Can a Christian Backslide?

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Can a Christian fall away from the faith and live in sin? If a Christian does this, will he still go to heaven? The Bible clearly answers these questions if we will simply accept it.

Excerpted from a live Bible study recorded on May 29, 2018 with Joshua Joscelyn of Truth & Mercy Baptist Ministries.

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As much as I despise Calvinism, I believe this speaks the truth. Paul also wrote to the Romans: "For sin SHALL have NO dominion over you"


Here I cannot find agreement with ye, brother Joshua. You seem to believe that once a person is born again they can never willfully sin again. Such sets you apart from 99+ % of other OSAS teachers who teach that Christians may live like the devil. We certainly agree that habitual sinners are lost. However, the NT also warns of returning to the vomit. Certainly, true Christians hate sin, and most of 'believers' (believers in name only) have never been saved to begin with. But now that Paul commanded the saved Romans to renew their minds, such shows that Christians can still be deceived ('let no man deceive you'). Judas is another example


This. Furthermore, know that the transformation a Born-again christian undergoes is not complete until we are taken up with Jesus when he returns. However, with transformations you do not go back-and-forth, but rather continually are pursuing God and that which is Holy. You will flee from sin, and will not let it get a foothold in your life. If the Holy Spirit is living with you, God will give you the power to overcome Sin wherever it may be. Backsliding should be synonymous with False Conversion.


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Galatians 6:1 clearly the Apostle Paul says to restore such an one (brother, sister in Christ) to restore them in meekness... considering ourselves also.... a Christian can allow for a stronghold to take place by not walking in the spirit, and Satan neutralizes that Christian's witness and testimony.. God chastens us, and either through a fellow brother or sister that helps us and points out to us our error.. we repent... any Christian that's says "i've never backslidden" i have a hard time accepting that... even such a one that is living in a tent in the middle of the sahara desert could be overtaken by a fault i believe... Paul himself struggled (very clear in ch 7 of Romans)... a truly born again believer will not practice or remain in sin, not for long.. the chastening is too great and too painful.


I disagree with two of your teachings, and that are unconditional eternal security and post trib rapture


Yes, I am a "salvation loser". See John 15. Sorry if I offended you


I cannot agree. you should have quoted more scripture
