Am I a backslidden Christian or an unbeliever?

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"How do I know if I am a backsliding Christian or an unbeliever?"
Dr. Jeremy Pierre answers in Honest Answers | Episode 37

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Sin distances us from God. Somehow I knew God was always there in terrible choices but sin is fun for a season I felt alot like David lost, depression, anxiety, I couldn't, eat, sleep, I was like the prodigal son in slop. Then God said I'm here come home. 🙏🏽 I never want to leave his side ever again. Godly sorrow is real.


I just want you to know that if you have turned away from the Lord, turn back to him. Don't let the devil in your body win. If you believe you will never be forgiven because you have committed many sins, you are mistaken. God is good and willing to forgive us as long as we confess all of our sins.




I don't think unbelievers sit around and ponder these questions


In my personal experience is that godly sorrow is fully illuminated by the Holy Spirit that leads to true repentance and this is what happened with me. The night I was born again God showed up in a huge huge way, I call it my Moses experience because God told me to remove my shoes because I was on Holy ground🙏 it was a very turbulent time in my life filled with horrible sin, bound by drugs and alcohol. This night I was out with two people drinking and drugging and empty because of a recent failed relationship. The end of the night I was dropped off at a neighborhood baseball field with liquor, beer and Marlboro cigarettes and as I reach the bench to sit down and try and drown my hopeless pain something broke inside me it was a deep pain from destroying my life with addiction and failing relationships, totally broken these words “God I can’t do it” sprung up from my heart! truly I felt those words actually come from my heart and in anguish at the same time I was dumping out the alcohol and smashing the cigarettes and at that very second God was in my midst and right then I physically felt this huge weight come up off from me and I became sober minded and God truly started convicting me of sin in my life and the sorrow I felt for my sin broke my heart and I cried out to a most Holy and righteous God for forgiveness and saying yes to Christ Jesus He began washing me cleansing me and loving on me and that night I was truly born again set free from the kingdom of darkness and entered into the kingdom of God through Christ Jesus! Such love such grace and mercy I was truly regenerated!


That was one of the best explanations on this topic that I have ever heard. Thank you!


Amen. Whether I am an unbeliever or a backsliding Christian is the wrong Christian. Or rather whether I am an unbeliever or a backsliding Christian I need to turn to Christ and cry out for Him to transform my wicked heart and wash me clean. Whether I am an unbeliever or a backsliding Christian it is not too late and there is no shame in turning to Christ. Our heavenly Father is drawing His people to Himself and is eager to receive us.


So this is that gift of repentance I've heard of.
Thank you.


Faith comes from hearing the message: read your bible especially new converts and dont be led astray by false churches and doctrines of mere men as i was .
Brilliant video, blessings from Ireland and Glory to God.


I am a backsliding Christian depressed in sin :( I need help


Question: Since I was about 6 years old I felt the tug, the pull, the attraction to God and even the structures of churches. Yet, my upbringing environment focused on witchcraft. How is this possible? This love and passion for Christ without instruction, examples, or any human influence? I felt like it was a call to return home. By age 12 I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, but it has been an unusual painful and disastrous path for me- yet here I am, at 65, still fighting my way through life.


Great super wise way of understanding scripture. As there are false works and a false faith. I've never seen it in this light too. Thank you. God bless you. P.S, don't mind the negative comments. Your works are awesome and should have a million views tbh.


This left me with more questions then answers.


How do i know if i'm saved? i've been struggling a lot. one time i think i'm saved and i'm confident, but the other time i think i am a stupid hypocrite who doesn't love God, and God doesn't love also. i just wanna be saved, i want my family to be saved also. Once i was addicted to sexual sin. then one day i prayed with a pastor on tiktok live, i felt the holy spirit and i was set free from that sin. but then i fell away and i started commiting lust and cussing. i heard from another video that people that God chooses out of this world will never fall away completely. now i care about my sin and i wanna be set free from it. i want to be saved, if i'm not, and be the person God wants me to be. i realize and i admit that i have fallen away. i just wanna be chosen by God, not only me, but my family and my friends. i wanna repent. PLEASE HELP ME GO BACK TO JESUS COMPLETELY


This channel is super helpful thanks for the videos you post


I'm sure glad I know I'm saved. I feel sorry for those that don't. Having a perfect assurance of my salvation is a comfort beyond my capacity to describe. Thank you Jesus for your gift, thank You thank You thank You!


Each person has to work out their own salvation. There's no clear definitive answer. But we should have a distaste and genuine sorrow for the sins we used to commit. It doesn't mean we won't have tendencies because were flesh driven, but we should think twice or have instant regret after committing sin.


Oh wretched man that I am. Sin is part of our DNA.


I don't understand why people go round and round with answering this question when in reality is an easy answer. If you believe Jesus is who the scripture says He is, the Son of God, was born from virgin, was crucified and shed His blood for me to pay to God the Father my iniquity which I was unable to pay. And then resurrected at the third day and is sitting at the right hand of God the Father. Why people make it so hard. If godly sorrow, or whatever sorrow. The only repentance for salvation is changing your mind that you can save yourself or help Jesus with your salvation and instead know that Jesus paid it all. All you have to do is believe in your heart and if you do that those feelings of sorrow come with the territory. You don't have to feel sorry to be saved you just believe and everything else falls into place.


“Am I believer or am I an unbeliever is the basic question – and so how do I know that. I think the simplest answer is repentance over time. It’s a return to God that is displayed as a pattern of seeking… Notice I’m attaching this concept of time as a necessary aspect of a growing confidence or awareness of my status.” When one makes attachments to the justification issue like Peter did, expect a theology that is foolishly unbiblical, incredibly subjective and wholly unstable (Galatians 1:6-9, 2:7-14, 3:1-2).
“What I’m not saying is that assurance is merely the result of our efforts. We’re talking about patterned repentance; patterned seeking of God as an aspect of our assurance.” This is exactly what is being said – assurance is based upon a person’s effort and perspective.
“The ground of our assurance is always and only the Gospel of Jesus Christ on our behalf.” If the Gospel of Christ is the ONLY ground of assurance, and this gospel is found in John, and John’s gospel doesn’t mention the term or concept of repentance (like his writing does in Revelation), then why present reliance upon our effort over time as an indicator of justification. Surely John 6:47 and Romans 4:4-5 and Galatians 2:16 seem simple and clear that repentance and pattern and time have nothing to do with justification – so why look to works to see if one is justified without works.
The non-biblical idea of “profound sin” going on for so long implies that there are some sins that Christ didn’t pay for and/or only a limited amount of sinful practice is covered by His death. It appears this thought process does not allow room for failure in the Christian life. John does (1 John 1:8-10). This idea scoring sin with a timer runs contrary to the simple and clear ideas found in John 1:29 and 1 John 2:2. Perhaps the best source of assurance is taking God at His simple and clear word when He says through Paul, “Even if we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself” (2 Timothy 2:13). There’s danger in thinking too hard and danger in not thinking enough. In this case it’s hard to say but regardless the end result is the same – Notre Dame has a job for this Southern Seminary professor.
