Tim Pierce Shows US The Tricks Behind Getting Tones LIKE A REAL PRO!

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The freaking tones in the intro clip!!


Everything Tim has to say is such a valuable piece of advice. You don’t get much more “professional” as a guitar player than that.


Tim Pierce is a true treasure. His knowledge, enthusiasm and just the joy he has when talking about music, gear or technique is so contagious. He’s truly a guy who just loves what he does and loves bringing his knowledge to others so they can benefit from it.


Tim Pierce videos and interviews make being a pro look easy. His level of professionalism is astounding. Not just in playing his guitar but, in discussing the guitars, the pedals, the amps, the set up time and time again. He is the best. I watch every time, because there's always a new lesson, perspective or story to be shared. Keep up the killer work Robert and thanks Tim for sharing your love of guitar and music!


Thanks for having Tim on. Always a treat!

Happy Father's Day to all the great dads out there.


Great video. Thanks for having Tim in your channel. He’s such a wealth of talent and information.

On a side note, I find his nest-like playing pod to be equally fascinating. I would love to see how he gets in and out of that thing. I picture a system of pulleys and cabling. 🤓🎸👍


Thank you, Robert! The Buckovic video about the EQ pedal. I have the MXR 10 Band. Thanks to @TimPierceGuitar I now own my lifetime Boost the Custom Audio. It's heavy, but he tone is superior. I got it yesterday, Thanks to Tim Pierce and you, for putting this opportunity together! Lightspeed is my current first gain, always on. So, I won't be adding an ODR-1 nor ODR-10.


Tim Pierce, Tim Pierce... I mean, the guy is one of THE MOST astounding & talented guitarists that so very few people even know about... he's an absolute guitar saint.


i have had an EVH Musicman since 1996 & use it on every gig I play. I can vouch for it always staying in tune. I have on more than 1 occasion pulled it out of the case & started straight into a gig without checking the tuning & it has been spot on. Best guitar I have ever owned-and very versatile. Great video guys.


Great segment, love hearing from people like Tim who have been in the business for decades. Lots of knowledge there! Tim did bring up something I've been looking for, the amp switcher. Gotta get me one of those!


I am so lucky to say that at 13, Rick Springfield was my very first concert during the 1983 Living in Oz tour. I can remember Rick coming down this huge flight of stairs to open with Affair of the heart. Watching the affair of the heart video with Rick playing the brown sunburst fender is what actually got me started playing at a young age.
But going back to my first concert experience, I am glad I got to see tim pierce on guitar and Jack white on drums who I think is a very under rated drummer. Besides the great set list they played that night what 13 year old wouldn’t want to see a ton of chicks dancing to Jessie’s girl? 😂 😂😂😂😂


Tim Pierce is more than guitarist catering to musicians... He is the Secret Sauce!


Tim is like a rare diamond that you find !!! (And so are you Robert !!!).


Love Tim Pierce!!! Great episode and great discussion about gear. Visually (looking at his studio) he has everything, but all that is needed because of his job, but nice that he demonstrated "his" primary core sounds. For me, just reinforces (because I am guilty of buying in to the hype), to stop chasing all these tones and just work on playing and that you don't need all these fancy, latest, greatest gear.


Tim is one of best, his technique and knowledge of music and studio applications and his amazing playing to me just makes everyone play better he is like the Studio Godfather to us all, such an inspiration. so thanks Robert for featuring one of my hero's!


I have noticed over the years that if you get a pedal from a manufacturer and really love it you will normally like their designs. It makes sense. Maybe because they hear things similar to you. Boss tends to work for most. Keeley has always worked good for myself as well as Xotic effects. I never liked the JHS and Wampler stuff much, but then there are a few I do like that they make. However, there are a few brands that release a pedal, and I am pretty confident I am going to love it. Strymon is like this for me, but I remember purchasing the DIG delay just because, and that is the only Strymon I just could not like. Sometimes I think I need to revisit that pedal based on how much I like there other offerings. Thanks for the video Robert and Tim. 😀


I have all of Robert’s courses he has helped me from a total beginner to not such a bad player. Miles to go but I’m getting there .


Let me just say that the tones Tim gets out of a humbucker is just amazing to me. I have never been able to get that absolute perfect mix of grit and clean almost single coil like sound. His years of knowledge and experience are priceless.


Tim should be a literal guitar hero. Just his depth of tonal knowledge and experience is something you just can't buy. We watch him make shit up on the fly, and he's always on time, never failing. I'm sure he does as we all do, but man, nothing beats experience and that grin when he nails it!


I picked up a used Fender FM100 Twin Reverb when I became the leader of a rock band I had started as a side-player with, and I regularly stop and enjoy how good and professional it sounds. I have a dozen different electric guitars and another dozen acoustics and acoustic-electrics that I gig with, and I have to make some EQ adjustments per each guitar, but I always love the sound. For effects I used a LINE6-PodXT-LIVE board until the main volume pot started crackling-up, now I have a more standard pedalboard (and a new-used PodXT-LIVE for my studio), but although I have a few other amps, none tickle my ear like my MR100 Twin. I've always wanted a Roland Jazz Chorus 120 Twin, but I haven't wanted it that $$$badly yet.
