Rings of Power Season 2 Official Trailer BREAKDOWN

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The Rings of Power just released it's final official trailer prior to Season 2 airing and we are taking a look frame-by-frame at all the clues and references we can find!

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What are your thoughts on this trailer and how S2 is looking so far? (Also, apologies for my voice sounding a bit rough in this - I'm still getting over the dreaded illness that shall not be named.)


"...it's clear no one being can stand up and defeat Sauron alone..."

Except for a dog...I'm not joking


Theory for why anatar says he's "the one keeping the storm at bay" could be hes baiting adar into attacking eregion while pretending to be the only one who can stop him. Or hes claiming to be the only one who can stop the sickness or whatever thats causing the elves to fade.


As someone who disliked the first season, I hope the show becomes great


The dis given to the Olympic break dancing made me cackle 😂


Hahaha that troll is officially named Bob now 🤣


Looks awful. 0/10. I’ll be watching it as soon as it’s out.


Man I can’t lie when it cut to Celebrembor just crying, I felt that. 😮‍💨


It looks awesome, but visuals weren’t an issue in season 1. So if they don’t fix the writing, then it won’t fix the show. That being said, I’m ready to be hurt again and I’m getting excited.


It's a shame more friendly cats don't exist in Middle Earth😅


Why did Sauron say to Celebrimbor "I am the one keeping the storm at bay"? Sauron tells Celebrimbor that he is "keeping the storm at bay" as part of his manipulative efforts to gain Celebrimbor's trust. Sauron, in his guise as Annatar, uses this phrase to suggest that he is helping Celebrimbor protect the world from impending chaos, when in reality, he is subtly influencing the creation of the Rings of Power to further his own dark ambitions. This manipulation sets the stage for Sauron's larger plans to dominate Middle-earth.


SPOILER ALERT: If I put myself in the minds of the showrunners, I would guess that the last season, season 5 ends with Isildur cutting the ring from Sauron's hand and refusing to destroy it. Elrond goes to Rivendell, and Galadriel goes to Lorien. The last scene is probably Isildur getting ambushed and the ring getting lost in the river.

If this is all the case, then I would imagine that season 4 probably ends with the destruction of Numenor, which causes Elendil and Isildur to travel to Middle Earth and create Gondor and Arnor in season 5. If this is the case, I would guess that season 3 ends with Pharazon capturing Sauron and bringing him to Numenor. This, of couse, means that season 4 will be occupied with Sauron tricking Pharazon into trying to invade Valinor, and leading to the destruction of Numenor.

Finally, if that's all correct, then I would suspect that either season 2 ends with Pharazon leading the Numenoreans to Middle Earth to fight Sauron, or season 3 begins with them leaving for Middle Earth. Either way, season 3 will probably be all about the Numenoreans fighting Sauron. edit: I would also venture that it is during season 3 that Sauron crafts the One Ring.


I think @12:17 celabrimbor is actually under a spell from sauron at this moment. Hes walking round seeing his realm at peace but feels like something is wrong. I think this could be happening during the battle itself. Hes unaware of the ‘Storm’ destroying eregion

The mirror shot is him seeing the truth breaking through the spells. this is why he seems to be covered in dirt and grime. Also because of the toll Sauron spell is having on him.

Sauron saying ‘I’m the one keeping the storm away’ makes more sence in this context.

Just a thought!

Love the channel ☺️


Sauron "keeping the storm at bay" probably refers to his feeling that his rule over Middle Earth is what keeps it in order, preventing the "chaos" of everyone's annoying freedom


Considering his obsession with order, the "storm" Anatar claims to be keeping at bay could simply be chaos, which he abhors?


It would be a big mistake for them to introduce Ciaran as Saruman AS a shady looking guy imo. Its not like Saruman was bad to the bone the entire time, hes supposed to be the leader of the wizards and become corrupted later.
I was originally adamant that the Stranger is Gandalf but if he is interacting with Ciaran, im really hoping they are actually the blue wizards that get corrupted


18:20 the sight of Celebrimbor screaming is harrowing. I think he has realized what Annatar has done to deceive him, and that it’s too late to fix it—the nine and seven are gone, and Celebrimbor is now useless. And he has foolishly squandered his family legacy. He trusted a stranger and has been ruined.


I'm trying really hard to be excited about season 2 - I'm rewatching the first season right now and trying to look for positives. But while there were some things I liked about the first season (Elrond/Durin being the high point, and the sets and score are incredible), I still really disliked it overall from a lore perspective, a "realism"/internal believability perspective, and a straight up writing perspective. It doesn't feel true to Tolkien's works to me and it also doesn't feel like it was well-written enough to stand up on its own. I'm going into season 2 hoping that they've course corrected and will turn out something I can enjoy. Because, contrary to what a lot of positivity-enforcers online seem to think, I do actually WANT to enjoy the experience - I just haven't been able to so far.

(Obligatory note: I love the diversity of this Middle-earth. I don't appreciate being lumped in with racists and could not disagree with their takes on the casting more. Just so we're clear.)


i wonder if we gonna get to see sauron use celebrimbors body as a banner


I feel like they chose to make the 3 rings first to develop the uncertainty in the elves of whether they should use them throughout this season. While the 3 were not touched by Sauron, they were contrived through his influence still.

Could they have that by making the 3 after the others? Sure and still be able to leverage that same uncertainty, but then S2 would be about crafting the 16 and the 3 would be all moved to the end into S3 and they would need a reason for Sauron to leave Eregion so Celebrimbor could forge them, then Sauron come back and sack the city. Numenor storylines would spin longer, Stranger story would spin longer. I think for their event pacing of the time crunch they decided it wouldn’t work to push the 3 to after the 16. It’s more timeline efficient to sack Eregion while Sauron is already there, which wouldn’t leave room for Brimby to forge the 3 later.

I also believe they needed the first season to build and frame these events, so I argue against the concept of “they should have given us this S2 stuff in S1”
