Tony Gets SWOLE With Functional Patterns, After 15 Years of Pain and Yoga

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We all understand that in order to build muscle, we need to move our bodies. What most don't think about is how well your body is moving. If you don't understand how to move correctly, then injuries and time off from training can be expected.

If you want to stay active in nature, in the gym, and in life in general you want to make sure you are taking the correct steps to ensure your body functions properly when moving. This needs to be the case especially into your later years if you wish to maintain a muscular frame that supports your
posture, movement and health.

57 year old Tony had been searching for a training system that would enable him to build and maintain muscle without the risk of injuries. After trying Yoga for 15 years, he still found himself in need of help. He finally found what he was looking for in FP after 20 years of searching, and trying different systems.

"The deficient posture described in Power of Posture (from excess sitting) is exactly the condition I have tried to fix for 20 years, to reduce pain & enjoy life more fully. I have finally found the answer.

After just 1 year of FP. I have significantly improved the overall flaccid conditions in my structure, increased core strength & created more tensegrity balance.

Best of all, these changes are integrating into my posture &gait. I feel younger, have very little pain & am significantly more functional- all at age 57!

A recent physical showed a significant jump in testosterone, compared to the prior reading 3 years earlier. I believe FP workouts & lifestyle created this result.

#shorts #yoga #functionalpatterns #stretching #functionaltraining #bodybuilding

© 2023 by Functional Patterns. All rights reserved
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Great work! Just be aware that everyone is still in the dark ages relative to FP, so expect ignorant haters to chime in. I will be 44 (been training FP protocols since 2007)in a couple months and go to a planet fitness to train once or twice and relative to the people there I look like I am on something because of how precise I follow your practice. 100% agree with Tony😊


Theres this stoic look of confidence I see every time in the after result pictures… absolutely awesome


He seems to have gained quite a significant shoulder hike on the after picture?


One of those videos he is sprinting, the other 'jogging'' at best. Of course it will look different when slowed down as you have.


These are great results, I've only seen similar from animal flow. I'm betting there is some crossover between the two approaches. Wonderful work!


Me too!
I also got SWOLE with -functional patterns- *>500lb. Back Squats* !


I am an osteopath and Im sorry to break it to you, but on the before picture he is aligned and with a correct posture. If you notice the after picture, his torso is inclined and the most obvious is his right shoulder clearly misaligned with his left. Obviously having a toned and responsive muscular system is important, and your work is valuable for that purpose. Pls stop trashing yoga, i always recommend it for my clients, not because it will improve the muscular system to its maximum potential but because it will actually improve joint health in a long term perspective, and the mental & emotional benefits of yoga are actual medicine on its own


What do you do if you don’t have an FP facility near you?


I mean when you train something for a year you tend to get good at it. Such as running my gait cycle naturally improved just by running more.


you need to do a more relevant comparison, for example, how about taking someone who has done 15 years of Les Mills Body Pump and comparing their functionality to 1 year FP.. Exercise Yoga is not a relevant comparison because the exercises are more to do with metaphors for spiritual beliefs and ideology rather than any attempt to create a conditioned functional human.


Why does Tony look better than his young trainer??


All you need to do is this…….

And yeh editing powers or hghs(most likely anabolic steroids people; that or it’s plain fake or he’s a freak of nature. most 30 years olds have a hard time getting into that physique let alone a 57 year old


whether you guys provide results or not
the cringe before after photos you guys do is just a joke.
pick a spot. get the same lightning quit looking flashy for content


Smith machine and machines with seat are the best way to train becuase of stability. FP exercises are very unstable
