It's Simple: Sola Scriptura Is a Heresy — Hard Line

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Don't let Protestants set the terms for a theological debate.
Simon breaks down how the belief in "Scripture alone" is inherently anti-Catholic, and teaching Protestants to reject it is the key to helping them discover the Catholic faith.

*Ends 5/31/23*


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Brilliant. We should send this short video to the trolls who hate the Church


you Catholic's are hysterical. You're argument is, we say something therefore it is, where as protestants say, we have the same history and it does not say that, you made it up, therefore you're full of it.


Guys can you follow up on the whole “King James is the best translation of the Bible” argument please or let me know if there is content on this already i missed? Thx


Sola Sriptura (I think it's Solo scriptora) but .
Solo scriptora is better than no scriptures at all. As Catholics we would do well to read and know scriptures better than other faith groups. It really doesn't matter if Catholics brought the world the Bible if a small percentage of Catholics read it. A gift sitting under the Christmas tree is useless to a person if it is left unopened under the tree.
"It's not the hearers of the word who are found just in His sight but the doers of the Word"!


Sola Scriptura was Luther’s way to remove his culpability for disobedience. The fig leave that he covered himself with. Usurping the Authority given to the Church and replacing it with individual interpretation, and once outside the protection of Mother Church chaos soon ensued. It’s always about Authority. Luther’s allowed him to renounce his vows marry a nun without guilt. Henry’s allowed him multiple divorces(and executions)and remarriages for a son. Calvin’s allowed him to become the tyrant of Vienna. And so on.


Luther was a mentally ill liar. The first Bible didn’t come into creation until 350 years after Jesus’s ascension, so I guess those people were screwed… unless they had an institution of some kind to keep the faith


In AD 382, the Bible was adopted by Pope St. Damasus I in the "Decretal of Gelasius" and was confirmed by every subsequent council that took up the question of the official canon. Finally, in AD 419, Scripture scholars from all over the world came together at the Second Council of Carthage and again confirmed the canon: forty-six Old Testament books and twenty-seven New Testament books would form the official canon of the Catholic Church, totaling today the significant number of seventy-three books of Sacred Scripture. Pope Boniface adopted this approved canon officially by Papal decree. So, for almost four hundred years we had “Bible Only, ” but no Bible. Say, what?


freedom of speech is something your not took done my post. makes me wonder and think why you are afraid of another view, like the Holy Word of God


I just think it's so bizarre. I mean if it was only scripture, how could any messages we receive in prayer ok? You know what I mean? I mean anything we receive should be theologically sound, therefore can be backed up by the Bible, that goes for private revelation too, but God tells people all kinds of things in prayer that's specific to them, and not Technically found in the Bible. Don't they think God can talk to us directly.


You search the scriptures because you think you have salvation through them. John 5:39


I will debate anyone on this program over the subject of Sola Scriptura. I will also make any Catholic that debates me ADMIT that Sola Scriptura is not a heresy.


They will ask us: where are the concrete fruits of this God-Man society? How was it that precisely on the field of Orthodoxy’s radiation came about the appearance of "the most radical secularism in human history?" (Joseph Piper) Does there not also exist an Eastern "Humanism" (for ex. Caesaro-papism, etc.)? The success of atheistic social humanism on the soil of Orthodoxy: is that not proof of the "inability of Orthodoxy" to solve the most elementary social problems?
It is a fact that this world lies in evil and sin. The reduction of everything to man is in fact the atmosphere in which sinful human nature and man in general—no matter where he is located—lives and breathes, and something toward which they strive. It is, therefore, no wonder that the tides of this sinfulness, just like the tides of European pseudo-Christian poisons, from time to time wash over the Orthodox peoples as well. However, one thing is irrefutably true: the Orthodox church has never ecclesiologically dogmatized any sort of humanism, whether we are talking about Caesaro-papism or any other "ism." With the strength of its genuine and uncorrupted God-Manhood and Evangelical truthfulness, and through its constant call for repentance regarding everything that is not from God-Man, it has preserved, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the wisdom and the chastity of its heart and its soul. And by this it has remained and continues to be the "salt" of the earth, man and society. On the other hand, the tragedy of Western Christianity lies precisely in the fact that it, either by correcting the image of the God-Man, or by denying it, has attempted to once again introduce demonized humanism, so characteristic of sinful human nature, to—where? Into the heart of the God-Man organism itself—the Church, whose essence lies precisely in the freeing of man from it. And through it into all regions of life, person and society, proclaiming it as the supreme dogma, as the universal dogma. With this, the demonized intellectual pridefulness of man, hidden under the cloak of the Church, becomes the dogma of a faith without which there is no salvation! It is horrible to think it, much less say it: with this, the sole "workshop of salvation" and graduation to God-Manhood in this world, is gradually turned into a demonized "workshop" of violence over consciousness and dehumanization! A workshop of the disfigurement of God and man through the disfigurement of the God-Man!
The Orthodox Church has proclaimed no poison, no sin, no humanism, no earthly social system as dogma—neither through Councils, nor through the "Body" of the Ecumenical Church. While the west, alas, does nothing but that. The latest proof: the Second Vatican Council.
The Orthodox Faith: in it, repentance is a necessary holy virtue; and it always calls for repentance. In the West: the pseudo-Christian faith in man does not call for repentance; on the contrary, it "clerically" obligates a maintaining of its fatal-to-man homo-idolization, its pseudo-Christian humanisms, infallibilities, heresies, and it pridefully considers that in no case are these things for which one should repent.
Contemporary atheistic social humanism—ideologically and methodologically—is in everything a fruit and an invention of pseudo-Christian Europe, wed with our own sinfulness. They ask us: how did it arrive on the soil of Orthodoxy? It is God trying the endurance of the righteous, visiting the children for the sins of their fathers, and announcing the strength of His Church by taking it through fire and water. Because, according to the words of the wise-in-God Macarius of Egypt, that is the only path of true Christianity: "Wherever the Holy Spirit is, there follows, like a shadow, persecution and battle... It is necessary that the truth be persecuted." What are, on the other hand, the fruits of the God-Man society?—Saints, Martyrs, and Confessors. That is its goal, that is its meaning and design, that is the proof of its indestructible strength. Not books and libraries, systems and cities—all things that are here today and gone tomorrow. The various pseudo-Christian humanisms fill the world with books, while Orthodoxy fills it with the hallowed. Thousands and hundreds of thousands, even millions of martyrs and newly martyred, fallen for the Orthodox faith—there is the fruit of God-Man society. Thus does the famous Francois Mauriac, a Roman Catholic, on the dark horizon of the contemporary world, with each day more and more pushed into the darkness of born-in-Europe, soul-losing homo-idolatry, see only one bright spot, that gives hope for the future of this world: the bathed in the blood of the martyred and newly-martyred faith. The Orthodox faith.
But in the West? They neither know the Church, nor the path, nor the way out of the hopelessness; all is sunk in soul-losing idolatry, in love of pleasure, love of self, and love of lust. Hence in Europe we see the renaissance of polytheism. The "False Christs, " false gods that have flooded Europe and are exported from it to all the marketplaces of the world, have for their main assignment the killing of the soul in man—that unique treasure of man in all the worlds, and in that way make impossible the very possibility of a genuine society.
In writing this, we are not writing the history of Europe, its virtues and faults, nor the history of the European pseudo-churches. We are merely laying out the entelechy of its ontology, descending into the pith of European intellectual pridefulness, into its demonic underground, where its black sources are, whose water threatens to poison the world. This is not a judgment of Europe but a heartfelt prayerful call to the solitary path of salvation, through repentance.
From the book The Orthodox Church and Ecumenism, by Archimandrite Justin Popovich.
+ + +
Ecumenism is the common name for the pseudo-Christianity of the pseudo-Churches of Western Europe. Within it is the heart of European humanism, with Papism as its head. All of pseudo-Christianity, all of those pseudo-Churches, are nothing more than one heresy after another. Their common evangelical name is: Pan-heresy. Why? This is because through the course of history various heresies denied or deformed certain aspects of the God-man and Lord Jesus Christ; these European heresies remove Him altogether and put European man in His place. In this there is no essential difference between Papism, Protestantism, Ecumenism, and other heresies, whose name is "Legion."
Orthodox dogma, that is to say the overriding dogma of the Church, is rejected by them and replaced by the Latin heretical overriding dogma of the primacy and infallibility of the Pope, that is to say of man. From this pan-heresy heresies were born and continue to be born: the Filioque, the rejection of the invocation of the Holy Spirit, unleavened bread, the introduction of created grace, cleansing fire, superfluous works of the saints, mechanized teachings about salvation, and from this sprang mechanized teachings about life, Papocaesarism, the Inquisition, indulgences, the murder of sinners because of their sins, Jesuitism, the scholastics, the casuists, Monarchianism, and social individualism of different kinds..."
From the chapter "Humanistic Ecumenism" in Orthodox Faith and Life in Christ, by Father Justin Popovich, trans. by Asterios Gerostergios (Belmont, MA: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 1994), p. 169.


It’s still going to depend on whether the person is willing to listen to the truth. Hate is difficult to overcome. There were those who accused God Himself in the person of Jesus of being the devil.


What happens when the church and the bible are contradictory? Once the canon was established, did it become the highest (not only) authority?


So you say the bible comes from the church, not the church comes from the bible.
I find that difficult to accept.
The CHURCH was established in the NT.
There was no church in the OT.
Therefore the bible comes BEFORE the church.

Therefore the bible has far more authority than any sinful church.
We must accept that ALL churches whether Catholic or Protestant are full of sinners.
If you disagree with that then I question your theology and belief.

If what you say is true, then only Catholics are going to heaven. If the Catholic church is the only true church then all Protestants are going to hell because accordingcto your beliefs the Catholic church has the monopoly on salvation!!

So heaven is going to be full of Catholics only?
How small is the population of heaven?

May God bless you.and reveal the truth to you.


The Church already was established even before the New Testament was written and compiled and later canonized in the Council of Nicea of the Catholic Church.

The Church has the final authority to interpret the Bible. See what happened to protestants and bible apologetics, they have divided and divided among themselves because of clash of multiple interpretations of the bible. Even some translations are even mistranslated. China already created a modified Christian bible that will conform to the ideologies of the Communist Party of China.


God give us a Book It is like arguing like Muslim, Allah gave Muhammad a Book, do you know ??? it's written in the Quran that it is from Allah !! It's circular reasoning like Protestant arguing Sola Scriptura. I hope they wake up from this stupidity.


Furthermore, may I remind you that the primary mission of our precious Jesus Christ was to "save" our sinful souls. The "L" EVATOR ✌😍


You are intentionally ignoring one thing, Jesus on earth along with the apostles had the seventh day of the week as the day of worship, not the first day which Catholic church intentionally changed, and the second commandment, what have you done with it in the bible? Did Catholic church delete it as it directly condemns her pagan traditions? The bible did NOT come through the Catholic church, the Catholic church persecuted the one who even had a leaf of the bible, and martyred those who disobeyed, the papacy is exposed as the antichrist himself and no matter how hard satan fights through you to lose as many people as possible he will NOT succeed


The "Old Serpent" revels in watching Christians argue about these issues. "I warn every one who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if any one adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if any one takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book." (Rev. 22:18, 19 Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition) It is my onus to pray for you. (see Romans 12:20) Nuff said! The "L" EVATOR ✌😍
