Best foods to heal Duodenal Ulcer - Ms. Sushma Jaiswal

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Duodenal ulcer is a wound at the opening of the small intestine, which is caused due to some infections, some bacterial infections and some kind of medication like aspirin and ibuprofen. So when you have this ulcer, you have to limit your spice and oily foods you have to avoid. You have to take mild foods without spices and without much oil like chapattis with home prepared fresh curd, dals, some boiled vegetates with very little spices and khichdis, pongals and soups and warm water will also be helpful, some juices, all the bled foods which are available. You have to restrict any caffeine, tea coffee etc and pepper, chillies which cause the stomach to irritate and also alcohol. Alcohol does not allow the proper healing of the intestine. So you have to avoid alcohol. So take warm water during the whole day in sips and I also give some nutritional therapeutic treatment. I give some kind of supplements which help in duodenal ulcer in fats healing. Something like Vitamin B complex, and combined with Omega 3 essential fatty acids and some others depending on the need of the person. Eating smaller meals at shorter intervals also would help you by not stretching your stomach too much and also keeping a food diary. Also you can see which foods irritate you. So these tips will help you. So stay healthy.
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Cabbage juice will take care of this in 10 days GONE what heartburn what stomach burning what nausea and im only on day 5


thanks doctor l am suffering from ulcer, U tell some more examples that public can take care of good and healthy life.


Subtitle of the video is "Best food to heal duodenal ulcer"
But whole video is about what food to avoid if you ask me I can make even bigger list of food that make ulcer painful.. Question is what foods is good for healing it and minimize pain and discomfort?


Nobody saying.... Eat morning food.... Because of some ladies are not taking any food in the morning..


Wat is there in chappati to heal ulcer, diabetes i dont understand why doctors recommend, it actually causes stomach bloating than rice


Its really hard to digest vegetables and dhal chapati etc when suffering from ulcer. I wonder how could she recommend this.


Keep a good diary 📔 to note which food irritates ur stomach


I’m trying to get through this. I have a few duedenal ulcers. I also have IBS, an ovarian cyst, and GERD. I’m having issues. I’ve only been able to eat soft stuff to avoid stomach pains. For the past couple of weeks, All I’ve eaten is soup, mashed potatoes and snack foods like prunes and soft granola bars (can’t handle much of those either). Caffein, spice etc don’t seem to hurt me. Just hard foods and ones that are I’m... not fibrous. Anyone have any advice on other food ideas? I feel like I miss other foods but don’t know what else to eat but soup because a I can get more food groups in softly that way but it’s not much for calories. At this rate I feel like I’m on an extreme weight loss diet! Ugh. I will get through this.


Mentioned the name of food which will help us for ulcer patients. It will be very very help .


ive had the same ulcer for about 5 years. some days it doesnt bother me at all other days itll wake me right out of sleep with a sharp stab pain. i eat very healthy now but its still there


Madam pls do you have any experience with healing diverticulitis ?


doctor we have sour foods items like home made samber where we put tamrind, or abit of limejuice in poha, or tomatobased food like tomato chtney wher tamrid is also added in ulcer


I am superficial Duodenal ulcers patient. Thanks for giving this video. Is Tobacco allowed for me? Kindly help me by giving ans. Keep up. Waiting for more. And bless for me.


Thanks Mam ...
I think am suffering from Duodenal ulcer .
It is moderate pain and when severe pain started then same back side also started paining and it became so hard and pain increase to upside right hand full shoulder head and my lips are drying 12 months .


Please say me which food we can eat in the house


Hello maam my grandmother is diagnosed with stage 3 dudenal ulcers..Can we give milk to milk oats or custured? Can she consume milk?


Do you still use Nutrilite? Love those! Great video!


Hello mem, I'm suffering from Ulcer since 2019 and till today I'm still having it. And I've taken different types of medicine and still I'm not fine. So would you please suggest me the best medicine to take


Best remedy for ulcers is FASTING. Do water fast for 3 days. Start by 17/18 hours fast then slowly move towards longer fasts. Eat huge amounts of raw fruits n vegetables. Give up caffeine.


Hi Doctor! Thanks for clear sharing! I have some questions! Is this good for ileum ulcers too? I will email you. Thanks
