I Switched to Ableton…

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Thanks for the 10/10 and welcome to the fam ! 🔥


everytime i see someone trying Ableton for the first time, it brings back fond memories of me trying to figure it out. I love this DAW, it really brings out a new level of creativity with it's seemless workflow


Every time I see someone opening ableton for the first time, I always suggest to go to preferences>look & feel> colour> dark (or whatever the darker mode is). The stock bright grey is pretty awful imo but it’s looks in dark mode


ableton gets really interesting when you start to create your own instrument racks, audio effects racks, drum processing racks, parallel processing racks. and you can save all these racks and use them in other projects. i have my own dub techno effects racks, reverb, echo, delay, filter etc, its so much easy to drop an effects rack into a project than having to recreate a new rack every time.
you can group tracks together, great for drums and for keeping the workspace tidy.
and then when you think youve got ableton sussed, theres a whole world of max4live devices out there, a sound engineers wet dream.
have fun man, and welcome to the ableton live rabbit hole :)


Ocean, try warping and chopping up some breakbeats and add them to the track.
Next learn about automation.You'll be able to twist the knobs on your midi keyboard and it'll change parameters of your effects.
0:39 Ableton does look basic but don't let that put you off, it has hidden depths which are *very* powerful.

Once you get the hang of it Ableton is lots of fun. 😃


I remember buying a keyboard. And when it arrived I was super confused, cos it didnt have speakers or an audio output... Then I learned you need to have a DAW, and lo and behold, the keyboard came with a trial version of Ableton. How intuitive it was for me as someone that loves to fool around and discover... And it started me producing, making classical music out of 0 expectation. Love it.


For your master, put the glue compressor on, turn the compression level all the way down where the compressor is not working at all, then click the “Soft Clip” option at the top of the glue compressor. It’s like a soft clipper in FL Studio effect nothing will go over 0. You can then push your 808 a tiny bit past 0db for that feeling


Great one! It's nice to see that you gave Ableton another Chance, especially after the new version. Let's not forget that it doesn't matter what DAW you use, as long as you get the results that you want.


Instantly clicked 😆 I remember I brought my Push2 to the Mansion 🤪


ocean has been secretly using ableton 🤣 it's time to join Ableton gang


I made the switch from logic earlier this year. I have never been more productive since making the switch. Live 12 has been a game changer. The piano roll was always the issue for me in previous versions but that changed with 12.


For anyone thinking of joining team Ableton, take some time to learn Session View. It's the biggest advantage over other DAW's for me! Bit of a learning curve but once you understand it, productivity tends to skyrocket 😎


I used loop libraries exclusively for years in Live. My MIDI basslines sucked and I was forced to buy an actual bass guitar to change things up. Let me tell you something: Ableton came through like a champ for me when I wanted to add bass and guitar to my compositions. I've run out of superlatives. Audio, MIDI, stems/loops - you can throw everything at this DAW.


The great part of chopping samples in Ableton 12 is: there is no clicks! Ableton auto fades everything for you… you can tweak it to fine tune it but you don’t have to.


Next time you drag in an audio file, double click the sample and click the drop down to select “complex pro” and drag down the formants and envelope all the way down. It’ll make the sample sound much less choppy and on time. You can also pitch the sample up and down by using the “tones” drop down


As someone whose swore by Logic Pro for 10 years, this was the video I needed!


switched from fl when 12 came out and what's really doing it for me is the world of max for live devices.


shift + favorite shortxut because im always adding effects before, during and after melodies done


I LOVE this You should try out the session view too!!


Glad to see after your chat with Timbo he has show you the light to the holy grail of Abelton.

I have being using Abelton for a while now and tbh, it’s always worked for me and my music seemlessly.

Hope you are finding the same joy in the workflow 🙌🏾
