Trying Logic Pro After 10 Years In Ableton

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I have to say Logic definitely has a lot to offer! Between Ableton and Logic, my preference is Ableton because I can work faster on it. But if I wasn't able to use Ableton ever again, I would probably be able to make all the same stuff on Logic, there would just be a bit of a learning curve.

Comment some of the cool Logic features that you think gives it an edge over other DAWs, I'm curious to know!

Thanks for watching and remember that I read all the comments and appreciate all feedback, questions, and thoughts!
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Hey Ethan - I loved the authenticity of this video along with all of the others I've seen on your channel. I recently made the switch to Ableton from Logic after being a Logic head for 6 years. It's been around 6 months since I've switched over, so I can say a few things.

I guess I'll start with the synths... ES M is insanely simple and super slept on (imo) mono synth that is great for sub basses and acid sounds. It''s extremely intuitive and relatively easy to get some nice sound out of. Since switching to ableton I have yet to find a synth that is that simple and robust to create those sounds. ES2 has some good sounds as well, and you can basically do anything with it, but I would often opt for different, easier to use synths such as ES P or Retrosynth. Retrosynth is great for beginners and you can make some relatively complex sounds (as far as subtractive synthesis can stretch lol). E FM is garbage, I've never been able to use it effectively, same with ES E. Alchemy has some really complex presets and lots of customizability, but the system for modulation is not as great as other 3rd party synths like Serum or even Surge XT. It also annihilates your cpu, so that's fun <3. Sculpture is a very intimidating, but powerful synth, but I have not had any luck designing sounds from scratch using it because there's just so much going on.

I'm not gonna sit here and write about every audio effect, but logic has most of them and they're pretty good. Phat FX and Step FX are easily the most slept on, and so is tape delay. Super powerful stuff. However, some Ableton effects that I now cannot live without do not have a Logic clone such as Erosion and Spectral resonator. Also, it's true, ableton has better warping capabilities and it is way more intuitive when it comes to this. Additionally the instrument and effect racks are extremely helpful and fun to create, and though you can save fx racks and macros on logic, ableton is way more efficient and effective when it comes to this.

In terms of workflow, I do sometimes miss the pitch correct function in Logic, it's basically melodyne but worse, but at least it's free! To my knowledge, ableton does not have a feature like this. A lot of people also say that mixing in Logic is easier, but I've had no problem mixing in ableton. The horizontal audio effect rack saves so much time not having to have 3000 different plugin windows open. Ableton also has the ability to search for any plugin efficiently, something logic does not have.

Overall they're both amazing programs with great capabilities, but after switching to ableton, I'm never going back.


Cmd + D in ableton is Cmd + R in logic!! I hope this helps for any future logic sessions


I really love this video, as it shows me what to expect when I do get logic. The reason for that being I am blind, and use a screenreader to navigate my devices. I have many blind friends who use logic and I’ve played around with it myself, and it is very screenreader friendly, and very easy to navigate. However i have not heard anyone say Ableton has the same accessibility as Logic, and i haven’t had a chance to test that. However seeing as I have gotten pretty used to Logic, I can say I love it, and can’t wait to get it on my own computer.


i switched from logic to ableton around 8 years ago and neverrrr looked back. Logic is great for recording and mixing bands and is a contender for Pro-Tools in that arena, but ableton is a producers daw and geared towards electronic production with creativity in mind and it's so sick if that's your flow. i love ableton, can't wait for 12!!


I started with Ableton and really enjoyed it. A project I was involved with was in Logic and I made the switch. It became very un-fun to spend time working on music as I was battling both moving from a PC to a Mac and from Ableton to Logic. That project recently ended and popped Ableton open and spent several hours making music. It is closer to the way my brain works and will be the go-forward. Both great pieces of software as you said but one is just easier for me to get my head around.


A quick way to Zoom in Logic is "Command and arrow keys." A quicker way to Duplicate is "Command R" in Logic.


That was interesting. I've tried many times to get into Ableton, but i find it completely unintuitive. But, i started a long time ago, when all sequencers had a more traditional 'tape'/linear layout. Mark of the Unicorn was my first sequencer/DAW. I moved to Logic afterward. Tried Reason, went back to Logic. Now, because so many 'dance' producers use Ableton, i keep trying to like it, but it never makes sense. The one thing i do like is having a full chain of effects visually represented at once, but then that's countered by that UI not looking like those individual plugins as they were designed. Ableton shows you a lot of stuff at once, but it's also showing you stuff you're not using. Re: colors and keyboard shortcuts, i'm pretty sure you can tailor Logic in similar ways. Learning shortcuts is the same for every DAW—either memorize the new thing or change the commands to match what you think they should be.


After having tried Logic Pro on the iPad, the insane drum sequencer is really tempting me from Ableton land.


logic x is amazing..after 10 years still love it!!! I started on ableton too but switched to logic and don't regret at all....


I have worked on almost every DAW and ableton live is the best for music production & Audio engineering


The things for me, is the details. The ins and outs. The opens and closed. The details that actually add swing and organic substance. It’s hard to actually change things in such small details to actually get that vibe and sound.


Ableton looks like Microsoft Excel 😂😂😂😂😂 #LogicGang


Ethan, I switched from Logic to Ableton this year. And I feel the same feelings about Ableton as you do about Logic in this video lol.


All the things you described in Albelton at the end you can do in logic as if not more easy, if you know ofcourse, further logic is a more powerful DAW as in it can do
Kind of both pro tools and ableton, also it’s 200 bucks forever free updates ! Had to pay 500 more just to get take lanes something logic has had forever, I use both for different things but mainly use logic as it’s what I started on.


Ive been using both for decades. They're both super easy to use. My favorite thing about ableton is that everything is drag and drop and the browser is the best in the business which makes it a great took to create a beat very quickly. logic is my go-to all-in-one DAW (recording, mixing, scoring, beatmaking). Pick what you like and what works for you There is no sound difference between any DAW. The workflow is what matters most for the end product. If youre frustrated or uninspired then the final product wont come out as good. If you're workflow is strong then youre product will "sound" better.


Don't sleep on the value of session view. It's changed my creative workflow completely and the optimum workflow for teasing out ideas. I know for experienced producers it's hard to switch view but f you're new to DAWs i'd highly recommend you learn to use session view for creating and developing you musical ideas.


I’ve been on Logic since before it was Logic..eMagic. I recently bought Ableton and had the exact same experience in your video to Ableton. Too funny!


Kind going through the same thing right now. I first recording gig was back in the analog days, then about 2005 decided to checkout DAW world with Logic. Not long after I got into Logic I got a job in a ProTools shop and Logic was no more. Then I got our of recording again and now retired and decided to get back into recording for my own pleasure and decided to try something new and went with Ableton Live. So after about four months with Ableton I decided to start doing Logic Pro because I find something learning two similar things makes it easier. I'm like you Ableton is far more intuitive and the online help far better. I like to work a lot in the Piano Roll to edit drums time and feel and Ableton way easier. So for now I will keep getting up to speed on Logic as I go deeper into Ableton Live.


I’ve been abletoning since 2015 and love it but I’ve been a little bi curious myself about logic. Mainly because everyone who uses ableton seems to make electronic 4 on the floor music exclusively (except Tame Impala), but I make rock music (like tame impala/Beatles). So I feel like I should be using logic or protools but idk my bff Jill


All the things other than the way you load plugins you stated towards the end you preferred about ableton you can do an equivalent in logic. Once you learn all the shortcuts, start using the marque tool and assign some of your own shortcuts the work flow gets much quicker. At the end of the day the best DAW is the one you are most comfortable with though, as you said.
