Is THIS Steely Dan's GREATEST Guitar Solo?

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The Best Guitar Players in the World are featured in this incredible and unique band... Here's a look at two great solos by the incomparable Skunk Baxter

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Everyone needs PICKS! Check these out:

00:00 Jeff Baxter
00:31 Rikki Don't Lose That Number Solo
01:08 What's This
01:25 Rikki's Success
02:01 Solo Breakdown
03:47 Gibson CS-336
04:22 My Old School Solos
05:20 Solo 2
06:22 Solo 3
07:40 more on Jeff
08:26 Dean Parks
08:59 Dean and Tim Change The World
09:45 Rikki Solo Slow
10:58 Thanks For Watching
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Got to meet The Skunk back in the late seventies, he was doing a series of guitar workshops for Roland, I believe it was, showcasing their guitar triggered synths. This was in Australia, and he was graciously talking to people after the show. He looked at me, and I will remember this till the day I die, and said, "You look like you'd know where to get some smoke, can you hook me up?" After I picked myself up from the floor, I told him that I didn't know of anywhere in the immediate vicinity, but I had some at home. Without hesitation he said, "Let's go!". Took him back home, we all got absolutely baked on some choice buds and some "goldstamp" hash. He ended up crashing there, and I took him to the airport next morning. A down to earth, humble guy, and that's a great memory of the seventies for me.👍🙂


Wow, there’s certain things Tim just showed in that solo that I’ve never heard before! I am a full-time multi instrumentalist/looping Artist for a living, and I loop that on stage and play it acoustically. I have been playing that solo on acoustic for many years, and just now realized there’s certain nuances I never caught before!


“Before pro tools, there were pros”.
Love that. Thanks Dean.


What a fantastic video! I adore Skunk's playing and you really nail these crazy interesting licks. Thanks for posting this.


I simply love Tim's joyful personality. His mastery of the instrument is a bonus.


Steely Dan is one of the greatest bands ever. They brought in folks to play on albums because of their skills. It’s why their albums are so iconic.


The Rikki solo truly is such a masterpiece. He just popped up into another dimension with that one.


My fav solo of all time: My Old School . The rhythmic interplay with the horns and rhythm section is unreal.


Skunk Baxter is in my humble opinion one of the very best technical guitarists in popular music.He will come up with unique sounds and solos that tend to sound slick, but somehow still has a rock edge.I would put him up there in the top ten of guitarists.


Thanks, Tim! Steely Dan have always been in my Top Five bands. Their music always makes me smile, as did this video of yours. Thanks for all you do in the music world! You are a good man.


All those stringers from SD are so influential...and like you Tim, are gifts to us all...thank you for sharing...🎸☮


Between Larry Carlton and Skunk Baxter, Steely Dan always managed to have the most talented guitar players and interesting leads on their songs. Thanks so much for profiling Skunk on this video.


I had the pleasure of seeing Skunk Baxter and Elliot Randall playing at a pub in Sydney Australia in the 90’s with a local rhythm section doing Steeley Dan, Doobie’s stuff etc. Watching the two of them play was phenomenal. Skunks playing is so vibrant and lively. Really thrilling to watch them dig in!!
Thanks Tim for your great work!


"California, tumbles into the sea..." Then the horns play a phrase to mimic just that. Stunning!


I had a he privilege of meeting mr Baxter at my first NAMM show, I was 18. He was sitting at a small table out in the open floor, talking to his manager. NO ONE was even looking his way. I thought, “surely I’m not the only person here who knows who this guy is!” So I walked up and introduced myself. What a nice guy. Crazy smart too (that could be a video in itself) Still have the autographed picture he gave me.


The solos on My Old School have always been my favorite leads ever. They have this frenetic quality, like he's out of control yet in perfect control.


My guitar just looked at me and said “why can’t you play like that?” Amazing as usual Tim💯 Thank you!


The Skunk was amazing, as was Dias. It's a joy watching you play Tim.


This is a phenomenal video. Tim executes all these parts so flawlessly and brings so much passion to the whole thing. Blown away by the musicianship, you forget the art in making these videos so engaging - not easy either. Top notch.


I still listen to all the Dan recordings and remain impressed every time I listen. Thanks!
