I bought every iPad EVER!

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This video was PAIN to put together - MONTHS of trying to buy and getting the wrong devices (because oftentimes even the sellers don't know which iPad they have) etc etc!
Just a heads up, not all iPads used in this video are on the exact version of software that they first released with - we tried, but later realised that would have been borderline impossible 😅


Hey Arun, remember when you said at 20 Million subscribers, you tell us why is Mrwhosetheboss spelled wrong in that Wired video 2 years ago?? 👀👀

Edit: Btw Congratulations on getting 20 Million subscribers!! 🎉🎉 Hopefully you'll make a video about this achievement, keep going 🥳🥳


I have the ipad 2, it's lasted me so long, and even now with everything its been through, i have even repurposed it as a screen! Absolutely wonderful line of products


1:55 this is actually a genius marketing move. If he said '499' at first, people would have thought it was expensive. But he first put '999' to make people go 'damn...' and then bam, 499 and the crowd goes wild lol. Apple has a history of doing this move. and it works every time.


You missed iPad Air 2 here. This was a massive upgrade as well providing Apple’s first fully laminated display and touch ID to iPad. It has lot of more upgrades like first 8MP camera in an iPad.


My cat Milo died on the 12th Nov so seeing the notes app at 14:55 felt like a sign. I do miss you milo, very much.


Congratulations for your new HOME THEATRE!


My late grandma had an iPad Air 2 and it somehow lasted her a good 9 years. She would use it to read articles, watch YouTube, etc. Just light usage. When she passed away, my grandpa gave it to me. It was a real hassle to get the activation lock off, and we ended up having to go to the local Apple Store to get it reset. That iPad is literally almost 11 years old and it still works perfectly (it IS a bit slow). I still use it sometimes to this day. Usually just for watching movies on planes, reading ebooks, etc. Man, I won't be surprised if this thing still works in 5 or 10 years. I definitely wouldn't buy an old iPad to use on a daily basis, but if you have one lying around in your attic or garage, put it to good use.


Arun setting up the new house, still maintains consistency of making videos .... REALLY AMAZING


The skipped iPad Pro 2017 was a game changer as it introduced 120Hz ProMotion display. The first 120Hz display on a tablet or phone ever! Still have it, still love it.


I still have my ipad pro from 2018. Absolutely wonderful piece of tech that lasts me to this day. Crazy how it still runs everything I need it to run, including games and how well the battery lasts

Keeping it for at least a couple of more years


00:31 iPAD 1 (2010)
03:14 iPAD 2 (2011)
05:25 iPAD 3 (2011)
09:43 iPAD MINI 1 (2012)
12:57 iPAD AIR (2013)
15:18 iPAD PRO (2015)
18:15 iPAD PRO 3 (2018)
20:42 iPAD PRO 4 (2020)
22:31 iPAD PRO 5 (2021)
24:41 iPAD PRO 6 (2022)
26:07 iPAD PRO 7 (2024)


Love to see you still posting consistently after the move


It continues to amaze me how Arun can run 2 channels while moving into a new house while moving out of his parents house while making new house videos and ALSO still making normal tech content! How?!


27:42 "do what ever you want machine"😂


iPad 2 is what laid the foundation of whatever a modern tablet is today. An absolute beast and the most desirable tech of that time!


5:51 “How can any product ever be named new something”
Nintendo: It might seem crazy what im bout to say


Remember my brother picking up an iPad mini 4 on contract when it came out. He paid around £700 total for the iPad itself and the data SIM card bundle he got with it. My mate picked up one second hand the other day for £35. They're still pretty useable as well. Only just stopped getting major updates


"Every iPad ever"
What about the Airs beyond the Air 2? The Minis beyond the first gen? The standard ones beyond the fourth gen? Yeah, that'd be tough to do, but at the same time it's "only" ten more devices


You've missed loads... iPad Air 2, iPad 5th gen, 10.2" iPad pro... There's more but I can't recall them all
