Saltwater Aquariums Are EASY: Guide to Setting up a Saltwater Fish Tank

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Setting up a saltwater tank can be intimidating for many fish keepers. I explain that it is very similar to keeping healthy freshwater aquariums, and provide some simple steps to guide you in setting up your own saltwater fish tank.

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From a 20 year saltwater fish keeper..Great explained things exactly how they are there should be no fear to move from fresh to saltwater Awesome job.


Exactly on point dude.. i just set up my first salt tank I was so nervous for years to do it and just went for it and it turned out to be quite easy to setup and maintain im kinda upset that I never did it earlier the saltwater fish are so beautiful I can see it now all my freshwater tanks will slowly turn to salt over the next few years great video to show that there's not much to be scared of


I have a 75 gallon fowlr tank. I have a canister filter, hang on the back, and a hang on the back protein skimmer. Setup is super easy and actually less maintenance in alot of ways compared to freshwater. I change 10 percent once a week. I have a 55 gallon rain barrel with an air tight lid where I store my saltwater. Then when needed I pump the water in when doing a water change. I also just use tap water to make the saltwater as I am not doing corals. Good video 👍


Nice video for people who wanna start a saltwater aquarium! You can definitely keep it this easy for a small fowlr. As a reef keeper myself I do wanna say however that if you’re planning on keeping corals or larger tanks it will become more complicated. In the long run you will need RO/DI water for your tank and things like a skimmer will make it a lot easier. But like I said, this video is great for the people who wanna start their first simple saltwater tank!


This is the video all people wanting to make the jump needed lol


Thank you for this I had been hearing that saltwater tanks are a lot harder for an beginner to start with but this makes it sound a whole lot simpler. And now I kind of want to try it just to show my friend up hehe.


You've posted this in time for me to see it! It's so simplified, it's perfect for newbies. I have 3 planted freshwater tanks and I just bought a 4th, it's a 54l (14.25gal) and since it's on it's own stand, I kind of wanted to do some statement tank. I'd love to try saltwater in it.


Just 2 very important detail about refractometer was missing in this video
1-) make sure to calibrate it for the first time and after using it few times, using a calibrating solution
2-) Always wash the refractometer with RO/DI water before and after using it.


I'd love to try saltwater one day. Glad to hear you can use tap water instead of having to keep buying RO water as that would be the biggest turn off for me 👍


Been getting tempted more and more to start a saltwater tank. Your video has me thinking i can do it.


The live sand always worked right away for me 💥💥💥💥💥🤗🤗 & seachem Prime


Wow, Zenzo. You cannot know how happy this video makes me. I have been wanting to try a saltwater tank, but have been too scared. Wasn't sure I was even smart enough. This video has me thinking about making the jump. I'm so happy I could just about cry . Thank you!


Great video!
No one should be intimated when setting up a marine aquarium.

A fish only system is easier than most tropical planted tanks.
The difficulty does not start until you discuss marine invertebrates like corals. Soft coral and most LPS are on par with heavily planted tanks similar to Iwigami or Amano styles in their complexity and difficulty.
Marine tanks only become daunting once you start discussing finicky LPS or sensitive SPS such as Acropora or Montipora.
This video does an excellent job of presenting this


Another banger of information with beautiful aquariums as a back drop. Keep 'em coming my dude.


Really wish I saw this before I created my "fake" saltwater tank. I didn't go back to saltwater because I hated buying all of those buckets of pre-made water. Thank you 😊


I made my switch from fresh to salt about 3 years ago and I’m so happy I did, well my wallet isn’t that happy anymore but totally worth it


If you keep any invertebrates in your FOWLR tank make sure your sand contains some calcium - it's critical for crustations to moult and anemones need it too which is why aragonite sand is ideal!❤ For all filter media and supplements, including Prime dechlorinator, Seachem is awesome and not horribly expensive. I use their Vibrant Sea salt which is cheaper than Instant Ocean and works great!


It’s like you read my mind bro. I have a Cobalt C-Vue that was given to me specifically so I could start a marine tank and since I am not traveling for the for seeable future, this maybe a good time to start!


This made me feel so much better all the other videos I saw made saltwater seem so complicated and and expensive with all the equipment others say to buy think a fowlr tank is more my speed
