iPad vs Eversolo vs Mac mini for Apple Lossless Music

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I tried an iPad, Eversolo DMP-A6 and a Mac mini to stream Apple Lossless Music to my Stereo and there was one clear winner for me.

I now have three ways to play Apple Music on my stereo:

1-iPad to DAC via USB (100% lossless, 44.1, 96 up to 192 kHz) Cost = 'free' because I already had an unused iPad. Downside is no remote operation of Apple Music except for track forward, backward play/pause via bluetooth remote.

2-Apple AirPlay 1 from my iPhone to an Apple AirPort Express to DAC via Optical (Mostly lossless at 44.1kHz) Cost = $15 to buy AirPort Express model A1264 on eBay. Remote operation is available, but playback is limited to 44.1kHz and isn't always lossless.

3-Apple Airplay 2 from my iPhone to Marantz CD50n (not lossless). Cost = Free. Remote operation is available, but playback is no lossless.

You can tell if your iPhone is connecting using the AirPlay 1 or AirPlay 2 protocol by the check mark next to the connected device when you enable AirPlay on your phone. AirPlay 1 has a simple check mark, AirPlay 2 has a check mark with a circle around it.

Link to information on AirPort Express models and what they support.

Link on information on AirPlay 1 vs AirPlay 2.
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Very good video. Thanks for sharing. You saved a lot of people a lot of trouble.


Yes I use an Apple TV when listening to Apple Music I know the sample rate will be capped at 48khz but the sound quality is still steller. I run the HDMI from the Apple TV directly into my Sony OLED TV and then use the optical digital audio out from my TV into my surround processor, I have a legacy processor and the HDMI interface is only HDMI 1.1 so its best if I run the HDMI directly to my TV to get best picture quality. The beauty of this set up is a huge screen for navigating Apple Music using the Apple TV remote control this is very satisfying the other benifit is I can tell the TV to output Dolby 5.1 on the optical this expands the number of channels to 5.1 so I can take advantage of Apple Music's surround music productions and beciase I've set the TV to output Dolby 5.1 this increases the bandwidth of the signal and music sounds much fuller and richer using this connection this will beat any Android based HiFi streamer currently avaiable and the Apple TV 4K is only £150 it has the best interface for streming music.


I’ve had very good result with a longer rca cable…the iPad sits next to me on the couch for complete control. Timely video…thanks


Great video! I am in the same situation and I use the iPad with my Marantz ND8006 using a USB-C to USB-B cable. I get the full range ALAC to the HiFi system. What I do not have is the Remote Control for the iPad. LossLess Switcher I use on my iMac 24inch with a AudioQuest Dac and a sound system. This is only for the computer. Have fun!


All we need is a Spotify connect like interface for Apple music


Thank you for posting this video, very helpful info on your journey that so many others are also trying to to work out. I also don’t want to see Apple Music on a large TV in the listening room.


Hi Koolbob2, absolutely fantastic video on how to listen to Apple Music streaming. Well done! I’ve been going through the same problem, and I settled on just using an iPad connected to my Peachtree nova500 and I’m getting 192 kHz on some songs. Very happy with the sound quality of the set up… So I have no need for an Eversolo or a Bluesound Node Icon. I also don’t mind getting up and changing the music. I have to do the same thing with my vinyl records anyway! So I’m used to it… But good advice about setting up a remote via Bluetooth.


I use a Mac Mini to stream ALAC files I've burned from CD (or, in a few cases, downloaded from Qobuz) via ethernet using Roon and play it through the same external USB/coax/optical DAC I use for my CD transport. Then I use a MacBook Air, iPad or iPhone as a remote, which allows me to peruse all the related information (artwork, credits, lyrics, reviews, background articles, etc.) on the screen while listening. I love it -- the closest digital has ever come to the "analog experience!"


It’s hardly mentioned by other reviewers because it simply doesn’t get them any freebies…. But the iPad connected to a USB dac is really the best streamer you can get. Not only with Apple Music but also with others like Tidal and even with Roon. My headphone setup uses one with a Roon server on a Mac Mini. Connected to an RME ADI FS dac/headphone amp, works like a charm. And the RME software to control all functions of the dac/amp is also available for the iPad and can be used while playing music.

No issues here with having to have a remote because I’m sitting next to it…. That would be the only potential issue in a speaker setup.


These are some extremely excellent points here and I believe you may have saved me several hundred dollars as I was about to go some the Mac mini path. Thanks for the info!


Great review - appreciated your obvious well founded opinions of what worked and how well. I have similar interests and desires thus further appreciated your through assessments.


I have tried all those options you mentioned but I like the Eversolo Master E with upgraded LHY LPS connected to a Denafrips DDC and Pontus 2 ( upgraded FPGA ) combo with the Eversolo connected to a LAN with Ifi Silencer.
The Eversolo with a R2R DAC combo is another level IMO. All the Apple products I think are too noisy even connected to my DDC. iPhone, IPad, Mac Mini, it’s really a step down.
Oh and I connect Eversolo to DDC using Audioquest USB Carbon, then I2S into DAC ( Jays Audio ).


This video indeed saved me a lot of trouble and raised a few new questions. What I understand now is that if I want to use the full potential of Apple Music bitrate (24/192) the only solution is a wired one :) in an Airplay

My current setup consists an internet modem that is connected to a Gen 2 Airport Express (AE) (DAC build in) to use my Intel Macbook Pro (no DAC inside). I'm on the verge of investing in a power amplifier + speakers and connect that to:
1. A stand alone higher spec DAC in combination with the AE in airplay mode with 16/44.1 bitrate, and bypassing the AE with a charging adapter using my iPhone/Macbook Pro wired directly into the stand alone DAC if I want to enjoy music on a 24/192 bitrate level
2. A Streamer with a higher spec DAC build in and remove the AE out of my network chain. Streamer needs to be wireless and support Airplay. With regards to the bitrate the above apply.

In time the Macbook Pro will be replaced and could be purely used as a music server.

Question with regard to setup 1and the AE>DAC connection. This can be 3.5mm jack>RCA instead of a mini Toslink>Toslink, because Airplay will limit the bitrate anyway to 16/44.1 so it's of no use to bypass the AE DAC in favour of the better spec'd standalone DAC. Is that correct?

Now, what happens if I decide to use a second streaming device next to Apple Music like for instance Quobuz. If I follow their interactive questionnaire all I have to do is download their app on my Macbook Pro/iPhone to enjoy music in Hires (24/192) quality. How is that possible in a setup mentioned like above?

Do I perhaps have to buy a WiFi DAC/Streamer without Airplay (F.i. Wiim Ultra) to connect my Macbook wirelessly + use of Quobuzz app to make wireless use of Hires potential of a streaming service? 

I'm confused! Perhaps someone can clear my lost mind.


Glad to see there are others with my frustrations as well....lol. I started with an iphone/ iPad into Schitt Modi DAC to HIFI setup. Remotely controlling that was a pain but worth the audio quality. This was fine for a bit... until I caught the Airplay bug. For this I dusted off my old Apple TV 3rd gen. I used the TOSLink out to connect to a DAC to HIFI... no more annoying phone alerts. This was cool but the Apple TV 3rd gen supported the original Airplay. I wanted to have whole home audio so I needed Airplay 2. I found out the Airport Express 2 a1392 supports Airplay 2 so I took mine out of storage. That's connected to DAC to HIFI. Now I can stream Apple Music with CD quality from all my Apple devices to every speaker in my place (Homepod, Homepod Minis, ELACs. Bose soundbar). Why? Coz why not... lol... have a good one...


I bought the Yamaha WXAD-10 which is a stunning DAC AirPlay 2, Bluetooth and network streaming device.
Which outputs to phono

It doesn’t receive any notifications

The sound quality is incredible and plays 192khz


I bought a used 019 21.5" iMac desktop that streams the Apple Music into my DAC via USB. Using Audio Midi I can manually switch bitrate but auto switching is not resolved. For the most part I play everything in 24/96, 000 and it is mostly undetectable.


BEST way to play Apple music Hi- Res for cheap is spare IPhone> bit perfect lossless> Apple USB cck+ USB B/printer cable+ active speakers+ apple watch for remote controlling the iPhone playback. With passive speakers you'd need to add a DAC but even so, given widely available preowned iPhones and apple watches both could be had for <$300 vs a streamer that would cost at least 4-5x that. Apple music on Android is a bigger challenge due to Android SRC limitation


The best option I have found was to run Apple Music to a DAC (ifi hip dac 2) and then quality RCA cables to my integrated amplifier. For remote control, I use long RCA cable to my listening position but I don't like that option for obvious reasons. I am able, however, to get the bitrate switching via iPhone and remote control (w/volume). Only had to buy the DAC which also has a headphone amp which is great for travel.


I really appreciate your frustrations here. I opted to not go with Apple's streaming services and instead, went with another that has its own challenges. I will next try to use my AVR's ability to stream with particular services and see if the phone/iPad app remote will do justice. I am using for now Amazon's service with HD and UltraHD music. Pity Apple doesn't allow for greater access/flexibility with their streaming service. My hope is to get all my entertainment needs for the most part on an iPad Mini and my iPhone.


I’d like to see you do a video on your iPad hookup using a dac to your system. That’s good enough for me..
