but I got so jealous for some reason in my dream that he was kissing some girl lol and he texted me today all by himself saying I hope everything is well. It might be a coincidence but that was so weird to me.


What if dreams are actually us in another realm, another reality. That its many of us in other dimensions and when we dream we tap in our other lives temporarily


your spirit and their spirit want you to see something. the spirit of another may communicate even if that person on this plane isn’t thinking if you. their spirit may want you to think of them. the higher selves have a plan and sometimes they try to walk you down that path in dreams and thoughts
