Google Pixel 8 Pro Review For Photographers: Are These Even PHOTOS?!

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The Google Pixel series has always taken photography seriously, but the Pixel 8 Pro is one of the biggest upgrades yet! Chris Niccolls has been using the phone for weeks, and he's here to tell you how it compares to the Pixel 7 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Rental equipment provided by The Camera Store

0:00 - Intro
0:46 - HDR Display
2:40 - Cameras
4:03 - Portrait mode
4:38 - Manual control
5:38 - Night sight
6:40 - Video performance
10:55 - Editing tools
12:36 - Who is it for?
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I appreciate how you don't just praise the phone like many other and actually go in depth and make a critical review


Absolutely amazing professional review, I think this is the best P8P camera test on YouTube, and thanks for that. By the way, beautiful photos!


The audio quality in your video in itself deserves a subscription; best I've ever heard on YouTube.


Captain Jordan needs to be a recurring character.


SUGGESTION: I have the Pixel 8 Pro and you actually CAN use the 5x lens for portrait photography. All the pictures capture depth information and then in the edit there is an option for portrait blur, which the depth, the amount of blur, and the focus point can all be adjusted along with some other portrait features. I have tried it and it looks great!


I've pre-ordered my Pixel 8 Pro as an upgrade to my 3 year old Galaxy A51 5G. One of the features that "sold" me was the camera and video editing on the phone. As I'm retired now, I will be traveling a little more and want to take better pictures and videos. I had great results with my camera in a submarine in Maui back in 2021, but the lighting was off and I would have liked to edit out the background chatter from inside the sub. Having 7 years of software support helps too. As I never use my phone for gaming, many of the other reviews are irrelevant to me. Oh, and funny, but the ad in the middle of your video was for the Pixel 7a... ha ha ha!!!


I'm a big fan of computational photography, but I don't like that there's a trend towards having to upload your photos to Google's servers in order to do some of the more advanced processing. I don't like having to be always online to use certain features, and it also puts an expiration date on that software (tied to the expiration date of the server / software updates).


Interesting and fair review. Just got my Pixel 8 Pro and this video has helped me understand what I can do with it. I have a couple of digital cameras and I’m hoping that I can replace at least 90% of my photo taking by just carrying the phone around with me.


I must say I've been following and watching you since way back. But for me, this is one of your best videos to date. Open, honest and something I think a lot of starting creators need to hear! Good job my man...! And congrats on where you are today!


We were soooo lucky to get such a beautiful month of October for pics/videos. Really happy with the Pixel 8 Pro.


I'm really enjoying my Pixel 8 pro. It's my first pixel coming from an old Sony Xperia 5iii. It's been great so far, I like the screen and the pictures I've just taken on holiday in Greece have been great too. Not a massive fan of the AI stuff for reasons mentioned in video but it is handy on the odd occasion. I took some great pics of the kids playing in the pool and used the magic erase to edit out people in the background. It worked pretty well to be honest and for those instances where you either capture the moment or wait until they are out of shot in the background and miss the moment it's a win for someone like me who hasn't learnt to use something like Photoshop. Having had the Sony and having a little old dchool photography knowledge I went for the pro as it now has the ability to be set manually if I want but I'm pretty impressed with the preset images straight out of it to be honest. It's very convenient.


I feel like the best way to review the videography aspect of the phone is to record the entire review with the phone.


Chris and Jordan’s reviews are among the very very few that I place trust in. Thank you for another comprehensive review.. Pixle 8 Pro for me!


Subscribed... First video of yours I've stumbled onto and I really enjoyed it. I love the way you explain everything thoroughly about the cameras and get into the photography. I'm a complete amateur grandma who loves taking photos of family as well as wildlife and beautiful scenery here in Florida. I'll be back to watch more of your reviews. Thank you 👍👍👍.


Very impressive video on the Captain Jordan section. So sharp! Nice that you are not just blatantly praising it, but pointing out the negatives as well as the positives. That's one thing I really like about all your reviews. Thanks guys!


Wish there was a higher bitrate video option on my 8 Pro, and more manual video options too. But overall very happy with my 8 Pro, big upgrade for photography over my 6 Pro.


the review of a camera ain't over till Chris and Jordan sing. Already pre-ordered it, it would have been too late to get the offer. Still, very comforting to know it's a good choice. Good and unbiased review, as usual.


I'm love taking photos absolutely love taking photos and thank you both for making my decision in 2024 to get the p8p. I was just going to get the p8 but I always regret after purchasing the lesser phone for less money that I miss so much


Good review! One thing I noticed when I had a P8Pro next to my 14 Pro, was that it consistantly got the white balance right with scenes that contain warm indoor lighting (Philips Hue) and a white wall. The 14 Pro persistently transforms it into an almost monochromatic affair, ruining the atmosphere. Even in Proraw it wasn't optimal.


The quality of your channel's videos is amazing
