GAD Symptoms: 6 Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

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Millions of people all over the world suffer from what is commonly known as 'generalized anxiety disorder' and it's only by first understanding and recognize the symptoms of generalized anxiety that one can then go about finding and seeking treatment.

This video will go over 6 of the most common GAD symptoms that you should be looking out for when trying to determine whether you (or someone else) may be suffering from generalized anxiety disorder.

And whilst this GAD symptom list doesn't cover absolutely every possible symptom that can result out of GAD it does cover some of the most common and frequent ones.

This generalized anxiety disorder symptoms list includes:

- Excessive and worrying. Easily one of the most common symptoms of GAD is simply worrying about everything and everything and often totally unnecessary.

- Tiredness and difficulty sleeping. Often GAD sufferers will worry so much that they lose sleep and find themselves constantly tired and sleep deprived.

- Headaches. Another common GAD symptom in both men and women is he the headache which can only disappear when the person is relaxed and the re-appear again whenever they become anxious.

- Troubles Concentrating. Many people with generalized anxiety disorder have big problems concentrating on the task at hand finding themselves unable to properly focus and always distracted.

- Constant Bathroom Trips. For some people with GAD the stress will cause them urinate frequently. This could however also be the result of other issues.

- Irritability. The last common symptom of GAD irritability and many suffered find themselves getting easily irritated at even the most minor of things.
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My anxiety keeps getting worse ... I think I'm gonna die all the time ... I'm suffering


you forgot these symptoms:
lack of appetite
racing thoughts
crying jags


The only symptom I don't have is difficulty falling asleep because I'm constantly tired.


does anybody suffer from hand tremors and muscle twitching? not sure if anxiety can corse those symptoms?


This makes me speechless. It's weird watching something that explains EXACTLY what you're going through....


2 years after being diagnosed I finished therapy and I'm on track for getting off my meds!


does anyone else suffer from chest pains and arm pain


Ima just say it. DEEP BREATHING DOES NOTHING IF IT'S IMPOSSIBLE, Which, with anxiety IS


be nice to know I'm not the only one out there


I hate this anxiety I have. I have all these symptoms and more. I fucking hate it


when I was in high school, I'd get so anxious about missing the bus that I'd have the terrible urge to pee and then I'd go pee and get more anxious that I was going to miss the bus because I was peeing. I hated it.


I'm 22 and I thought I was having a heart attack and went to the ER and tests such as ECG, Chest X-Ray, and Blood work was performed. And was told I had GAD and my heartrate pushes to 100 bpm and with resting it can go back down but this is new and scary.


I want to give you something dear friend...
A compassionate heart
A loving touch
A gentle smile
A warm embrace
A listening ear
A kind word
A hope filled future
A purpose filled life
A brand new start
A desire to live
Your dignity and respect
Complete forgiveness
...and so much more
Yes, If you are missing your life dear friend
then cry out to me.
I love you much more than you know.

-The Lord Jesus Christ


I have GAD, I haven't been clinically diagnosed with it, but all of these 100% apply to me, it ruins my everyday life. I could never sleep, and I often wake up with an anxiety attack.


Having GAD is horrible. Absolutely horrible. Unless I'm distracted, I'm constantly worrying about anything.
I've had breakdowns in school, at home, on field trips, with friends and family...
And about irrational things too. Disease and death for the most part.
There was one day where I had five panic attacks. It was so exhausting.


GAD since forever. alcoholism too. today I obsess over my 2 kids being 19/17. wanting to go back in time. acceptance. also overly worried over health issues. bad day. meeting tonite. thankfully


I have GAD and I have irritability a lot. I snap at my parents, siblings, strangers, friends, and I cry often and I feel depressed and stressed a lot. I have constant worry and anxiety not like any other person. In fact, I feel like nobody will like this comment. But I have a therapist who helps me a lot and she's really nice. My anxiety is like a sneeze. I can't control it. It's like when somebody tells you to stop sneezing, it's like people telling you to calm down which I hate. I can't control my anxiety. I get distracted and I have trouble concentrating. I have unwanted thoughts, flashbacks, I zone out, and I have rushing thoughts.


I have GAD and OCD and I am only 13, and It's horrible and it I feel like dying.


I was diagnosed with GAD two years ago when I was 12, and I have many of these symptoms. I also was diagnosed with OCD, but it isn't as bad anymore as it was then. Still, I'm in high school now, and have had multiple breakdowns this week. Just always worrying about the simplest things can build up into a panic attack.


It's hard for me to swallow and my hands shake. Does this happen to anyone else?
