Great Depression Cooking - Fried Mushrooms

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Nonagenarian cook and great grandmother, Clara, recounts her childhood during the Great Depression as she prepares meals from the era. Learn how to make simple yet delicious dishes while listening to stories from the Great Depression.

95 year old cook, author of "Clara's Kitchen" and great grandmother, Clara, recounts her childhood during the Great Depression as she prepares meals from the era. Learn how to make simple yet delicious dishes while listening to stories from the Great Depression.
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Christopher, you’ve done the world a great service by recording Clara for us. I’d like to express my gratitude.


I like the fact that she includes to say" I hope no one has to go through that". What a genuine caring woman.


Since South Africa's economy went up in flames and everything is extremely expensive, with poor salaries, this channel has really been my light in a really dark place. Unable to work due to chronic illness, this is the only way I can help my husband and son to spend as little as possible and make everything go further. I wish I could give her a hug, she was really a sweet and wise old lady.


"You use common sense. I don't measure nothin'"
Damn Clara's a straight up cooking savage.


She's so adorable. I used to work at a senior citizen facility. There are a couple of seniors pass 100 yrs old. A woman who drank whiskey everyday was 102. The stories they used to tell me about their lives were very interesting.


My Depression era grandparents used to make their own sauerkraut, bread, and even beer. Clara speaks the truth. If you had any kind of a yard at all, you planted vegetables. Those in cities had it harder.


I have literally been binge watching her videos. May she be in the lords glory. She reminds my of my abuelita 👵


My Dad is 95, almost 96. He was born in England though, and he never told me much about what he used to eat when he was a kid. He's trying his best to soldier on but Alzheimers is taking it's toll now, lately he has been looking worried and increasingly confused. Up until a few years ago he was as fit and strong as someone 30 years younger. When we lose the best old people like Clara, the world becomes a dimmer place.


My grandparents told me about living during the depression and how life had to become so simple. Basic necessities became a luxury and food most of us would turn our nose up at today was considered a feast. Be thankful for what you have!


i have a strong feeling that her eating so simple and raw during the depression contributed to her long life. all the shit in foods today are killing us slowly

update: as soon as i typed this, clara also said thats why she thinks she lived so long LOL


Holy crap, this is a time machine. I thought my grandmother was the only one who did the quarterr in the pot


I have been a fan of Clara's now for a little over a year now, and I happen to watch this video last night. Well about a hour ago when I got home from a 13 hr day on the road, I decided to take some cherry tomatoes and some cut up mushrooms I was using on my salads and decided to try this. I was quite skeptical something so simple could be good. I seasoned with salt and pepper, a little garlic powder, a little onion, and about a 1/4 cup of tomatoe for about 20min until everything was nice and soft and the moisture cooked thing I knew my lips were smacking my fore head and had to take my shoes off so I could wiggle my toes this was soooo good!!! :) :) :) Love you Clara thank you for this! ----> ya got a happier and slightly fatter countryboy


It’s literally 2:30 in the morning and I just found her channel and now I’m watching her cook and crying at the same time 😭😭


Clara is so wonderful to watch, even if she is now just watching over us <3


I also love the little thing she did at the end when she clicked her cheek and smiled! her laugh and personality are infectious! how am I just finding this wonderful Nana now? she is a true angel.


Now it is a tradition for me to watch a video of hers before bedtime.. it is just so relaxing and calming.


Thank you Clara for your amazing "Great Depression Recipies" because we are now living in this depression, where food is so expensive, and you shown us that we can survive on that, instead eat junk food as a alternative .


Just love listening to Clara talk..she is relaxing, and has the best sense of humor..We will miss you Clara:)


I really enjoy watching Clara and will make this recipe. This helps me with our new reality as it is March 23, 2020. Be kind and stay safe.


“I think this onion is older than me” Killed me
