The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 Review | Prime Video

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 Review | Prime Video

Welcome back to our channel! Today, we're traveling back to Middle-earth as we dive deep into why The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 has stepped up its game and delivered an epic experience that truly binds viewers to the screen! This is my non-spoiler review for THE RINGS OF POWER SEASON 2.

Previously, we saw the first season lay the groundwork, but the second season shines even brighter. Sauron may be gathering his strength, but this show is gathering momentum! Season 2 not only builds on the epic scale but also plunges its characters—elves, dwarves, orcs, and all—into even deeper darkness, making us care more than ever about the fate of Middle-earth.

The creators have clearly found their groove, spinning a tale that’s richer and more compelling than ever. With friendships fraying and kingdoms cracking, the struggle for Middle-earth's soul is both grander and more intimate. Even the new twists, which could’ve felt like a shot in the dark, add layers of intrigue to this already rich narrative.

If the first season was a slow burn, then Season 2 is a blazing forge, hammering out one of the most impressive fantasy series on Prime Video. It’s clear that The Rings of Power is starting to live up to its name—one show to rule them all.

Join us as Zach Pope takes a closer look at why The Rings of Power Season 2 isn’t just a step up—it’s a giant leap for Middle-earth. We’ll explore why this season stands out among fantasy epics, why it’s the perfect continuation of the series, and why it’s a must-watch for fans and newcomers alike.

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Keywords: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 Review,the rings of power season 2 review,the lord of the rings the rings of power season 2 review,season 2 the lord of the rings the rings of power review,season 2 the rings of power review,the rings of power season 2 non spoiler review,the lord of the rings the rings of power season 2 non spoiler review,the rings of power season 2 is better than season 1,zach pope,the lord of the rings the rings of power season 2
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How did y’all get to see the whole season?


Glad you liked it, but please.... learn how to pronounce Sauron!


I mean i hope season was better than season 1 season 1 was awful


Who's ser-on?? 😂😂😂 .. ITS SAURON 😂😈


As a massive Lord of the Rings fan (who has read The Silmarlion) I thought that season one was a great (not canon) story in this universe that was a ton of fun. Love your reviews and I can’t wait for season 2


I don’t like how people don’t let shows just be shows. They don’t always have to follow the Books to a T.

That’s why I loved this first season I never really read the Books so it couldn’t take away from me just enjoying Season 1


Great video bro. You got me hyped!! So excited for season 2!! 🔥🙌🏽


I hope I will enjoy it too ! Can't wait to watch it ! And I'm sorry for you already, a lot of haters are going to attack you for just liking the show.


If you liked Season 1, then I’m not trusting of this review. Hope you’re right though, because season 1 was a disaster, aside from the mine dwarves.


Thanks for this non-spoiler review! I'm excited for S2. S1 wasn't great, but I enjoyed it enough and loved the world. I'm a binge watcher, but I want to start watching at release since I'm so excited for it. 😂


Funny none of the YouTube channels I watch that are dedicated to the LOTR and Tolkien with millions of subs didn’t get to watch Season 2 early. But this guy who has 50k subs, admits he’s not even a Tolkien fan and doesn’t know how to pronounce Sauron’s name gets to watch it. I have no quarrel this guy by the way he seems perfectly fine. My gripe is with Amazon having absolutely no respect for the fans.


Or you could go on a date with an actual woman!


how much did they pay you because the show butchers the lore


Rings of power has nothing to do with Tolkien. The entire show is pure fanfiction and most of the characters on the show and the synopsis don’t exist in Tolkien’s lore. They completely disrespected Tolkien and I can’t believe anyone would watch this political agenda fan fiction crap and call it good.


I can fathom people liking this who aren't Lord Of The Ring fans. Like how people who never read The Wheel of Time might like the show.

Had any of these shows been named anything else and didn't piggy back from beloved IPs it wouldn't get this hate but it doesn't matter what these shows do or how good they may be, they dont do the one thing they should and thats stay true to the source material.

You like this because you dont know what it could have been. fans hate this because they do.


season 2 is going to suck. The reviews are pouring in and most are not that great. Season 1 was a disaster. I said from the beginning, Amazon can't make great movies. Secondly, their greatest mistake was to ask those amateurs to take something so big upon them. I tried to watch season 1 yesterday but it is boring as hell. I end up skipping many scenes and so I finished season 1 in 1 hour. Awful writing, awful acting. I don't understand something. Why would a company throw so much money in a project, and not make sure, that it isnt as perfect possible? They are throwing away millions and millions this is insane. Would it not have been much better if Amazon just made their own fantasy movies. They could have saved so much money. I am so dissapointed in Amazon. I knew they are going to make a parody.


The woman who makes the tea for the directors died, so they delayed it by 2 months. 🥲🥲 sorry for the mess of a show that season 2 is.
