Divorced Woman Says THIS is How You Find True Love 😬

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Divorced Woman Says THIS is How You Find True Love 😬 #shorts

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I'm almost 77 and been a widow 19 years.
This lady is absolutely right about marriage. Your spouse absolutely has to be your very best friend in your life. Romance takes 2nd or 3rd place as you begin to focus on children and paying bills, but your friendship deepens and grows stronger with each challenge life throws at you.
My husband and I met in high school and we became good friends right away. I had a crush on another guy, but then I realized he was not as much fun to be with as I was with my best friend. I began to realize that I missed seeing him when school let out for Christmas and Easter. By the time summer vacation rolled around we became more than best friends. We were going steady. This was 1964. We got married in 68 and he got drafted and went to Vietnam. Thankfully he came home safe.
I got to be his wife for 36 years before he passed away from cancer. He was only 59. He was the best friend I ever had. ❤


Her acceptance of making a wrong choice while young, and not blaming herself nor her spouse, is the key to her calm serenity. 💝


Aww, so glad I saw this as well. Ever since I read that Nietzsche quote, “the cause of unhappy marriages is not the lack of love, but a lack of friendship.” It changed my view of romance forever, in the best way possible. This lady is so sweet, bless her soul.


I thought my husband was my best friend for 20 years i was faithful, loyal, honest and loved him but i have learnt a painful lesson that you can be faithful and loyal to someone but they can cheat and destroy your life. I am damaged. So being single sounds very peaceful and good.


Beautiful words and wise sentiments. May all of her days be richly blessed with goodness and light.


She's lovely, so genuine, well spoken, and very wise


I work in a retirement home and one of our residents recently turned 101. I overheard her telling another resident "I never wanted to get married. I didn't have a bad marriage, but I got married very young and I didn't want to be." That's kind of sad considering that she stayed with her husband until he passed away over 10 year ago. It sounded like she loved him in a way, but wasn't passionately in love with him. It was expected of her to get married (and stay married) so that's what she did.


My hubby is my best friend. He treated me so good I fell in love with him. Met at work, took another job together at the same company then left and started our business together. We spend most of our time together and just love it. I mainly stay home with our kids but still help with the business at times. Def marry your best friend ❤


She is the type of woman you want to sit and have tea with and listen to her story. What a lovely soul she has.


I love this woman's demeanor, so articulate in her manner of speech. She is special.


Cool video, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her.


One of the biggest factors that I have noticed, that people overlook is, they look at the present. They don't stop and say: what are my lifelong goals and ambitions? What am i willing to commit and sacrifice? What are my partners strengths and weaknesses? This reminds me of a story that a late priest I knew, told at mass one day: a couple came to him to get married. And halfway through the marriage classes, he said I'm sorry but I can't marry you two yet. They got mad, went to another church, and found a younger and less experienced priest to marry them. 8 months later, they got a divorce. As the nice lady said, marriage is a life long commitment.


"you have to find a person who's going to be your best friend". Words of wisdom.


Going on 50 years with my wife and this nice lady is absolutely right.


100% correct, marriage is a big commitment but is really hard if you do end up with the wrong person. Sad but true. Lovely lady and eloquently put.


"Someone you're passionate about" that's very important. People settle for people who are "good enough" and check some boxes.


I don't know about you, but that gentle "No" she gave when she said she's not on the market had all the grace in the world. You can tell she's so settled in her soul where she's at. Beautiful clip.


Very well spoken about marriage. "You need to find person who is going to be your best friend, and who you will love passionately. Otherwise it will not work out".


Wise words I waited till I was 38 before I got married and I can honestly say that I wouldn’t of changed my life, I was wild but I’m 55 now and I’m happy with my kids and husband, I think you’ve got to want it and be ready to bend a little bit and put the work in you’ve got to take care of it


What a nice and distinguished lady.
Those are very good lessons. 👍
