Bizarre Historical Coincidences

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Prepare to have your mind blown by these bizarre historical coincidences!

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The fact that he survived two atomic bombs and saved his family by surviving the first, not to mention living a full life, I say that makes Tsutomu Yamaguchi one lucky guy.


As for the first guy I'd say the fact that he and his wife and child survived all that means he's incredibly lucky


i can't believe you didn't mention the time 2 twins got run over by the same taxi, driven by the same person, carrying the same passenger, while on the same moped, almost exactly one year apart.


I have another one!So, this starts in the early 15th century when the raider and conqueror Tamerlane died. In his tomb it said "Whoever opens my tomb shall unleash an invader more terrible than I"(for context, Tamerlane killed over 15 million.)In June 20th, 1941, Tamerlane's tomb was opened by some scientists ordered by the Soviet government. 2 days later, Hitler invaded the soviets, killing 26 million. But wait, there's more. Stalin ordered Tamerlane's tomb to be in the frontlines of Stalingrad in december 1942 and coincidentally, Stalingrad would end up being Russia's largest victory of WW2 exactly 1 month after the tomb was taken to Stalingrad. freaky.


Humans - Don't understand a chain of related events
Humans - It's a coincidence, they're definitely not related


My great grandfather was at pearl harbor when the Japanese attacked... He was in the navy... He lived until his 90s, he passed away in 2012 from a blood clot... He was the only grandfather I truly had... When I got off of school I would hang out with him and we would eat ice cream and watch cartoons...


Funny enough, for the Esther coincidence story, I had something very similar occur.
Once upon a time, about 15 or so years ago, my mom was taking college classes to get a teaching license, but since dad was oft absent due to work, she would often take me and my sister to classes with her.
Being children with some...special needs, she would often new (relatively speaking) and inexpensive things to keep us busy, including, in my case, cheap Gameboy Advance games.
ONE of those games was Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone for the GBA. Granted, I got bored with it real quick and traded it in, and Mom soon graduated with her license.
I would say 8 or so years later, I was perusing a random store's used game section when, lo and behold, I saw that SAME dinking cartridge in the display case. How did I recognize it? Because when I got it, it had someone's sharpie writing (probably their name) on the label. This display piece had the same writing as that.
Why is this whacky? If you think "Oh, well, it's not unusual for some used game cartridge, especially for low cost games to circulate from store to store in a given state, " then I would buy that...except I wasn't in the same state as before; I had moved in the interim, and not from one state to an adjacent one. There must have been 4-5 sets of state lines between my new home and old one, so there should have been no way that cartridge could have followed me.

In summary, this was the weirdest coincidence in my life.


Only problem with the one about The Bard is that Shakespeare has an "e" on the end, which was conveniently left off for this coincidence to work. The number should be 56.


The handbag thing. Two of the gods are wearing watches.


Not bizarre. Ancient civilizations were connected. Lot of these civilizations were set up by people leaving out of India and settling elsewhere.


The Shakespear one is one of those where you can find support for just about any theory if you look hard enough.


I would like to add that mysterious bag is something carved all over ancient Indian temples as well, usually used by sages and hindu gods, they are never put down even while mediating they are always hanged on trees. And about ancient Egypt having flying planes there is mention of vimans the flying objects in ancient Indian texts and even carvings and lot of Indian - vedic mythology.


Wow, the Japanese dude as seen and felt the wrath of two atomic bombs and lived to 91 years old. The stories he must have told and the many things he saw. Sucks that a lot of it would be pain and heartache. It had to be a horrible scene both times. Some really cool and crazy coincidences. Was interesting to watch. Great video


Fireworks just started outside my window right when they mentioned the 2nd hiroshima bomb dropping


For the dragon bone prank, something similar happened in the village that I live in, someone put a wooden crocodile head in the pond and all the children below the age of 6 believed it was a crocodile.


I have been watching this channel for about three years now, and I don’t regret watching this channel for hours at a time. The content never gets old, boring, or seem to repeat its self. Kudos to you.


9:55 this one happened exactly for me and my wife. We have a picture way before even we became bf and gf. Its fantastic that see some others have the same experience.


For the bag one I genuinely don't know why there's so much discussion about it. It's probably just a depiction of actual bags.
They probably had bags they weren't that primitive. Bags aren't a new invention, the oldest bag ever found is over 5100 years old.


My friends father, who was a young person then in 1970, sold his car for a newer one. Years later, the father kept telling his son (my friend), how he drove a great car during his times. My friend, started to search for a similar model to keep the nostalgia alive and finally found and bought one. It was the same car his father has sold. Till then, the car had been sold to more than 4 people and my friend was the 5th owner.


Since wars break out just about annually, that's nowhere near a coincidence. It would be, however, if blowing the trumpet meant there was not to be a single war that year.
