What Are Prebiotics? | GutDr Mini-Explainer

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Prebiotics are food for the good bacteria in the gut, and can turbocharge them to improve our health. But did you know that the definition of a prebiotic has actually evolved over the past few decades, and that they don't have to be confined to the gut?

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The GutDr (Dr. Vincent Ho) is passionate about providing credible, accurate information about the gut, and educating people to maintain a healthy and happy gut. This YouTube channel will provide informational videos about the gut, and also answer your questions!


prebiotics, fermentation, microbiota, inulin, fructan, asparagus, chicory root, garlic, jerusalem artichoke, onions, leeks, short chain fatty acids, bowel, gutdr, health, gut, stomach
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Great video GutDr! I love how you explained the importance of prebiotics and their evolving definition. It's so helpful to learn how they support our gut health. Can't wait to share this with friends!


Great video Doc. Thanks for sharing. :)

I'm working with a Scandinavian-based direct sales company that has made a health protocol, based on testing and balancing the Omega 6:3 ratio, balancing the gut microbiome with a prebiotic fiber blend, and lastley adding the nutrients most people lack in the modern diet. When your cells are in a healthy balance with the omega 6:3 ratio, the absorption of the nutrients increases and the waste exits easier from the cells.

When I started using the balance oil, my omega 6:3 ratio was at 20:1 and after taking the products for 120 days the omega ratio went down to 2, 1:1. I have to say at that time I only used the oil and the vitaminblend. That was a game changer that helped me get rid of or reduce many of my health problems.

For many years the founder of the company had dealt with stomach problems, but that changed when he balanced the Omega 6:3 ratio, and from what I have read there is a link between gut health and omega balance. is it possible for you to make a video about gut health and the omega balance?


Thank you for your incredible videos, Doc! Can you please do a video about the difference in stomach condition and gut health between people who are whole food plant-based and those eating animal products? Thank you in advance.


Hey doc, can we get a video on IBS please?


Hey I didn't know you already had a video on inulin!!!!


So, what food is good for anti-bloating anti-inflammation. Thanks


Hye dr, your videos well explained. I would to ask Dr, i have been going through this health scenario for years, where i cant eat alot at one go like use to be, my tummy almost bloated and when it does, my abdomen feels pain till i can feel the pain to my balls, thighs and legs. I also can feel the heat inside my body, irritated and etc most of the times. I couldnt eat anything spicy at all, fast foods and anything Dr. I realised then that my gut is not functioning properly causing these kidn of symptoms.Then i decide to take prebiotic supplement, at start it was okay as i can pass my poop everything normally but then the i can feel that the bloating keeps happening however sometimes even worse and having acid refluxes too Dr. How Dr? I know i cannot survive without prebiotics after this but why the health supplement triggers my symptoms more and make it worse. Thank you


Nice information, please make a video on cause of hemorrhoids and prevention


For someone that is on a restrictive diet due to feeding tube (from 2 mouth and neck cancer treatments) who still gets silent reflux and burning in my mouth and throat would you recommend Prebiotics or Probiotics?
I've tried most of the OTC drugs but nothing seems to work>


I am not sure i am having bloating or just my belly. But i always have upset stomach right after i eat and sometimes poop waterly few times and regularly gas coming out. I always feel like something pushing from inside. I really need help.


Hi doc, I’m suffering from sensitivity to gluten. Is there a way to reverse it.


Hello dr Tnx for helping humans .. can you plz help me with my issues I have psoriasis from 10 years 4 months back Hot hyperthyroidism also one 4cm fibroid in uterus


I still don't know what a prebiotic is or what it does after watching this. Too much technical jargon.


Inulin is garbage. It does not absorb water from the colon. The real reason and mechanism inulin induces a bowel movement is because it can not be absorbed in the intestines and ANYTHING that is not absorbed ends up in the colon where it irritates the colon and it is the colon that draws water into itself to flush out the irritant.
