What Is The PMR Diet?

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Is the Prey Model Raw (PMR) diet something you're considering for your dog? This video will hopefully direct you on the right path to what your dog needs. Be sure to check back to catch part 2 and 3 of this series on raw diet formulations!



•TikTok: @the_primalpack

#theprimalpack #pmrdiet #preymodelraw
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I like this a lot and look forward to your upcoming videos!
I think it's also important to note that often times, PMR meals are deficient in nutrients not only because they don't include all the parts of an animal that would be consumed in whole prey (ie: tendons, brains, eyes, etc), but the quality of the meat plays a role too! A grain fed cow is not going to be as nutrient dense as a grass fed and finished cow. Same with a chicken raised indoors without sunlight versus a pasture raised chicken. The lower quality meats tend to lack in certain nutrients and so filling those gaps with whole food sources is really important!
I got a meal plan from RawPetsRule to ensure my dog would be getting everything he needs in his diet, and I'm so pleased with the service Erin provides!


You explain everything so well! At first I was so confused with what everything was telling me, but this is so much simpler! Your my favorite raw feeding channel, thanks!


This channel is so good!!! you really need more credit!!!


I'm an NRC feeder that follows prey model philosophy. I have found that prey model alone isn't balanced, but not because of the ratios or the no supplementation, it's because of the protein source itself. I found that if I use PMR ratios with the natural prey of wolves, such as venison or caribou or bison, It is balanced, almost completely. The only things that are a little low is manganese (which would be provided in the tripe or fur of the animal) and vitamin E (which actually may suggest that NRC provides too much vit E)


I really like the style of your videos! A class.


Great video and super well explained as usual!


I feed my dog a frozen raw meat diet mixed with a balance of veggies. Dogs are not wolves. They have been gradually altered with breeding and feeding. Before this dog, I had to dogs who lived long healthy lives eating decent quality kibble. My last dog lived to 16. I am doing this as an experiment to see the difference myself. I do not make my own mix. I buy a brand of frozen raw dog meat that has a good reputation locally. I think that the key ingredient for a dog to live a long, healthy life is love and structure.


Thanks for these videos, they’re super informative. I was wondering if you do one on the price difference between feeding kibble vs raw?


I just lol thinking of someone on a message board getting real angry “NO FRUIT OR VEGGIES! GAWD!!!! Yes they need fur but fruit? No way!”


I just hate doing it while living with my mom lol cuz she just likes to question everything i do as if im not to be trusted. Which for one im doing this for my dog cuz i love her


Your videos are amazing in content and quality. Do you by chance plan on doing a video about puppy oriented raw diets?


I just found you today watch many of your videos and they are great. You said whole pretty animals must be frozen for a month and I was wondering why? What benefits freezing it have and it is an unnatural in the wild


Awesome video! I have a puppy 13 week Bernese Mountain dog how should I feed him so that he grows healthy as strong? With all nutrients he needs? Thank you in advance?


Listening to how you describe this... and watching how you have prepped meals before, I'm guessing this one isn't your favorite. 🤣


Hi, im confused with ratio. 80% meat/muscle, 5% offal/organ, 5% liver = 90%. You then said 2-5 % fur or feathers. What is the other 5-8 % please? also how to you work out the correct nutrition for puppies please?


Could u make a raw diet Playlist for ferrets? I'm getting a baby and eventually Anna do Frankenprey but I'm still kinda confused on how to portion it for baby's cuz they eat 4 times a day help PLEASE😅


So I can feed this model once a week and that will give the needed nutrients?


eh, I have been researching dog domestication and I find the philosophy of PMR faulty - yes, dogs do come from the wolf but they are not wolves anymore. They spent thousands of years living in the urban areas and being naturally selective to eat almost anything. They are adapted to digest starch - which is something a wolf cannot do. Therefore I dont think that feeding prey model solely is sufficient.


why do you recommend to freeze the whole prey before giving it to the dog?


What books did you read to learn more about raw feeding?
