Crazy Coincidences You Won't Believe Are True - Part 1 #shorts

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I went to a hobby shop on my 40th birthday, bought a few items, the total rang up to be $40.40


When hear these kind of coincidences you have to wonder if we're living in a simulation


The twins also had more of the same things. Vacationing in the sane spot, drove the sane kind of car, worked in the sane field. Both didn’t know they were twins


My dad told me a story growing up of a coincidence that happened to him. He was driving with his friend driving behind him to his house when they pulled up on a railroad crossing. My Dad knew what train it was and knew my grandpa worked on it. When he saw my grandpa on the train he waved at him. When he looked in the rearview mirror he saw his friend waving so my dad thought he thought he was waving at him. When they finally met up again my dad said to him that he wasn't waving at him he was waving at his dad on the train, and his friend told him that he wasn't waving at my dad, he was waving at his dad who was the conductor of the train.


A couple decades ago, my wife had been constantly thinking of a friend she had not spoken to in many years, and decided to call her. She walked over to the (landline!) phone, picked it up, but there was no dial tone. She could hear background sounds, so asked “Hello?” She was shocked to hear that very friend say “Hello?” back! Turns out the friend had been thinking about my wife for a couple days and had, at the same moment, decided to call. NEITHER OF THEM had dialed a number!
We have never been able to figure out how it happened, but it did indeed happen. (I was in the room, saw my wife pick up the phone, heard her confused ‘hello’ and the bewildering conversation that ensued!) Coincidence? But how could the connection have possibly been made with no numbers dialed? We certainly don’t know!


The game devs must've been tired of making new characters.


Depends where the Laura Buxton’s were from. Buxton is a town in England and it was common in the Middle Ages to be named after the town you’re from.


Interesting coincidence, while I was in high school on the varsity football team, playing at home, while I was standing on the sideline the announcer called my name!!! There happened to be a player for the opposing team that had the exact name as me!!!


The Jim Twins had their sons with Betty, not with Linda as you might presume from sequence in this video.

The Laura's were not the same age - several months apart with Laura 1 being 10 and Laura 2 being 9 at time of discovery. The dog(s) was a Black Labrador, not a Golden Retreiver. The ballon did not land in the other Laura's back yard - a neighbor discovered it in a hedge near his property, read the card, and then delivered it to the Laura Buxton he knew, thinking it was hers.

Helps to fact check these things sometimes. :)


I once looked up a word in the dictionary that had randomly popped into my head. Closing the book i then turned on the radio and the DJ was discussing the meaning of the same word.


In 1989, the Dodgers played 2 separate 22 inning games about 2 months apart


Laura Buxton:

Outside of the similarity in the girls' names (and they didn't have terribly unusual names), much of this tale isn't all that remarkable: it's hardly amazing that two girls of similar age would be the same height and build, or that two girls from the same geographic region would have the same color of hair and eyes, or that two young girls would keep the same types of animals at home (since Labrador retriever dogs, rabbits, and guinea pigs are all very common household pets). Nonetheless, the balloon coincidence led to the two Laura Buxtons' striking up a friendship that was unlikely to have begun without it, and the girls have kept in touch ever since, with the mother of Laura Buxton #1 reporting nine years later that:

[The] Laura Buxton that released the balloon is my daughter and she is now 19 years old. The girls are still very good friends and meet up as and when time and commitments allow them — in fact, they are meeting again before they both go back to University. We have no idea why this happened but it did and out of it has come a wonderful friendship.


Fun Facts
I swam the 50M Freestyle (Long Course) in 25.85 as a 14 year-old, twice in the summer of 1980, to the hundredth of a second at two different facilities, the first one at Lakeside in Louisville, KY outdoors, and the other in Huntsville, AL at the SEAAU Long Course Championships indoors, finishing first in both races. That's a true story! 😉😎


One thing I've learned in life is there's nothing new under the sun


Have you ever done a crazy coincidence video on JFK and Abraham Lincoln???
It’s so crazy you can’t believe it’s true🤯


"13 year old British teenager"


We're all souls acting like we're separate.
We're all souls
another .


Craziest coincidence I’ve experienced: *seeing someone from my school at target*


Fascinating about identical twins. There are many reports about at birth separated twins that later was discovered that they did the same astonishingly specific things like choosing the same names, things and persons. Like choosing the same unusual brand of toothpaste, naming their dog the same etc and much more.
It seems that the DNA have some very specific influences.


Imagine if the first one happened in 2013
