What I Learned After Being Out Of The Army For 1 Year...

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About Nick Bare:
Nick is a businessman, entrepreneur and fitness guru. His YouTube channel is a walk through his daily life, adventures, and gym times. Enjoy a look into his life through the lens!

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This just made me appreciate you even more, Nick. Proverbs 14:23-24 All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. The wealth of the wise is their crown, but the folly of fools yields folly.


I really wanna say thank you, I’m an 11B about to ETS and return home and I tell you it’s been a big fear of mine but If anything you’ve shown me as the infantry has many times again I can do whatever I put my heart into and have to just have faith in myself and the mission ahead.
Thank you so much brother


Nick, your videos have been inspiring me more and more every day. I've been interested in joining the military since I was 10 years old, but I held myself back for years out of fear of what others think. But over the last few years, I've learned to accept myself in that it doesn't matter how tall or strong you are physically, it matters about the mental strength you have to get there. I've been quitting smoking, quitting drinking, learning math (which I haven't done since high school then I went to college), and getting my motivation back to work out regularly again. I watched one of your videos last night, and I dreamt last night that you told me to get up because it's time to run. So I got up at 6am and went for a run, in the rain with a wind warning. Day 1, but you helped me get there. Thank you, Nick. Your mindset is amazing, and the way you view life is absolutely beautiful


I recently separated from the AirForce. This was a nice perspective to hear your side. I decided to create a channel for people deciding to separate since i had a lot of unanswered questions even after taps. You should make more videos like this.


Just received a 2-year scholarship for ROTC. Thanks for being a huge inspiration these past few years!


I needed this video. I’m an 11B and anyone who’s been there or is there knows what it’s like, especially if you’ve left family behind. I turned 24 a week ago and im stationed overseas in Europe atm. Im filled with worry, sadness, and anger at myself for deciding to do this for four years and leave my wonderful family back home. I think about them every single day. I know that I will never take anything for granted again if I can get through these next 3 and half years. I really want to go back home to my family and my friends. Im worried about to conflict going on Ukraine but it’s what I signed up for. Im sitting in my bunk every night when we’re not out in the field constantly thinking about home. Wish me luck.


I’m really enjoying these talks. Keep em coming!


Love the video I am currently working on getting out of active duty after my four year obligation has been completed, to purse DNP FNP. Love seeing how you were able to transition out of Army . Thank you for your service.


I agree 100%. These motivational, mentor style of videos are my favourite


I’m only 3 minuets in and I can already say I wish every single human being had to watch this. Great video Nick!


As an E3 this means alot to me. Keep up the good work bro.


Going into my senior year of high school this video really gives me a lot of inspiration to fulfilling my dreams and aspirations! very inspirational video, keep up the amazing vids!


Nick you are absolutely spot on with your assessment of your generation in particular. I'm in my 40's gen X and my generation like every other has it's problems, but the Millennial generation really is taking longer to grow up and take ownership of their lives. I spent 6 years in the Army in the 90's, and I've been a full time firefighter for the past 19 years. The generation of firefighters coming on the job now walk in the door like they own the place, demanding respect instead of earning it. When I got on the dept. my generation had the utmost respect for the senior guys. The young guys now, are the last ones to show up in the morning, use sick time whenever they don't want to go to work, and if you ask them to grab a mop they look at you like you have two heads. I'm not saying they are incompetent or lazy, but they act entitled just as you described.


I LOVE how you described the entitlement issue and the almost collective victim mentality. And, how to essentially over come that. Great video!!


Nick this was the most inspirational and relatable video I’ve watched from you so far.

It was a year ago when I stumbled upon your video of “life of a infantry pl”. And from then I’ve stuck with you and watched your business grow and the things that you’ve done, and it has change my passion from joining the military, to become an entrepreneur.
And when you said that when your in the military, you’re entitled to many benefits but when you leave you’re not entitled to shit, and that really got to me.

Thank you nick, for changing my life


Hey Nick, I just wanted to let you know that I had begun watching you right before you got out of Active Duty.

I decided to join Army ROTC this past August (the start of my sophomore year) after being on the fence about it due to the fact that I’m the last of my family (no brothers/sisters/cousins).

I just wanted to let you know that your guidance through these videos (and fantastic products) developed my attitude and mindset; I too desire to start a business throughout and after my career.

I was recently awarded a 2.5 year ROTC scholarship, of which I’m honored. Taking months with no actual promise to achieve it, I used what you spoke of in this video, i.e. patience, focus, time, and determination, I was able to prove to the Cadre and myself that I was deserved of this scholarship.

I guess what I want to say is, thank you. I hope to one day vocalize that thanks to you, as you helped guide me and remind me to be patient for, with this scholarship, I feel like I have truly fulfilled my heart.

For a guy who hasn’t settled for less and doesn’t like to waste time, you’ve made sure I can differentiate between wasting time and being patient for the long run.

Thank you, LT Bare.


This is what I needed to hear. I am trying to stick with better habits and it is sooo hard to have faith.


Thank you Nick. This video is life changing and deserves more views.


I love it man, I'm so happy you have a platform to spread your wisdom.


Amazing video! Amazing words. All of your other videos are little parts.... little parts that make a whole. The whole is this video, the message in this video, the feeling, the inspiration, the genuine approach, the heart felt honesty. The kind of video that, on its own, in a small and indirect way, epitomizes you, faith, and life itself. I remind myself every day “ to live like I deserve none of the things in my life”
