Every cell in your body is a battery, with Bruce Lipton, PhD

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What others are saying:
"A man. brain and body, is a battery, and nefVes correspond to wires. .... When every organ of the body has all the motive power — electricity— it needs, weakness ... It is equipped with special dry cells, which are longer lived, smaller and more ...

How Body Voltage Dictates Health and Disease - Dr. Mercola
Sep 17, 2017 - Body Electric — The Human Battery System. According to Tennant, there are four major battery systems in the human body that make cells work. The largest is your muscle battery. Your muscles are piezoelectric, which means that when you engage your muscles, electrons are emitted.

The Electromagnetic Human Field - Human Frequencies
Any electric current flowing through a conductor produces a magnetic field ... The living cells have polarity, therefore, the human body as a whole has polarity. ... DC IN BATTERIES AND LIVING BEINGS, AC IN HOMES AND FACTORIES.

Human Voltage | HowStuffWorks
How does the body make electricity -- and how does it use it? ... At rest, your cells have more potassium ions inside than sodium ions, and there ... on these electrical signals, any breakdown in your body's electrical system is a ... Blood Battery.

How the human body uses electricity - University of Maryland ...
Electricity is everywhere, even in the human body. Our cells are specialized to conduct electrical currents. ... Resting cells are negatively charged on the inside, while the outside environment is more positively charged. This is due to a slight imbalance between positive and negative ions inside and outside the cell.
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