Lossless Wireless Music Streamer - Fiio SR11

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Is it possible to play music from a flash drive on fiio sr11?


Hi Ryan
I just got mine yesterday want to stream from my Apple Music too. However, I can’t connect it to my wifi. Should I connect it with my LAN to update the firmware? Thanks

I got it connected to my wifi already which is a day after i posted this. Everything is playing as expected thru AirPlay and it sounds as good as i used USB from my iPhone.


Hi. I am looking for a replacement of my Squeezebox Touch that stopped working after many years. I am not up to date with latest technology, so I'll try asking straight forward: I have all my FLAC files on my Windows Laptop and used to feed Squeezebox through Logitech Media Server via WiFi to the Squeeze Touch, connected via COAX to external DAC and then stereo amp. Do I understand correctly, that exactly the same would be possible with SR11 in the Roon Mode, installing free Roon Software on my laptop and feeding SR11 through WiFi as well? And then, can I control/operate it through the Roon APP available on Play Store?


Do you know if it will be available in black?


Can i play music from HDD directly connect to it's usd host?


Yeah but how? I was really only waiting to hear how the Fiio SR11 sends the signal to the deck. That would have been the important info. How? Can it receive AND TRANSMIT / forward / send Airplay2? In the Wiim Pro Plus that function was revoked a few weeks ago with a firmware update, essentially bricking it for users like me who bought it just for that. The Wiim Pro Plus used to be able to receive Airplay 2 signals AND to send Airplay 2 signals. Now it's reduced to a receiver. Does the Fiio11 receive and send or only receive Airplay 2?
